Home ยป Fallout 4 ยป Fallout 4 Settlements Locations and Tips
Settlements in Fallout 4 are places you can claim as your own to build stuff in, store items or create mini cities. They have a wide variety of uses and all of it begins and ends with a Workshop being present.
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there are 30 places in Fallout 4 that contain a Workshop and consequently allow you to build stuff there or send recruited companions or people to these places (here’s how to find companions in settlements). More settlers you recruit, more food, water and power you will need. You provide these resources by building stuff in your settlement or by establishing trade routes that will provide these items for your settlers. There is a huge amount of information that can be shared about the settlements and just building a base is a game of its own in Fallout 4.
In this guide we will concentrate on providing a list of all places that can be made into settlements as well as some tips on how to use settlements on the basic level (check out our guide how to power up the house) – as help for you adventuring through Commonwealth. A more in-depth guide will be created that will go into how to build out your settlements and create really impressive structures and configurations.
Basic Settlement Usage
The first settlement you will unlock is Sanctuary, just south of Vault 111. After you do the second main story mission in Concord you will have your first settlers in Sanctuary (list of crafting ingredients and how to get them). After a few more quests you will be tasked to build some defenses and provide food and water for your settlers. Doing these quests will give you a basic idea on how settlements function. You will also get a quest to visit Tenpines Bluff and recruit them for Minuteman. This will show you how other settlements and workshops can be acquired. What is left is to deck out your settlement any way you like. Make sure you have enough food, water and power supply to keep your settlers happy (here’s how you can increase happiness in setlements). You can trade with any settler and provide them with armor and weapons to better defend themselves. Building defensive structures also helps. There’s no way to exile someone from your village, so if you have a problem with anyone, you should look into how to kill settlers without alerting everyone.
The one thing I wish I knew at start is that for some of the structures to function (defense and shops) you need to assign settlers to them. Go into the Workshop menu and walk over to a settler. You will now have an option to issue commands to him/her at the bottom of the screen. Now go to the structure that needs a settler manning it and issue the Assign command for the structure to become active. You should also check out our guide on how to establish supply lines between settlements in Fallout 4 on this page.
Open the Workshop menu and target a settler. Press the Command button (E on PC)
Next move to the building you want to assign the settler to and click the Assign action.
Perks needed for Settlement Building
You should know that some more advanced structures require you to have certain perks in various trees, so you probably won’t be able to build all the available stuff until much later in the game. Here are all the perks needed to unlock everything:
Local Leader, Rank 2, CHA 6 and lvl 14
Gun Nut, Rank 3, Requires INT 3 and lvl 25
Science, Rank 3, INT 6 and lvl 28
Hacker, INT 4
Medic, INT 2
Cap Collector, Rank 2, CHA 1 and lvl 20
Location of all Settlements in Fallout 4
There are 30 places with Workshops you can convert to Settlements. Some settlements require you to clear out the place of enemies to tain access to the Workshop. Others require you to do a quest that will make the current occupants allow you to use their place as your settlement. Some you will get for free (Sanctuary and Red Rocket). Various Settlements have their pros and cons. Bellow you will find a full list of Settlements as well as a map of their locations. We recommend you choose at least one as your base of operations where you’ll stash your stuff and if you are really into building some of these will be heaven.
Requirements: none
Info: First settlement you will get as part of the main quest. Large buildable area with access to open water and lots of Scrap and existing buildings.
Red Rocket
Truck Stop
Requirements: none
Info: Just south of Sanctuary has lots of workbenches alreeady available and you find your dog companion here. Lots of scrap available
Requirements: Returning the Favor Quest
Info: Plenty of land for you to grow food on. Good spot for a farm because it already ahs some plants and with little investment you can make this your primary food source. Raiders will be of relatively low level as well, which is nice.
Tenpines Bluff
Requirements: Complete the quest at the location
Info: Small farm with already established crops. You will have to recruit this settlement as part of an early quest for the minutemen.
Requirements: Clear the area
Info: large area for building and several existing structures
Sunshine Tidings Co-op
Requirements: Clear the area of enemies
Info Has some structures and beds already, but also a home for Mr. Handy robot Professor Goodfeels.
Requirements: Clear the area of enemies
Info: Small area with some power structures in place. There’s a magazine here for you to pick up. Overlooks the nearby toxic lake.
Requirements: Complete the quest given at the spot
Info: Already existing crops so a good place for food production
The Slog
Requirements: Complete the offered quest
Info: Special because its population consists entirely of ghouls. Might be good for Hancock relationship status. It is a framing settlement so crops are abundant already.
Finch Farm
Out of the Fire Quest
Requirements: Kill hostiles
Info: Access to water
Requirements: Human Error Quest or dispose of the current occupants
Info: There is a moral dilemma you will have to face when attempting to acquire this settlement. Other than that, if you keep the occupants you will have access to existing vendors.
Requirements: Troubled Waters Quest
Info: Special thing about this place is that it is entirely populated by robots. They have a well established farm running there. The thing with robots is that they require no food or water to operate so all you need is some defenses and you have a functioning food producing farm ready. ย Several smaller settlements
can be sustained by the initial robot population.
Requirements: Help the locals
Info: existing crops and buildings
Requirements: Kill the hostiles
Requirements: Kill the hostiles
Info: Access to large open water, big structure and fun terrain to build on.
Croup Manor
Requirements: Kill the hostiles
Info: Beside having a 3 story manor on its premises it is an empty settlement.
Nordhagen Beach
Requirements: Complete the quest at the spot
Info: Access to water and plenty of dirt
Boston Airport
Requirements: Shadow of Steel Quest
Info: You can’t plant crops here or build anything. You can Scrap a lot of stuff though. If you plan on actually settling this place with people you will have to have food supplied from another settlement.
Somerville Place
Reqs: Complete the quest on the spot
Info: Existing crops
Egret Tours
Reqs: Either make friends with or kill Phyllis Daily
Info: Water and buildings, also – booby traps.
Jamaica Plain
Reqs: Kill the enemies in the area
Info: comes with a big building and its own parking lot – urban dwellers rejoice
Spectacle Island
Reqs: Kill the enemies in the area
Info: This area is infested with high level enemies. If you do decide to settle it do it in the late game. Once you do you will have access to open water, somee power infrastructure and huge area to build stuff on. Perfect playground for those that want to build after they went rhgouh most of the game.
Warwick Homestead
Reqs: Complete the quest on the spot
Info: Rather large with existing plants
Bunker Hill
Reqs: The Battle of Bunker Hill Quest
Info: Centraly positioned and good candidate for base of operations. Comes with vendors and enough infrastructure to support its current population.
Reqs: Kill the enemies in the area
Info: Well protected by walls – not much else.
The Castle
Reqs: Kill the enemies in the area
Info: A lot of minuteman quests take place here and it is filled with various pre-existing equipment. Fantastic settlement in many ways.
County Crossing Reqs: Complete the quest on the spot
As a player that is not into a lot of micro management you might be wondering how can I use Settlements to improve my character and make my adventuring easier. Here are a few ways.
Use Settlements for storage
Workshops in settlements are used for creating items from Junk Items you picked up during your questing. We recommend that after every big questing period you pick one settlement as your home base and go there to store Junk items and other items you don’t want to be carrying around all of the time. Go to your Workshop and interact with it. There is an option to Transfer all Junk items into the Workshop. That is what Junk items are meant for anyways. Presto – your inventory is lighter and you have various crafting materials available for building your base.
You can transfer all your Junk items into the Workstation.
Build a safe or another container piece of furniture to store other items
Tip: If you are good with money and don’t want to give your armor or weapons to your settlers you can also use a nice little trick to get some construction materials from your non-junk items. Drop whatever item you want to scrap onto the ground (from your inventory screen you have an option to do that). Now open the Workshop menu and target the dropped item. You will have the option to scrap it and get building materials from that.
With Workshop menu open target the item you dropped on the ground.
You can now scrap that item as well and get building materials.
Other thing you can do in your settlement is build a closet or perhaps a safe and store your items in there. You can also pick an already existing storage container (like a toolbox) and transfer items you don’t want to scrap, but don’t want to carry around either. This will lighten your inventory as well.
