How to Enter Lost Woods Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
If you don’t know how to enter the Lost Woods in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, don’t worry, we know! Hyrule in Zelda TOTK seems even bigger than before, with hundreds of new locations, points of interest and even two brand new maps – the Sky and the Depths. However, many of those locations seem almost inaccessible at first glances, like the Great Hyrule Forest in Zelda TOTK. In this guide, we explain where is the entrance to the Lost Woods in Zelda TOTK.

How to Enter the Lost Woods in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
The Lost Woods and the rest of the Great Hyrule Forest are essentially an island. At least, almost an island. They are practically completely surrounded by water. The only way to enter inside is via the narrow passage near the Lost Woods. However, early in the game, it is impossible to reach the Forest in this way. Hence, how do you enter the Great Hyrule Forest and the Lost Woods? The solution is through the Depts!
Follow the road north from the Woodlands Stables until you encounter the Minshi Woods Chasm. Jump down the chasm to enter the Depths. Prior to that, mark the centre of the Great Hyrule Forest for easier navigation. The road in the Depths from Minshi Woods Chasm up to the entrance into the Lost Woods follows the same path as the one on the surface. Head northwest and be careful not to fall off the road. At the entrance into the Lost Woods, there’s a scary-looking tree in the Depths. Go inside its mouth and use the Ascend ability to reach its top.
How to Enter Lost Woods through the Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
From there, jump from treetop to treetop, moving towards the previously marked centre of the Great Hyrule Forest. This way, you’ll avoid the Gloom debuff from below. There are three unlockable fast-travel Lightroots there. However, what you’re looking for is this really tall stone structure next to Rikonasum Lightroot. Stand in its middle, use Ascend, and this will take you up in front of the Deku Tree. There’s more story to be revealed here, but we don’t want to spoil the surprises, so just enjoy yourself! So there you have it, that’s how you enter the Lost Woods and the Great Hyrule Forest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.