Hestu Locations Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Knowing where to find all Hestu locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is essential if you want to expand your inventory with more slots. Hestu the Korok is the musician of the forest who uses his maracas to create music which will expand your stash. In this guide, we explain where to turn Korok Seed in Zelda TOTK with all Hestu locations.

Where to Find All Hestu Locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Just like many other NPCs in Zelda TOTK, Hesu is a travelling character. He is not bounded to a specific place. Rather, he will move around as your progress through the world. However, the first encounter is almost always exactly the same. You will first encounter Hestu northwest of Central Hyrule, at the foot of the Lindor’s Brow. From the Sinakawak Shrine (northwest of the Central Hyrule), follow the path towards Lindor’s Brow. Eventually, you’ll spot Hestu saying, “Shalaka…”.
Once you complete his side quest and interact with him there afterwards, he will move from his starting position. Hence, upgrade your inventory if you have any Korok Seeds to give there. When you end the dialogue, he will not be there. However, where did he go? Finding his next location took us a while, but we did it! Hestu’s second location is at the Lookout Landing! You will find him standing next to a big tree, just to the right of the main gate.
For now, it seems that this is his permanent position. He doesn’t appear to move from there. He says that he feels safe there, as there are a lot of people, and that he will stay there to “relax” for a while. So there you have it. These are all Hestu locations where you can turn Korok Seed in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.