Make money with your Settlement
For this to work you will have to have at least 6 Charisma value, several perks in the Charisma tree, high enough level and some spare settlers. You probably shouldn’t dabble into this until at least level 14 (required level to unlock one of the perks needed for this).
The whole point is to build shops in your settlement. These shops will generate passive income over time and are a great way not to go broke in the Commonwealth. Initial investment can be a bit steep, but it soon pays off. You have to have two points in the Local Leader perk from the Charisma tree (requires 6 CHA and level 14) to be able to build shops. Once you do that you have to assign a free settler to the shop, for it to become active. Profit will be based on the number of settlers you have.
You can also setup water purification systems in your villages. These will provide a steady supply of purified water, which can be sold for profit or used as a healing item.
hey guys i dont know when this was published,, but i have 31 settlements,, Egret Tours Marina, can become a settlement by talking to a woman there and convincing her to join the minutemen, to the west of fallons dept store, and south of coast guard pier.. and in some settlements, i have 30 people?? :/ playing ps4 survival, lvl 176
Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for taking the time and effort in writting all these tips. They helped me a lot will definetely use it a lot as I go on further into the game.
Correction on Boston Airport Settlement. You can build (I am playing on ps4). I built a rather small compound that I plan to use for myself for now since you can’t plant crops.
When I started I collected all the mines I found and saved then. When I go t the quest to over take the castle I put down like 30 mines and killed the queen in a instant. But you have to be watching when it killed her. Her body will go somewhere. I wasn’t watching and I couldn’t find her body so I didn’t get the rare item she had.
I am not sure why the author states that you cannot build anything at the Boston Airport. It is a small space, but it is all flat and easy to build on. I could not build a radio tower, but I was able to relocate settlers from other locations and then set up a supply line to my central hub, and it is a decent place to put shops as well as crafting stations. I am thinking about making this my Power Armor base with stations lining the walls. So far I have only built crafting stations and a couple of buildings for bunks, but is certainly not nothing. It is also nice to have a location close to Brotherhood Central that I can call my own.
I’m having a hard time getting water at Croup Manor. I have all the necessary supplies, when I am at a different settlement. But when I go there, it says I don’t have any motherflippin’ concrete. I have concrete coming out my butt, everywhere else, but there. What gives?
Thank you for all this great info. Correction: The player can build at Boston Airport, directly on the spot where the workbench resides. It’s not a very big area considering the size of the airport, but it’s there.
I set my bobble heads on a stand somewhere thatbindisnt build in the workshop. The stand was premade/already there. Now I can’t find where that was… Help!!! Please?
I am having a problem with Spectacle Island. I can’t seem to unlock it as a settlement even though I have done everything that is required. I have killed all enemies including the Queen. I have flipped the switch at the boat and yet I can’t seem to flip the other switch to activate the workbench. I have searched all over and around the area to ensure I haven’t missed anything and still no idea why I can’t use the workbench. I am playing on the Ps4.
Maybe I’m a little OCD here, but is there any way to get rid of all the dead bodies in some of the settlements? They are in my way and there’s a lot in some of these
OK, is there any way to get rid of dead bodies if you use an Xbox? ๐ I hate having the same dead bodies laying around the Drive-In that were there 120+ play hours ago. ๐
On xbox just place the cursor over the body anh hold “A” for a second. It will grab the body and you can tote it where you want, then hit “A” to drop it. I have piles of db’s at every settlement. TIP…when you see an open top wooden crate on a shelf, do his to pull it off and drop it. Often there will be loot in it that you’ll miss otherwise. You can also drag tires and other stuff into our workshop zone for scrapping.
I have dragged the ghoul bodies off of Sunshine Tidings many times. Some of them (in the buildings) keep respawning each time I return there. It bothers me a lot. It takes a lot of time to constantly drag them away when the game keeps putting them back. Zombies creep me out anyway, but having the daed ones permanently all over the place spoils the settlement for me. I’m on xbox so can’t disable through commands. Does anyone know another trick for this on xbox?
Check your Charisma skill. You start with a 10 settler cap, and it adds on using your Charisma skill (including the extra point from finding the Charisma bobblehead). Therefore, if you have rank 10 Charisma and have found the bobblehead, you can have 21 people. Currently my Charisma skill is 8, so I can’t have more than 18 settlers at any settlement. I think that you can only use the bobblehead to add the 11th Charisma point if you already have all 10, so you may want to avoid picking it up by accident. If you pick it up before having all 10, it will save you from having to level up and add the point yourself, but you won’t be able to add the 11th point with a level-up perk point.
The vanilla max appears to be 40. Tough to accomplish but possible. Your population max is based on your charisma plus a base 10. Using charisma boosting items ie; clothing, alcohol, and chems it is possible to reach 30 charisma. While only for a short time, while your charisma is boosted so is your max population.
Base 10 charisma + Bobble head = 21
Wear a pair of glasses+1, hat+1, and Agathaโs Dress /Reginaldโs Suit+3 = 26
I drink a beer+1 but with two points into Party Boy perk +2 = 28
Day Tripper+3, X-cell+2, Grape Mentats+5 = 38
Thereโs also a type of charisma boosting Legendary gear that randomly drops โSharpโ. Each piece providing +1 if you manage to get a full set you would receive a +5 instead of Agathaโs Dress /Reginaldโs Suit+3. Bringing your cap to 40.
Wow honestly just finished reading this whole post and when i say whole post i mean top to bottem and all comments. You guys really covered alot seeig as how with the settlements thereas at least 40hrs of game play in just runing around and trying to settle land. This was a great blog to read and the trends where perfect. Thanks again hope you guys have a good time wandering the wastland, oh and in the words of three dog, keep fighting the good fight.
Great guide but I have set up several supply routes and I have checked the workshops of all the ones linked and the items I have in santuary are not available for use in the linked settlement. Any ideas where I am going wrong?
The inventory of other linked settlements will not show up in the workshop. HOWEVER, the resources of linked settlements WILL show up in workshop mode.
I think T is correct, but I know for a fact that ryan is not. It doesn’t matter which direction the supply caravan route goes. The items do not show up in the workbench transfer menu, but will show up when you go to craft something. Say you wanna add in a few more beds but the transfer screen shows no components needed. If the supply route has already been set up, it will show the components when you go into build mode. If it still doesn’t show, it’s likely a bug that will be patched in the coming days or weeks.
Agree. That is, you can use materials from other linked Settlement workstations for construction, however you can NOT transfer those materials into your personal inventory…or so it appears. Heheheh…I haven’t tried doing so, but probably could use this method to build something at your current location and then immediately scrap the whatever, thus doing a sneaky transfer of materials but…why? Still, its certainly confusing when materials don’t show up at whatever remote site you’re at but…imagine if ALL stuff from ALL linked workstations appeared in any linked workstation…uberinventorylistguddammick!!!
Regardless, even if needed materials for that 4-poster bed don’t show up as present within current location workstation inventory, select the bed anyhow and see if the materials are “magikally” available. They may well be.
It is disappointing that there is a building cap for each settlement. Only so many objects can be placed before it says “nothing more can be built.” It just affects that particular settlement, though.
It seems to change by scrapping stuff. I have been slowly building up Sanctuary, but my build limit has slowly been dropping. I believe this is because I frequently drop my salvage to scrap it down to its basic components before dumping it in the work bench and I’ve seen the bar move a couple of hairs as result last time I did it. I also read somewhere you can do something similar by dropping and picking up weapons.
Correct. The method is tedious, however you CAN pack Sanctuary up to the limit, then reduce it back to near zero by collecting a few dozen pipe weapons in workstation…when you have a spare hour, grab perhaps 30 of these junk weapons out of workstation into your inventory, then drop them all on ground. Go into workstation mode, pick them all up again, storing in workstation. LOL, takes several repetitions to drop from 99% settlement space down to 1% but…if you wish to go for multiple 6 story condos…you can.
Hi, I just want to know if there is anywhere to sell my unused stuff to in order to get caps in return and also be able to purchase stuff? Thanks in advance.
