Zelda Breath of The Wild Unbreakable Weapon Locations
Unbreakable weapons are items that have infinite durability in Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. They never break, and can be used forever. No matter their stats, they’re great because they’re reliable. There’s only a handful of them, and you’ll have to work hard to get them. In this guide, we’re going to show you Zelda Breath of the Wild unbreakable weapon locations, how to get them.

Master Sword in Zelda BoTW
Master Sword is the legendary sword you’ve probably already seen, if you’ve ever played a Zelda game before. It’s powerful, it has emotional value for returning players, and it never breaks. It does need recharging after some use, though. It cannot be thrown, but it can shoot magic projectiles. If you want to know how to get it, check out our Master Sword location guide.
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Hylian Shield in Zelda BoTW
Another recurring items, the Hylian Shield is known to older fans. It’s an indestructible shield that’s been passed down the Hyrulean royal family. You can get it after you beat the Stalnox boss in Hyrule Castle Underground. When you defeat the monster, it will spawn a chest. The shield will be inside. Hylian Shield has a very high durability which means it takes a long time before it breaks. When it breaks, it can not be repaired, but you can buy a new one from a secret vendor Grante. If you need the precise location and help with beating the boss, we have a detailed Hylian Shield location guide as well.
Ceremonial & Light Scale Trident
These two tridents can be obtained in the Zora’s Domain. They aren’t unbreakable, but a certain Zora blacksmith can repair them or make copies after you’ve worn them out. They’re expensive to replicate, but it’s a reliable method. You get the Light Scale Trident as reward for finishing the Divine Beast Vah Ruta quest. The Ceremonial Trident can be snatched from a pool in Zora’s Domain at any time. If you need precise instructions, we have a Ceremonial Trident location guide. When you’ve broken them, look for Dento, the old blacksmith in the lower area of Zora’s Domain. He’ll fix them up – for a steep price, though.
If the lightscale and ceremonial tridents are unbreakable, then surely the other champions’ arms are too (Boulder breaker, great eagle bow, scimitar of the seven and daybreaker), as you can also get these repaired at the towns that they come from – just like the tridents.
your brother is wrong
He lied then the Master sword doesn’t break
1 you said unbreakable but the only unbreakable weapons are the master sword and the bow of light
3 all of the champion weapons can be repaired, the only non-champion weapon that can be repaired is the ceremonial trident
2 wait i think i messed up the list
4 no i definitely messed up the list
Is called Lurelin Village and is along the coast from Hateno Village
I just stated master mode 2 days ago and I already have epic weapons like royal claymores (52) and stone smashers (42).
P.S. Lynels are really easy… killed 7 yesterday
1 month into playing the game
If u want a lynel bow or weapon, stasis it
keep hitting it and keep stasis-ing & hitting
it till it dies
Have not tried this on stronger lynels, only
on the weaker one
Would it work on a golden lynel???????
golden lynels are only in master mode but yes stasis+ works on every living monster in the game
the master sword can break and hylian shield they both last long if you want hylian shield again if it you need to do a side quest for terry town when you finished go to the house with a donkey and head on the balcony it only appears when your shield breaks and master sword can break wanna save your weapon use it on ganon or his forms now you know
THE MASTER SWORD DOES NOT BREAK! It will only ever run out of energy for a short period of time, the Master Sword should only be used on Calamity beings anyway, so use something else for simple monsters like Bokokoblins
trying to fix my day breaker cant find the gerudo sheild to make a new one can some one help me find one
you can find a gerudo sheild at a camp close to the kara kara bazaar.
P.S. there is actully 2 gerudo sheilds… 1 with shield guard up 5
Another one is the Schmitar of the Seven along with the Daybreaker after beating Vah Naboris, and the Falcon Bow you get after beating Vah Medoh
Another one is the Boulder breaker. If broken, you can get the cobble crusher in Goron City laying upwards against the outside entrance of a Hut, (right of the Chiefs hut,) besides a small a pool of lava. You’ll need a diamond and talk to the blacksmith. Give the ingredients needed and you’ll have the Boulder Breaker back.
The shield hidden in the rocks between the gerudo highlands and desert is damn tough, the Gerudo one. It’s gold/free and circular. Lasted me some time now..
