White Sword of the Sky Zelda TOTK, Mother Goddess Statue
The White Sword of the Sky is a special weapon in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Being very powerful (not to mention – very cool-looking), it should come as no surprise that it is likewise pretty difficult to obtain. The only way you can get the White Sword of the Sky in Zelda TOTK, is by completing the Mother Goddess Statue questline. This requires that you get the claws of three Dragons – Naydra’s Claw, Dinraal’s Claw, and Farosh’s Claw. Here’s how you can do this.

Goddess Statue of Wisdom – Naydra’s Claw Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
The first thing that you need to do here is to make your way to the Forgotten Temple. Once there, go to coordinates -1076, 2651, -0084 and interact with the Goddess Statue there. After that, the next step is to go to the Spring of Wisdom and talk to the Goddess Statue of the Spring of Wisdom at 3914, -1329, 0467. It will tell you that you need to get Naydra’s Claw.
Naydra is a Sky Dragon that flies from the Chasm directly to the West from the Spring of Wisdom and then flies to the Chasm north of Kakariko village. By far the best way to do this is to wait at one of these points until the Dragon flies in or out of it and then carefully glide towards it and shoot its claw with your bow. Then, follow where the claw has fallen to, pick it up, and take it to the Spring of Wisdom and put it down in front of it.
Goddess Statue of Wisdom – Dinraal’s Claw Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
These two Dragon Claws likewise follow the same pattern. Let’s begin with Dinraal first. To get this, you first have to visit the Spring of Power and interact with the statue there at 3758, 2676, 0003. This statue will tell you that you need to get Dinraal’s Claw. It comes out of the East Akkala Plains Chasm, which is southeast from the Sprin of Power, and it then flies north. So wait here until it comes out and then shoot it at its claw, collect it, and then take it to the Spring of Power.
Goddess Statue of Wisdom – Farosh’s Claw Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Same process as before, so head to the Spring of Courage and the Goddess Statue there at 0876, -2368, 0016. This one requires the Farosh’s Claw. Farosh appears at the East Gerudo Chasm, so make your way there and wait for it. Once it starts flying out, shoot its claw off. Bring it to the Spring of Courage. Now all that’s left for you to do is to go back to the now-restored Mother Goddess Statue at the Forgotten Temple. As reward for completing this big questline, you will get the White Sword of the Sky.