You must be early in the game, or at least were when you posted your comment. While you may know by now, Drumlin Diner is the site for one of the earliest merchants in the game (or two, if you can convince them not to kill each other). That’s also where I met traveling merchant Trashcan Carla, who now often comes by my Sanctuary base.
I just discovered Drumlin Diner… 250 hours in. Funny how every player has a different experience ๐ But Trashcan Carla came to my Sanctuary settlement early on and uninvited, just found her on the street one morning. Guess I should have been more curious and followed her.
Best place to buy and sell stuff is diamond city, it is easy to find and there are many quests connected to it. Plus if you collect all the tatos and mutfruit in the garden area, then you can do one of two things, one, plant them at a settlement to generate food, or two sell them to a vendor in the city, and get quite a few caps (however if you want easy caps early on, create a water purifier (or as many as possible) in sanctuary, and it will generate a top of purified water, which sells (for me) at 8 caps each so I do a quest go gather 100-200 water go to diamond city, sell, buy weapons or junk to get mods for weapons, rinse, repeat
Spectical Island can be taken immediately. Run to the southern tip of the island into the green boat. Turn on the power. Follow the power lines to the trailer and flip the circuit breaker. Don’t fight, just run.
defense must be water and food combined to get rid of the ! thingy, so if you have a settlement with 10 food and 10 water you need a defense of 20. this is what the game calls safe i guess
You need to go in one of the boat and active the switch (Just follow the wire) and kill the merluk queen . The you go back at the workbench and you activate the other switch next to it
, kill the merloks that will spawn and after that you can use the workbench ๐
I didn’t have to kill any of the creatures on Spectacle Island. Go to the boat, activate the switch. Follow the power line to the shack and activate that box. You have to sneak around through the middle section carefully while doing all of this. Leave to another settlement and come back to all creatures gone. To be safe, I put a turret on the island once I emptied it since I haven’t had time to get to it beyond that.
I just wanted to know if its possible to move building from one base to another. Because I stored some on my workbench, but I cant see them on the other settlments.
No you can’t. I just tested it by building a prefab house, a wall, and a staircase. I stored them then went to another settlement with a supply line and nothing. If you want to abandon a settlement you need to scrap everything you built (for a loss of production materials) and rebuild somewhere else. I learned this the hard way. I built Sanctuary to its maximum size (couldn’t even build another small crate). If you want to fortify a settlement and don’t like the material cost for the scrap fences, just use regular walls. If you get creative you can have a two story wall around your whole settlement.
I want to build one large settlement i dont want to maintain and keep up with 30 different settlements is there any way to get all the other settlements to one location? like i have invested alot of time and resources into my first settlement and it can maintain 20+. Is there ny way to do this?
You can’t move everything, since some settlers are permanently tied to a settlement. However, you can centralize things. I have 8 settlements unlocked but only 6 of them are in use and I only regularly visit 3 of them. Sanctuary is my main base and any settlers I like but can’t move to Sanctuary because of the population cap I move to Sunshine Co-op. I also recommend keeping Greentop Nursery because of the high volume of mutfruit it provides. I rely mainly on those, but Abernathy Farm is also good for food reasons, and Tenpines Bluff starts with a fair number of tato plants. I think Graygarden may also have this feature, but I haven’t allied with them as of yet. I haven’t yet unlocked the Castle, but I will likely move many settlers from smaller places like County Crossing and Tenpines Bluff to there, or maybe my customized people from Sanctuary and Sunshine Co-op.
Having local leader so far down in charisma is a kick in the nuts. I really didn’t want to, but I guess i’m going to have to cheat to get it. There are no other perks I want in charisma. 4 points just to reach a perk that locks off a huge gameplay component =/
It was a bad idea to leave you charisma low not just because of local leader but because it is one of the most important skills in fallout. It’s not only good for local leader and you should consider it as a benefit because in Conversations has gotten me out of the most stickiest of situations. Although, it is an important skill it is not necessary to max this skill asap, but it is best to raise it up to 6 or 7 and fill it in charisma with outfits.
hade to fuckin reply to this.. Ive had no problem with just 1 Charisma. Charisma is only usefull if you for some fuckin reason dont want to kill a single soul throughout the game… other then that its a pile of horseshit. They should have made Local leader rank 1 perk instead of 6.
Same here, went 250+ hours through the game with 1 Charisma ; you can get +5 from clothing items, +1 frome alcohool ; with 7 Charisma you can save/load the hardest speech challenges in the game in like half a dozen trials. And even if you won’t allow yourself to save/load there are still some health items out there, like Day Tripper or Grape Mentats, who will take you to 10 . It is hardly debatable that Charisma is terribly balanced versus other skills and the Local Leader perk is a poor, artificial attempt to conceal that weakness. In Fallout 1 & 2 – aside from dialogue being much more complex and the difference between high and low Charisma much more significant – Charima also ruled the number of companions you could travel with, witch was a real game changer – unlike ruling your number of settlers in a totally optional part of the game. Bethesda never found what to do with that stat since they won’t allow you more than one companion, and tying it to optional content was a poor design decision. I like all generation of Fallout games for their respective cons and strengths, but the assertion that Charisma is “one of the most important skill” in Bethesda’s Fallouts is bewildering to me. Successfully passing all the speech checks in the whole game will grant you, what, 1000 more xp and 1000 more caps ? And I think I’m still being generous here.
There are many other perks that are useful in the charisma tree, not just local leader. For example lone wanderer, which reduces damage by 15% and increases carry weight by 50 (at rank 1) and is exploited, because for the purpose of this perk, dogmeat isnt technically a companion, so adventuring with him, still gives you the benifits. Also take the animal friend perk, allowing you to pacify, and (later on) issue commands to certain animals. Maybe even wasteland whisperer or intimidation, charisma is a very good attribute to have, not to mention that vendors give you better prices and being able to talk your way in and out of situations. All in all Have high charisma
On a side note here is my starting loadout for “S.P.E.C.I.A.L.”
Strength – 10
Charisma – 6
and the rest in intelligence ,
This is effective for being able to establish settlements early on, giving me caps and resources fast, so progression is faster, as i can modify my weapons and aromor easier, set up vendors faster generating lots of caps, and be able to have support (via flare gun) nearly anywhere early on (on my current character, I am only lvl 11 and have the entire norther area under my thumb, and large parts of the central commonwealth.
I’m with Jiezl on this. You may not absolutely need it in the game, but it certainly makes it easier. You can get more caps from quests and in many cases progression is tied to being able to persuade people.
Hi I have a rather good settlement built up before I unlocked the castle now I want to move every thing from there to the castle including fencing generators and water pumps is there any way I can do this
Yeah, when you are in the build menu, you can hit o (or b, or whatever the corresponding button is) to store it. Then all you have to do is set up a supply line, and it will be available at Castle.
Do you have to be apart of the Minutemen to build settlements. If you clear one of the locations, can you then build on it? Or is Sanctuary the only base you can use
It varies from settlement to settlement. Many are tied to a quest available through the minutemen, but some only require being cleared of enemies, like Spectacle Island. Some are tied to quests not tied to the minutemen, like Covenant.
I had a quest from Preston to clear Brokenheart Banks as it would make a good settlement along side the quest to clear it for Slog as the mutants were attacking them. Unfortunately I restored a quick save and lost the first quest. Has anyone else had this quest and can confirm it generates a workbench in Brokenheart banks when complete? I can’t get the quest given to me again, I assume as I have already discovered Brokenheart Banks and cleared it now.
Quick question what happens when you have every type of vender and bye another of the exact same one will that bring more money or less or will it just do nothing?
Man not having Charisma is killing me. Castle is a great spot (after you open up the armory), but is still missing power armor customization! I need 6 points in my charisma tree to unlock local leader.. ugh
You can build a power armor station, go to Crafting > Power Armor Station. It’s pretty easy to get all the components, it’s 6 Gears, 4 Oil, 4 Screws, 4 Plastic, 12 Aluminum, 6 Fiberglass and 3 Circuitry.
EDIT: I just realized hat you were saying, you need local leader to build the Power Armor Station, which seems… Strange, to say the least. Anyways, sorry about that.