Is that the Daybreaker? That would be Urbosa’s shield.
it is the radiant it is hidden in a cave near the gerodo tower along with a moonlight scimater a golden bow a gerodo spear and a edge of dualty
Man, this is a dumb article. Just being honest here. It is supposed to be about unbreakable weapons yet mostly mentions weapons that are breakable.
We were hoping there would be more unbreakable weapons when we first wrote it. Turns out that there are none, except the master sword and some of the weapons described in the article that can be re-bought.
The biggest mystery to me is what other shields, bows, and weapons the Grante vendor will sell once they are broken? I got some wacky weapons like blizzard rod (not ice, but better), royal 2xbow/claymore/2xbroadsword/halberd, royal guard claymore/spear.. then I also have some special characteristic weapons like “Critical Up” this and “Durability Up” that.
Just some rare armor (Barbarian, Climbing), and the Hylian Shield once it breaks.
The Hylian shield, unfortunately does break. Can anyone confirm how many times you can get it back? I heard you can obtain it again from Tarrey Town, but is that a single time only?
You can buy it as many times as you want, there is even a glitch where you can get multiple at a time!
The Master Sword, even fully powered up, only has 40 Durability, except the fully upgraded master sword only decreases by decimals instead. Though after 10 minutes, it’ll come back in your inventory for use.
Actually, it doesnt shatter into a million pirces. The master sword runs out of power and is unavailable for a certain amount of time.
Lmao, the Master Sword will never break, there will occasionally be points where you can’t use it but that’s because you should only use it on Calamity beings, Guardians, Blights etc. If you go around hitting Bokokoblins with it, you won’t have a lot of use before it runs out of energy.
i use my master sword for every battle even against freaking chuchus and octoroks i play this game basically everyday and it takes like 3 days to break
There is other really good equipment in the game. I have beaten 3 of the 4 divine beast quests, and the other champions weapons are quite good. Goron champions weapon (Boulder Breaker) is a 60 atk power 2 handed… blunt sword I guess. It still kicks ass though. Gerudo champion had a sword and shield, also quite decent for atk power. (it’s not 60 but it’s pretty good) and to be able to reforge any of it is pretty good, just bugs me they all require diamonds…. not that i have a shortage of those lol
You must take into account how many hits they each do in a combo. 2-handed swords or axes, like the Boulder Breaker, do 2, so it would be 120 damage per combo and some nice knock back. Lightscale Trident is 22 damage and a 5-hit combo for spears, so 110 damage and long range. Scimitar of the Seven and the Daybreaker both come from Urbosa. Daybreaker had good durability and 48 parry power. Scimitar of the Seven is a one-handed sword, so 4 (I think) hits, of 32 damage, coming out to 128 damage, but it is not exactly long-ranged. Great Eagle Bow is a three-shot bow of 28 a shot, so you have the spreadshot effect, and if all three arrows hit the target, that amounts to 84 damage, not including headshots. But that’s a bow. Those are all the Champion’s weapons, and repairable weapons, I could have think of, aside from the Master Sword (Hylian Shield is not repairable, just rebuyable). To fix them, each takes one diamond, five flint, and a certain weapon you can find somewhere around the town they are in. These weapons are the Swallow Bow, Gerudo Scimitar, Zora Spear, and Cobble Crusher or Stone Smasher (not sure which).
untrue the great eagle bow requires 5 wood not 5 flint but other than that you are correct but there are other ways to repair weapons such as rock octocs (the ones that sit under a rock and when you get in range start sucking in air if you put down a rusty weapon you could get a travelers spear a soldiers spear a knights halberd a royal halberd or a royal guards halberd for a rusty halberd. a travelers sword a soldiers broadsword a knights broadsword a royal broadsword or a royal guards broadsword for a rusty broadsword.you can get a travelers claymore a solders claymore a knights claymore a royal claymore a royal claymore and a royal guards claymore for a rusty claymore.a travelers shield a soldiers shield a knights shield a royal shield or a royal guards shield.
OMG, I should have read the comments first before trying to get the “Unbreakable Trident”. Hours wasted.