(Spoilers. This is for other people) I cleared it out at level 14. Finished with level 16. There is a missile launcher and missiles in the rooms along with a fire launcher and gas ammo. If you let your men take the queen out a little, you can finish her off with that. And make sure you of a lot of stimpaks.
I killed he without using stimpaks, on normal thought… You just have to keep that center area between you and her and use the missile launcher to take pop shots. Also if you have any mines I would recommend putting them where she comes in from to instantly shave off some health. Not really for you im sure you have beaten it by now just in case someone else sees this
Lol I just used a the kneecapper 10mm to stop her in her tracks then mini gunned her ass. With a little help from a flamer. Didnt even get hirt by her.
I’m assuming you’ve figured it out by now, but if not, you can scrap gear (weapons and armor and whatnot) by highlighting them in the selection menu at their relevant workbenches and looking for the button prompt to scrap them. You’re better off finding some junk pieces though, they’ll automatically scrap themselves when you need the components inside of them. For example, combination wrenches have 2 unites of steel and 1 gear each, microscopes have 2 unites of crystal, come steel, some fiberoptics, and I think they have copper as well. Junk is also far more readily available than weapons are, so only scrap them when you’re in dire need of components. You can almost always find a better way to get the components you need. Hope this helps.
Open your workshop menu, highlight the settler you want to move, and tell them to move. A list of available settlements will pop up. Pick which one you want to send them to.
Forgive me, maybe i’m missing something but when i highlight them and hit command it there is no menus to have them move cities. just have them move to different spots or take over a responsibility. I can have them set up a trade rout but no change all together.
Some settlers cannot be moved. Named settlers like Sturges and the Longs can’t be moved from Sanctuary. It seems the starting mooks at County Crossing can’t be either, despite being generic settlers.
Hi, thanks for the article – very helpful. Quick question though – if you supply your settlers with new weapons, do you know if you also have to supply ammo?
I’m 80% sure that Companions need ammo for any weapons you tell them to equip (their default weapon has infinite ammo though).
I’m really not sure about Settlers though. Again; I’m 80% sure that NPCs (unless they’re your active companion) do not need ammo, they only carry some ammo with them for Roleplaying/Immersion purposes.
Take all that with a grain of salt though, I checked on it occasionally, but I have not scientifically tested it nor is anyone able to/has anyone properly look into the game files yet.
I gave a bunch of settlers 308 hunting rifles with scopes, but no ammo. The kept using their 38 cal pistols until I gave them each 5 rounds. I’ve seen them shoot way more than 5 each, but it seems they need at least some ammo for the better gun before they make the decision to use it.
From what I can tell, you can give them just one of whatever ammo the gun you’ve equiped them with and that’s all they need. (i.e. if I give them a shot gun of some sort, I then give them just one shell and that’s all they need).
I’ve searched up a lot on this actually as I was curious myself.
Going by what I’ve read so far on forums, Companions have infinite ammo ONLY ON THEIR FIRST GUN. Any additional gun you give them will use ammo just like the player. For settlers it works differently: All the settler needs is 1 bullet that is compatible with the gun they equip (without loss of generality for other ammo types) and they will never run out.
FireOps is correct, Companions need ammo to operate any firearm that does’t come with them via default. Settlers load outs have infinite ammo, regardless of whether that was their “default” weapon, or a firearm you have given them and told them to equip.
I read that too. Companions will use each weapon you give them to carry until ammo is exhausted, then move on to the next. Warning. Be very careful about allowing them to carry Fat Boy or other missile launched weapons. The companion will not distinguish about location and… Kaboom!
In addition to what the others have said, your companions will also sometimes loot ammo for their equipped weapon, thereby being able to use them until the ammo runs out.
Is there any option to move people’s from base to base? I mean like a mamma’s Murphy or whatever she is called. I cannot find any way to move her to other base.because I want to leave sanctuary with all people
Yes, you can move settlers by the workshop menu. On PC its R for the option “Move” you can then pick which other settlement to send them to. This only works if they are regular settlers. Named settlers like Mama Murphy and Sturges you can’t move.
Yes, 10 + number of charisma points your character has. You are also limited by the amount of food, water and other resources you have available in the settlement
because if you have supply lines you can transfer food and water between settlements so you can provide water for more than one settlement with that water purifier
Actually that cap is incorrect. I have a charisma of 6, which should cap out at 16 according to you. My ‘town’ at the starlight drive in has 30 beds and 25 residents. All settlers, no named NPCs. Just an aside, doesn’t that piss everyone else off? I’m really pissed my settlers don’t have and can’t be given names.
The cap seems to be beds available with some bleed over so you can run short on beds. Also, one food per day per settler and an additional water per day per settler. Remember that crops u use water to at the rate of 1 water to 1 food production.
Finally as to the question asked about best solo locations if you don’t want a settlement, just a house… Red Rocket and Hangman’s Alley seem Ideal to me. Hangman’s Ally let’s you build a gauntlet of defences through the long narrow part and the wider part with an alley to the river is where you can build a solid, concrete slab house. You can build right up to and even into the walls of surrounding buildings in that space. My main space there has two story of brick walls inside my house. Makes a wonderful change to scrap shacks. I just wish I could have windows in concrete walls with glazing. I’m still hoping there is a copy of picket fences out there with some sexy, neat walls and windows.
You could have gotten that high population due to charisma boosting items. A hat, pair of glasses, fancy suit, alcohol, and some chems. Though only for a short time your charisma is boosted and because of that your max population cap is also.
The vanilla max appears to be 40. Tough to accomplish but possible. Your population max is based on your charisma plus a base 10. Using charisma boosting items ie; clothing, alcohol, and chems it is possible to reach 30 charisma. While only for a short time, while your charisma is boosted so is your max population.
Base 10 charisma + Bobble head = 21
Wear a pair of glasses+1, hat+1, and Agatha’s Dress /Reginald’s Suit+3 = 26
I drink a beer+1 but with two points into Party Boy perk +2 = 28
Day Tripper+3, X-cell+2, Grape Mentats+5 = 38
There’s also a type of charisma boosting Legendary gear that randomly drops ‘Sharp’. Each piece providing +1 if you manage to get a full set you would receive a +5 instead of Agatha’s Dress /Reginald’s Suit+3. Bringing your cap to 40.
Actually, your maximum population is also based on the settlement location. On Spectacle Island, I was able to have more than 20 settlers even with 9 Charisma. I know this because I was unable to [Move] someone to Sanctuary Hills (which had 19 settlers and was greyed out), but able to send them to Spectacle Island (which had 20 settlers but not greyed out).
Sanctuary becomes your settlement/home as part of the main quest. You best use that as your home base if you just want to store stuff. Go to Sanctuary Workshop (big red crafting table) and store all junk in it. You can probably already build a container piece of furniture and store all your other unwanted sutff in there (like legendary weapons and armor you are not currently using). You can also store stuff in the toolbox in sanctuary and your power armor.
Your English was just fine! I had no problem understanding what you were saying.
Thanks for the advice, I didn’t know about the house in Diamond City. ๐
Only problem with the home plate workshop in diamond city is that it’s an indoor settlement so you can’t build a recruitment beacon to attract settlers and can’t plant crops or anything like that. It’s basically just a house with a bed. You can decorate the house and build furniture but that’s it. Having said that, it is quite handy having an owned bed in diamond city. My usual technique in this game is to always try and go for a sleep just before finishing a quest in order to get the well rested XP bonus. There’s quite a few quests that end in Diamond City so you can use the bed here to get extra XP.
hello: im having trouble with the trade aspects of settlements. I have all the shops and people manning them. I have supply routes between my settlements. I have the perk charimsa level 6 and local leader maxed out. However for 96 hours game time i have not made any caps back on my investment. So 1: how do i set up trade rotues between settlements, like dumb it down for me. And 2: When i have shops and manned them, where does the money they make go? straight into my cap amount, or stored elsewhere? and 3: are trade routes made with an option betwene your own settlements? is there a pre requisite like with a quest before u hae the option? is it the same as supply lines? as you can tell im at my wits end with this lol: no insturction on trade routes is really irrtating me and no one seems to know either O_O!
If you want to make money from settlements, make industrial water purifiers and they will periodically put large amounts of purified water in your workshop for you to sell
Your supply lines or trade routes as ur calling it, only trade your junk and food to the other settlments. You still need to plant them your self at each settlement, and the junk will be available at all settlements that have trade routes. The shops will make money and store yoir share in the settlements workbench. Just scroll over till you see it. You do how ever have to travel to each settlement to claim your money. However if you are trying to build more shops the money you have made will automaticly be able to be used…so you will have your caps plus the caps at all work benches. Hope this kind of helps…I had to learn from trial and error.
The trade routes only share resources between the settlements when you’re in build mode. So if for example you’re building a wooden structure at a settlement that is linked to another then all the wood, and all the junk items that contain wood will be available at both settlements for building. The workshop inventories are not linked in the sense that you can store something in one settlement and then retrieve it elsewhere. If for example you store a weapon in one workshop then you won’t be able to collect it from a different linked settlement, it stays at the workshop where you put it. . It’s a Bethesda game so we should expect it not to work properly. There’ll be loads of glitches that make it inconsistent and incomprehensible.
If you build a shop then caps appear in the misc section of the workshop at that settlement but are not available at other linked settlements.
It can also be used when upgrading weapons and armor at crafting workbenches, not just build mode.
About Glitches, I believe that this was how the supply route system was intended to be.
Also, about vendors. A great thing to do, is set up a settlement at the starlight drive-in, and because of all of the flat open land, set up this as a base of trading operations, because it will be able to yeild a lot of caps due to the sheer number of possible vendors, and centralize your cap prouction, so you dont have to travel all over the map to collect all your caps
Also, you should make certain settlements for certain resources, and try to dedicate that settlement to a single resource. For example:
– Sanctuary – used to generate settlers, High happiness, and a well balanced food water defense setup
– starlight drive in – caps, vendors vendors vendors
Which settlement has the deepest water within the bounds of buildable area?
hey guys i dont know when this was published,, but i have 31 settlements,, Egret Tours Marina, can become a settlement by talking to a woman there and convincing her to join the minutemen, to the west of fallons dept store, and south of coast guard pier.. and in some settlements, i have 30 people?? :/ playing ps4 survival, lvl 176
Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for taking the time and effort in writting all these tips. They helped me a lot will definetely use it a lot as I go on further into the game.
Correction on Boston Airport Settlement. You can build (I am playing on ps4). I built a rather small compound that I plan to use for myself for now since you can’t plant crops.
In Settlement Info you say there is 30, but you list only 29. # 23 is missing.
When I started I collected all the mines I found and saved then. When I go t the quest to over take the castle I put down like 30 mines and killed the queen in a instant. But you have to be watching when it killed her. Her body will go somewhere. I wasn’t watching and I couldn’t find her body so I didn’t get the rare item she had.
I am not sure why the author states that you cannot build anything at the Boston Airport. It is a small space, but it is all flat and easy to build on. I could not build a radio tower, but I was able to relocate settlers from other locations and then set up a supply line to my central hub, and it is a decent place to put shops as well as crafting stations. I am thinking about making this my Power Armor base with stations lining the walls. So far I have only built crafting stations and a couple of buildings for bunks, but is certainly not nothing. It is also nice to have a location close to Brotherhood Central that I can call my own.
I forgot to say thanks for the great post, I cannot tell you how many times I have referred back to this page.
I’m having a hard time getting water at Croup Manor. I have all the necessary supplies, when I am at a different settlement. But when I go there, it says I don’t have any motherflippin’ concrete. I have concrete coming out my butt, everywhere else, but there. What gives?
You need to send a supply line there
Thank you for all this great info. Correction: The player can build at Boston Airport, directly on the spot where the workbench resides. It’s not a very big area considering the size of the airport, but it’s there.
@ryan : there’s a bobble head stand in your room at vault 81
I set my bobble heads on a stand somewhere thatbindisnt build in the workshop. The stand was premade/already there. Now I can’t find where that was… Help!!! Please?
I am having a problem with Spectacle Island. I can’t seem to unlock it as a settlement even though I have done everything that is required. I have killed all enemies including the Queen. I have flipped the switch at the boat and yet I can’t seem to flip the other switch to activate the workbench. I have searched all over and around the area to ensure I haven’t missed anything and still no idea why I can’t use the workbench. I am playing on the Ps4.
Maybe I’m a little OCD here, but is there any way to get rid of all the dead bodies in some of the settlements? They are in my way and there’s a lot in some of these
Open the console (`), click on the corpse using the mouse, type in the console “disable”, type in the console “markfordelete”
OK, is there any way to get rid of dead bodies if you use an Xbox? ๐ I hate having the same dead bodies laying around the Drive-In that were there 120+ play hours ago. ๐
On xbox just place the cursor over the body anh hold “A” for a second. It will grab the body and you can tote it where you want, then hit “A” to drop it. I have piles of db’s at every settlement. TIP…when you see an open top wooden crate on a shelf, do his to pull it off and drop it. Often there will be loot in it that you’ll miss otherwise. You can also drag tires and other stuff into our workshop zone for scrapping.
I have dragged the ghoul bodies off of Sunshine Tidings many times. Some of them (in the buildings) keep respawning each time I return there. It bothers me a lot. It takes a lot of time to constantly drag them away when the game keeps putting them back. Zombies creep me out anyway, but having the daed ones permanently all over the place spoils the settlement for me. I’m on xbox so can’t disable through commands. Does anyone know another trick for this on xbox?
How msny settlers csn I have in Sanctuary Hill? Seems I can’t get over 17:/
it’s based on your charisma. Having 10 charisma gets you 20 maximum settlers.
Check your Charisma skill. You start with a 10 settler cap, and it adds on using your Charisma skill (including the extra point from finding the Charisma bobblehead). Therefore, if you have rank 10 Charisma and have found the bobblehead, you can have 21 people. Currently my Charisma skill is 8, so I can’t have more than 18 settlers at any settlement. I think that you can only use the bobblehead to add the 11th Charisma point if you already have all 10, so you may want to avoid picking it up by accident. If you pick it up before having all 10, it will save you from having to level up and add the point yourself, but you won’t be able to add the 11th point with a level-up perk point.
The vanilla max appears to be 40. Tough to accomplish but possible. Your population max is based on your charisma plus a base 10. Using charisma boosting items ie; clothing, alcohol, and chems it is possible to reach 30 charisma. While only for a short time, while your charisma is boosted so is your max population.
Base 10 charisma + Bobble head = 21
Wear a pair of glasses+1, hat+1, and Agathaโs Dress /Reginaldโs Suit+3 = 26
I drink a beer+1 but with two points into Party Boy perk +2 = 28
Day Tripper+3, X-cell+2, Grape Mentats+5 = 38
Thereโs also a type of charisma boosting Legendary gear that randomly drops โSharpโ. Each piece providing +1 if you manage to get a full set you would receive a +5 instead of Agathaโs Dress /Reginaldโs Suit+3. Bringing your cap to 40.
Wow, same here William. Great tips guys, will try the water purifier tomorrow.
Wow honestly just finished reading this whole post and when i say whole post i mean top to bottem and all comments. You guys really covered alot seeig as how with the settlements thereas at least 40hrs of game play in just runing around and trying to settle land. This was a great blog to read and the trends where perfect. Thanks again hope you guys have a good time wandering the wastland, oh and in the words of three dog, keep fighting the good fight.
So the Red Rocket from the Main Menu doesn’t exist in game, then ?
Red Rocket Truck Stop is listed second in the list and is probably the one you are asking about.
That exact one, no.
Great guide but I have set up several supply routes and I have checked the workshops of all the ones linked and the items I have in santuary are not available for use in the linked settlement. Any ideas where I am going wrong?
The inventory of other linked settlements will not show up in the workshop. HOWEVER, the resources of linked settlements WILL show up in workshop mode.
you have to set it from santuary to the rest to link them all up not all of them to santuary
I think T is correct, but I know for a fact that ryan is not. It doesn’t matter which direction the supply caravan route goes. The items do not show up in the workbench transfer menu, but will show up when you go to craft something. Say you wanna add in a few more beds but the transfer screen shows no components needed. If the supply route has already been set up, it will show the components when you go into build mode. If it still doesn’t show, it’s likely a bug that will be patched in the coming days or weeks.
Agree. That is, you can use materials from other linked Settlement workstations for construction, however you can NOT transfer those materials into your personal inventory…or so it appears. Heheheh…I haven’t tried doing so, but probably could use this method to build something at your current location and then immediately scrap the whatever, thus doing a sneaky transfer of materials but…why? Still, its certainly confusing when materials don’t show up at whatever remote site you’re at but…imagine if ALL stuff from ALL linked workstations appeared in any linked workstation…uberinventorylistguddammick!!!
Regardless, even if needed materials for that 4-poster bed don’t show up as present within current location workstation inventory, select the bed anyhow and see if the materials are “magikally” available. They may well be.
23 Murwater is missing off list
It is disappointing that there is a building cap for each settlement. Only so many objects can be placed before it says “nothing more can be built.” It just affects that particular settlement, though.
Oh and I’m guessing “stored” built items must count against that total. Any idea?
It seems to change by scrapping stuff. I have been slowly building up Sanctuary, but my build limit has slowly been dropping. I believe this is because I frequently drop my salvage to scrap it down to its basic components before dumping it in the work bench and I’ve seen the bar move a couple of hairs as result last time I did it. I also read somewhere you can do something similar by dropping and picking up weapons.
Correct. The method is tedious, however you CAN pack Sanctuary up to the limit, then reduce it back to near zero by collecting a few dozen pipe weapons in workstation…when you have a spare hour, grab perhaps 30 of these junk weapons out of workstation into your inventory, then drop them all on ground. Go into workstation mode, pick them all up again, storing in workstation. LOL, takes several repetitions to drop from 99% settlement space down to 1% but…if you wish to go for multiple 6 story condos…you can.
Well explained here :
Hi, I just want to know if there is anywhere to sell my unused stuff to in order to get caps in return and also be able to purchase stuff? Thanks in advance.
Where to find shops and sell junk loot – http://www.gosunoob.com/fallout-4/where-to-find-shops-and-sell-junk-loot/
You must be early in the game, or at least were when you posted your comment. While you may know by now, Drumlin Diner is the site for one of the earliest merchants in the game (or two, if you can convince them not to kill each other). That’s also where I met traveling merchant Trashcan Carla, who now often comes by my Sanctuary base.
I just discovered Drumlin Diner… 250 hours in. Funny how every player has a different experience ๐ But Trashcan Carla came to my Sanctuary settlement early on and uninvited, just found her on the street one morning. Guess I should have been more curious and followed her.
Best place to buy and sell stuff is diamond city, it is easy to find and there are many quests connected to it. Plus if you collect all the tatos and mutfruit in the garden area, then you can do one of two things, one, plant them at a settlement to generate food, or two sell them to a vendor in the city, and get quite a few caps (however if you want easy caps early on, create a water purifier (or as many as possible) in sanctuary, and it will generate a top of purified water, which sells (for me) at 8 caps each so I do a quest go gather 100-200 water go to diamond city, sell, buy weapons or junk to get mods for weapons, rinse, repeat
it’s a real shame you can’t build in that crashed cargo ship next to the warwick homestead, that ship is bloody cool
Spectical Island can be taken immediately. Run to the southern tip of the island into the green boat. Turn on the power. Follow the power lines to the trailer and flip the circuit breaker. Don’t fight, just run.
My settlement defense has a triangle with an ! , it’s listed in green with a higher number than settlers. Am I missing something?
defense must be water and food combined to get rid of the ! thingy, so if you have a settlement with 10 food and 10 water you need a defense of 20. this is what the game calls safe i guess
defense needs to be higher than the total of food + water.
I’m having trouble clearing spectacle island. I can’t use the workshop and I’ve been trudging around trying to find enemy’s for hours. Thoughts?
You need to go in one of the boat and active the switch (Just follow the wire) and kill the merluk queen . The you go back at the workbench and you activate the other switch next to it
, kill the merloks that will spawn and after that you can use the workbench ๐
I didn’t have to kill any of the creatures on Spectacle Island. Go to the boat, activate the switch. Follow the power line to the shack and activate that box. You have to sneak around through the middle section carefully while doing all of this. Leave to another settlement and come back to all creatures gone. To be safe, I put a turret on the island once I emptied it since I haven’t had time to get to it beyond that.
Minutemen quest
Thanks for all the tips!
I just wanted to know if its possible to move building from one base to another. Because I stored some on my workbench, but I cant see them on the other settlments.
Thanks again!
IF you establish a supply route between those two settlements the building you stored in one settlement’s workshop will now become available in the other settlement. Check this guide out: http://www.gosunoob.com/fallout-4/how-to-start-supply-lines-and-move-settlers/
No you can’t. I just tested it by building a prefab house, a wall, and a staircase. I stored them then went to another settlement with a supply line and nothing. If you want to abandon a settlement you need to scrap everything you built (for a loss of production materials) and rebuild somewhere else. I learned this the hard way. I built Sanctuary to its maximum size (couldn’t even build another small crate). If you want to fortify a settlement and don’t like the material cost for the scrap fences, just use regular walls. If you get creative you can have a two story wall around your whole settlement.
Drop a bunch of weapons on the ground in pip boy mode and then store them in workshop mode and your building cap should increase
I want to build one large settlement i dont want to maintain and keep up with 30 different settlements is there any way to get all the other settlements to one location? like i have invested alot of time and resources into my first settlement and it can maintain 20+. Is there ny way to do this?
10 settlers per settlement
You can have more than 10. I have 18 in Starlight and 12 in Sanctuary.
You can’t move everything, since some settlers are permanently tied to a settlement. However, you can centralize things. I have 8 settlements unlocked but only 6 of them are in use and I only regularly visit 3 of them. Sanctuary is my main base and any settlers I like but can’t move to Sanctuary because of the population cap I move to Sunshine Co-op. I also recommend keeping Greentop Nursery because of the high volume of mutfruit it provides. I rely mainly on those, but Abernathy Farm is also good for food reasons, and Tenpines Bluff starts with a fair number of tato plants. I think Graygarden may also have this feature, but I haven’t allied with them as of yet. I haven’t yet unlocked the Castle, but I will likely move many settlers from smaller places like County Crossing and Tenpines Bluff to there, or maybe my customized people from Sanctuary and Sunshine Co-op.
Having local leader so far down in charisma is a kick in the nuts. I really didn’t want to, but I guess i’m going to have to cheat to get it. There are no other perks I want in charisma. 4 points just to reach a perk that locks off a huge gameplay component =/
It was a bad idea to leave you charisma low not just because of local leader but because it is one of the most important skills in fallout. It’s not only good for local leader and you should consider it as a benefit because in Conversations has gotten me out of the most stickiest of situations. Although, it is an important skill it is not necessary to max this skill asap, but it is best to raise it up to 6 or 7 and fill it in charisma with outfits.
hade to fuckin reply to this.. Ive had no problem with just 1 Charisma. Charisma is only usefull if you for some fuckin reason dont want to kill a single soul throughout the game… other then that its a pile of horseshit. They should have made Local leader rank 1 perk instead of 6.
You need anger management and probably counseling if a stat can make you flip out so bad.
i agree entirely. seek help
Same here, went 250+ hours through the game with 1 Charisma ; you can get +5 from clothing items, +1 frome alcohool ; with 7 Charisma you can save/load the hardest speech challenges in the game in like half a dozen trials. And even if you won’t allow yourself to save/load there are still some health items out there, like Day Tripper or Grape Mentats, who will take you to 10 . It is hardly debatable that Charisma is terribly balanced versus other skills and the Local Leader perk is a poor, artificial attempt to conceal that weakness. In Fallout 1 & 2 – aside from dialogue being much more complex and the difference between high and low Charisma much more significant – Charima also ruled the number of companions you could travel with, witch was a real game changer – unlike ruling your number of settlers in a totally optional part of the game. Bethesda never found what to do with that stat since they won’t allow you more than one companion, and tying it to optional content was a poor design decision. I like all generation of Fallout games for their respective cons and strengths, but the assertion that Charisma is “one of the most important skill” in Bethesda’s Fallouts is bewildering to me. Successfully passing all the speech checks in the whole game will grant you, what, 1000 more xp and 1000 more caps ? And I think I’m still being generous here.
You can’t unlock the perks based on provisional Charisma points. Local Leader isnt essential, but I love having it.
c’mon mate thats terribly innacurate, aside from that, you sound like quite a joy..
There are many other perks that are useful in the charisma tree, not just local leader. For example lone wanderer, which reduces damage by 15% and increases carry weight by 50 (at rank 1) and is exploited, because for the purpose of this perk, dogmeat isnt technically a companion, so adventuring with him, still gives you the benifits. Also take the animal friend perk, allowing you to pacify, and (later on) issue commands to certain animals. Maybe even wasteland whisperer or intimidation, charisma is a very good attribute to have, not to mention that vendors give you better prices and being able to talk your way in and out of situations. All in all Have high charisma
On a side note here is my starting loadout for “S.P.E.C.I.A.L.”
Strength – 10
Charisma – 6
and the rest in intelligence ,
This is effective for being able to establish settlements early on, giving me caps and resources fast, so progression is faster, as i can modify my weapons and aromor easier, set up vendors faster generating lots of caps, and be able to have support (via flare gun) nearly anywhere early on (on my current character, I am only lvl 11 and have the entire norther area under my thumb, and large parts of the central commonwealth.
I’m with Jiezl on this. You may not absolutely need it in the game, but it certainly makes it easier. You can get more caps from quests and in many cases progression is tied to being able to persuade people.
I didn’t want to cheat but I guess I’m going to have to because there’s no way I’m going to level up five times!
Hi I have a rather good settlement built up before I unlocked the castle now I want to move every thing from there to the castle including fencing generators and water pumps is there any way I can do this
Yeah, when you are in the build menu, you can hit o (or b, or whatever the corresponding button is) to store it. Then all you have to do is set up a supply line, and it will be available at Castle.
Do you have to be apart of the Minutemen to build settlements. If you clear one of the locations, can you then build on it? Or is Sanctuary the only base you can use
It varies from settlement to settlement. Many are tied to a quest available through the minutemen, but some only require being cleared of enemies, like Spectacle Island. Some are tied to quests not tied to the minutemen, like Covenant.
Missed Breakheart Banks slightly northeast of Greentop
that’s not one actually. It just used to be a farm that got taken over by super mutants.
I had a quest from Preston to clear Brokenheart Banks as it would make a good settlement along side the quest to clear it for Slog as the mutants were attacking them. Unfortunately I restored a quick save and lost the first quest. Has anyone else had this quest and can confirm it generates a workbench in Brokenheart banks when complete? I can’t get the quest given to me again, I assume as I have already discovered Brokenheart Banks and cleared it now.
Just read about Brokenhart Banks. You cannot make a settlement there. Dang it! Hopefully, some clever person will Mod it for us. Please?
Quick question what happens when you have every type of vender and bye another of the exact same one will that bring more money or less or will it just do nothing?
Man not having Charisma is killing me. Castle is a great spot (after you open up the armory), but is still missing power armor customization! I need 6 points in my charisma tree to unlock local leader.. ugh
You can build a power armor station, go to Crafting > Power Armor Station. It’s pretty easy to get all the components, it’s 6 Gears, 4 Oil, 4 Screws, 4 Plastic, 12 Aluminum, 6 Fiberglass and 3 Circuitry.
EDIT: I just realized hat you were saying, you need local leader to build the Power Armor Station, which seems… Strange, to say the least. Anyways, sorry about that.
You forgot #23
You might want to add to the page forthe castle that the cons: Difficult Enemies
(Spoilers. This is for other people) I cleared it out at level 14. Finished with level 16. There is a missile launcher and missiles in the rooms along with a fire launcher and gas ammo. If you let your men take the queen out a little, you can finish her off with that. And make sure you of a lot of stimpaks.
I killed he without using stimpaks, on normal thought… You just have to keep that center area between you and her and use the missile launcher to take pop shots. Also if you have any mines I would recommend putting them where she comes in from to instantly shave off some health. Not really for you im sure you have beaten it by now just in case someone else sees this
You can use the beds to regain health while you are killing the Mirelurk Queen.
I just called in a vetebird and killed in a couple seconds
Lol I just used a the kneecapper 10mm to stop her in her tracks then mini gunned her ass. With a little help from a flamer. Didnt even get hirt by her.
Where can I scrap Gear??? I dont even know what it is and I just need to build one dumb generator someone help!!!!!!!
I’m assuming you’ve figured it out by now, but if not, you can scrap gear (weapons and armor and whatnot) by highlighting them in the selection menu at their relevant workbenches and looking for the button prompt to scrap them. You’re better off finding some junk pieces though, they’ll automatically scrap themselves when you need the components inside of them. For example, combination wrenches have 2 unites of steel and 1 gear each, microscopes have 2 unites of crystal, come steel, some fiberoptics, and I think they have copper as well. Junk is also far more readily available than weapons are, so only scrap them when you’re in dire need of components. You can almost always find a better way to get the components you need. Hope this helps.
Can i transfer the population from one settlement to another? Like if i really like the people i have but find a settlement i like more?
you can btw
Explain how please.
Open your workshop menu, highlight the settler you want to move, and tell them to move. A list of available settlements will pop up. Pick which one you want to send them to.
Forgive me, maybe i’m missing something but when i highlight them and hit command it there is no menus to have them move cities. just have them move to different spots or take over a responsibility. I can have them set up a trade rout but no change all together.
Some settlers cannot be moved. Named settlers like Sturges and the Longs can’t be moved from Sanctuary. It seems the starting mooks at County Crossing can’t be either, despite being generic settlers.
yes they can as i said above i have moved sturges ๐
Hi, thanks for the article – very helpful. Quick question though – if you supply your settlers with new weapons, do you know if you also have to supply ammo?
I’m 80% sure that Companions need ammo for any weapons you tell them to equip (their default weapon has infinite ammo though).
I’m really not sure about Settlers though. Again; I’m 80% sure that NPCs (unless they’re your active companion) do not need ammo, they only carry some ammo with them for Roleplaying/Immersion purposes.
Take all that with a grain of salt though, I checked on it occasionally, but I have not scientifically tested it nor is anyone able to/has anyone properly look into the game files yet.
I gave a bunch of settlers 308 hunting rifles with scopes, but no ammo. The kept using their 38 cal pistols until I gave them each 5 rounds. I’ve seen them shoot way more than 5 each, but it seems they need at least some ammo for the better gun before they make the decision to use it.
From what I can tell, you can give them just one of whatever ammo the gun you’ve equiped them with and that’s all they need. (i.e. if I give them a shot gun of some sort, I then give them just one shell and that’s all they need).
I’ve searched up a lot on this actually as I was curious myself.
Going by what I’ve read so far on forums, Companions have infinite ammo ONLY ON THEIR FIRST GUN. Any additional gun you give them will use ammo just like the player. For settlers it works differently: All the settler needs is 1 bullet that is compatible with the gun they equip (without loss of generality for other ammo types) and they will never run out.
FireOps is correct, Companions need ammo to operate any firearm that does’t come with them via default. Settlers load outs have infinite ammo, regardless of whether that was their “default” weapon, or a firearm you have given them and told them to equip.
I read that too. Companions will use each weapon you give them to carry until ammo is exhausted, then move on to the next. Warning. Be very careful about allowing them to carry Fat Boy or other missile launched weapons. The companion will not distinguish about location and… Kaboom!
In addition to what the others have said, your companions will also sometimes loot ammo for their equipped weapon, thereby being able to use them until the ammo runs out.
Is there any option to move people’s from base to base? I mean like a mamma’s Murphy or whatever she is called. I cannot find any way to move her to other base.because I want to leave sanctuary with all people
Yes, you can move settlers by the workshop menu. On PC its R for the option “Move” you can then pick which other settlement to send them to. This only works if they are regular settlers. Named settlers like Mama Murphy and Sturges you can’t move.
actually u can move sturges i have. ๐
http://xboxclips.com/Reaper28852/screenshots/82961f6f-2409-4dfa-8ce4-52e7e8d09333 moved him from sanctuary to the castle ๐
is there a limit to how many people can occupy your settlement???
Yes, 10 + number of charisma points your character has. You are also limited by the amount of food, water and other resources you have available in the settlement
Why can we create water purifiers that produce 40 water when each settler requires only 1 water?
because if you have supply lines you can transfer food and water between settlements so you can provide water for more than one settlement with that water purifier
The additional waters are placed in the workshop inventory as purified water. You can sell these or use them in crafting.
Sell the water to the traders in Diamond City, 81, and the others. 200 or 300 bottles of purified water brings big caps.
actually, i have 20 settlers with just 6 charisma without having sent them from another settlement.
Actually that cap is incorrect. I have a charisma of 6, which should cap out at 16 according to you. My ‘town’ at the starlight drive in has 30 beds and 25 residents. All settlers, no named NPCs. Just an aside, doesn’t that piss everyone else off? I’m really pissed my settlers don’t have and can’t be given names.
The cap seems to be beds available with some bleed over so you can run short on beds. Also, one food per day per settler and an additional water per day per settler. Remember that crops u use water to at the rate of 1 water to 1 food production.
Finally as to the question asked about best solo locations if you don’t want a settlement, just a house… Red Rocket and Hangman’s Alley seem Ideal to me. Hangman’s Ally let’s you build a gauntlet of defences through the long narrow part and the wider part with an alley to the river is where you can build a solid, concrete slab house. You can build right up to and even into the walls of surrounding buildings in that space. My main space there has two story of brick walls inside my house. Makes a wonderful change to scrap shacks. I just wish I could have windows in concrete walls with glazing. I’m still hoping there is a copy of picket fences out there with some sexy, neat walls and windows.
You could have gotten that high population due to charisma boosting items. A hat, pair of glasses, fancy suit, alcohol, and some chems. Though only for a short time your charisma is boosted and because of that your max population cap is also.
ok i have but one question if this is the case how do i with 6 charisma and not moving any settlers have 17 at abernathy farms?
The vanilla max appears to be 40. Tough to accomplish but possible. Your population max is based on your charisma plus a base 10. Using charisma boosting items ie; clothing, alcohol, and chems it is possible to reach 30 charisma. While only for a short time, while your charisma is boosted so is your max population.
Base 10 charisma + Bobble head = 21
Wear a pair of glasses+1, hat+1, and Agatha’s Dress /Reginald’s Suit+3 = 26
I drink a beer+1 but with two points into Party Boy perk +2 = 28
Day Tripper+3, X-cell+2, Grape Mentats+5 = 38
There’s also a type of charisma boosting Legendary gear that randomly drops ‘Sharp’. Each piece providing +1 if you manage to get a full set you would receive a +5 instead of Agatha’s Dress /Reginald’s Suit+3. Bringing your cap to 40.
Actually, your maximum population is also based on the settlement location. On Spectacle Island, I was able to have more than 20 settlers even with 9 Charisma. I know this because I was unable to [Move] someone to Sanctuary Hills (which had 19 settlers and was greyed out), but able to send them to Spectacle Island (which had 20 settlers but not greyed out).
I don’t want to do a settlement where do you suggest I find a home that is safe for my stuff ?
Sanctuary becomes your settlement/home as part of the main quest. You best use that as your home base if you just want to store stuff. Go to Sanctuary Workshop (big red crafting table) and store all junk in it. You can probably already build a container piece of furniture and store all your other unwanted sutff in there (like legendary weapons and armor you are not currently using). You can also store stuff in the toolbox in sanctuary and your power armor.
You can buy a house in diamond city by talking to the secretary at the mayor office (sorry my english im french canadian )
Your English was just fine! I had no problem understanding what you were saying.
Thanks for the advice, I didn’t know about the house in Diamond City. ๐
Only problem with the home plate workshop in diamond city is that it’s an indoor settlement so you can’t build a recruitment beacon to attract settlers and can’t plant crops or anything like that. It’s basically just a house with a bed. You can decorate the house and build furniture but that’s it. Having said that, it is quite handy having an owned bed in diamond city. My usual technique in this game is to always try and go for a sleep just before finishing a quest in order to get the well rested XP bonus. There’s quite a few quests that end in Diamond City so you can use the bed here to get extra XP.
Your English was just fine but your french was a little weak.
actually that was perfect english my friend. great job! ๐
Vault 81 or Home Plate in Diamond City… that’s what I found so far.
Vault 81 requires too many load screens to get into and out of.
As long as you don’t produce food or water in your settlement, it’s safe from attacks.
If you increase you’re defense to a higher level than the water and food resources raiders will not attack. This was explained in a youtube video.
Mine are pretty safe even when attacked. I have all my settlers wearing armor and carting high powered weapons.
hello: im having trouble with the trade aspects of settlements. I have all the shops and people manning them. I have supply routes between my settlements. I have the perk charimsa level 6 and local leader maxed out. However for 96 hours game time i have not made any caps back on my investment. So 1: how do i set up trade rotues between settlements, like dumb it down for me. And 2: When i have shops and manned them, where does the money they make go? straight into my cap amount, or stored elsewhere? and 3: are trade routes made with an option betwene your own settlements? is there a pre requisite like with a quest before u hae the option? is it the same as supply lines? as you can tell im at my wits end with this lol: no insturction on trade routes is really irrtating me and no one seems to know either O_O!
There are no trade routes – just supply routes. Income will show up in your Workshop at the settlement with the shops (as Bottlecaps).
Game has been out since November 10th and you have 96 hours as of November 11th. How is that even possible? Impressive sir.
96 “game hours” aka 4 in-game days
“However for 96 hours GAME TIME I have not made any caps back on my investment.” He means in game time system.
If you want to make money from settlements, make industrial water purifiers and they will periodically put large amounts of purified water in your workshop for you to sell
You collect your caps by going into the (R) transfer section of your workshop stuff and pulling up MISC. Your caps will be there.
Your supply lines or trade routes as ur calling it, only trade your junk and food to the other settlments. You still need to plant them your self at each settlement, and the junk will be available at all settlements that have trade routes. The shops will make money and store yoir share in the settlements workbench. Just scroll over till you see it. You do how ever have to travel to each settlement to claim your money. However if you are trying to build more shops the money you have made will automaticly be able to be used…so you will have your caps plus the caps at all work benches. Hope this kind of helps…I had to learn from trial and error.
Check you settlement junk.
You’ll find your caps at workbench. Press to transfer and check under misc.
The trade routes only share resources between the settlements when you’re in build mode. So if for example you’re building a wooden structure at a settlement that is linked to another then all the wood, and all the junk items that contain wood will be available at both settlements for building. The workshop inventories are not linked in the sense that you can store something in one settlement and then retrieve it elsewhere. If for example you store a weapon in one workshop then you won’t be able to collect it from a different linked settlement, it stays at the workshop where you put it. . It’s a Bethesda game so we should expect it not to work properly. There’ll be loads of glitches that make it inconsistent and incomprehensible.
If you build a shop then caps appear in the misc section of the workshop at that settlement but are not available at other linked settlements.
wtf is inconsistent or incomprehensible about any of that? what glitch? you just wanted to use those words hahahaha
It can also be used when upgrading weapons and armor at crafting workbenches, not just build mode.
About Glitches, I believe that this was how the supply route system was intended to be.
Also, about vendors. A great thing to do, is set up a settlement at the starlight drive-in, and because of all of the flat open land, set up this as a base of trading operations, because it will be able to yeild a lot of caps due to the sheer number of possible vendors, and centralize your cap prouction, so you dont have to travel all over the map to collect all your caps
Also, you should make certain settlements for certain resources, and try to dedicate that settlement to a single resource. For example:
– Sanctuary – used to generate settlers, High happiness, and a well balanced food water defense setup
– starlight drive in – caps, vendors vendors vendors
hope this helps
yeah no, that’s not a glitch, that’s common sense. The provisioners are transferring resources, not items and weapons.