The Master Sword is unbreakable, but runs out of charge if used on non-Calamity enemies and takes 10 minutes before it can be used again. The Hylian shield is extremely durable, but can break. You can get another from Grante in Tarrey Town after you’ve picked up the first. There is no way to combine the Ceremonial and LIghtscale Tridents. Anyone who was hoping to eventually be able to do combat like previous titles is going to be let down. For everything Nintendo did right, they dragged it down with this durability system. The few items that can be repaired such as the tridents are so garbage it’s not even worth it.
no it isn’t its a chance for people to understand that you cant just go aaaaaaaaaaaa you gotta plan in lets say COD because you have limited ammo same thing with BOTW
The Shiled also breaks – takes long but still mine just broke down today
Plz help me defeat Lynen it is hard :/
You don’t actually have to kill the Lynel. You only need to collect 20 arrows from the area. You can find them stuck in trees, Sitting on rocks, laying on the ground. They are literally littered everywhere in that zone. At that point in the game (The Zora domain was my first Beast Kill) its really to early for you to be trying to kill a Lynel. Seriously, That thing was harder to fight than the actual Waterblight Gannon.
or you can buy them lol, there is a village by the sea, at the lower part of the map, don’t remeber the name, where you can gamble for double your money, the vendor sales 30 electric arrows at the time
Lurelin Village
Tbh I can’t even kill the lynel and I’ve got the master sword
Then your not very good I’ve killed all the “bosses” and there very easy if you can’t then delete the game
No Lynels are actually harder than Calamity Ganon, the 4 Blights and Ganon, Creature of Malice combined, you could find someone that made the game and they would tell you, the lowest class Lynel has 1500 health, even with the Master Sword that is 25 hits, plus the bow they use is strong enough to one shot anyone, so don’t big up yourself on false facts.
I think Lynels are harder than Calamity Ganon. The reason being- Lynels cause you to burn through your weapon inventory.
You don’t actually need to fight the lynel, just collect the shock arrows in the area. I would either reccomend using stealthy meals or gear, or if you want to get rid of it then try an aincent arrow, which kills it instantly.
The Hylian shield is also breakable, although it has a ton of durability.
FYI the Hylian Shield can and will break. After reflecting beams back at the guardians for a bit mine was dystroyed!
21:30PM Hylian shield as broken. shattered due a shrine and no we are trying to get to a town to get a new one, you get two in the game, the orignal from the castle. and the second, you can only get after you gotten the first one… from a guy called “grante” and he’s in Tarrey town, you have to do the “from the ground up” sidequest before he shows you. this i only know from someone else that, we heading to the tarrey town now to do the side quest, if we can get the shield, i be sure to be back here to let you all know…
the side quests are long and horrible, u have to go all over Hyrule to find people and its really tedious and boring. costs 3000 rupees to buy!!!
3000 rupees is ez to get and if you get tarrey town you unlock a lot of stuff. you can re buy rare armors, there is an arrow salesman that sells every arrow in the game, there is a gerudo woman that makes the desert voe armor which can usually only be bought at the gerudo secret club
If you don’t want to do the side quests, there is actually a glitch to duplicate weapons, bows and shields. For instance, in my inventory I have 5 hylian shields and I only had to defeat the stalnox in hyrule castle once. There’s also a similar glitch for rupees
Well I got the 2 tridents, and the blacksmith doesn’t tell you he can combine them. I assume you were just speculating.
Yeah. I read everyone saying this but it’s simply not true. Lots of false information on the internet nowadays.
By repair he means after they are broken. If you break the lightscale trident go to him with a diamond, 5 flint, and a zora spear to get another one.
The master sword, trident, and shield run out of power not break stupid
Ok so actually Alexis before you call anyone stupid the only thing that runs out of energy is the Master Sword. The Light Scale Trident, Cermeonial Trident, and Hylian Shield can infact break. Unless that wasn’t the “trident” and “shield” you were talking about you were extremely unclear.
The tridents don’t run out of energy, they break. The master sword runs out of energy though. The hylian shield hasn’t broken yet for me, but it can’t run out of energy.
Is not a simple/random trident, the reparable tridents are two special ones, Ceremonial Trident and the Trident that belongs to Mipha.
The Cerimonial Trident is in the water, while the lightinal Trident you get after defeating the The Elephant. Break the ice blocks with the ice power. BRING ARROWS TO DEFEAT THE MONSTER. Use ice, flame or electric. Also use the shield when you want to first defeat him. There is a 50 around there.
I have played and completed many times and you cannot combine the ceremonial and litescale tridents
How do i get Dento to make me the Unbreakable Zora spear?
You have to give him a Zora spear flint and a diamond for him to make you one
You can’t but if u break it you can fix it for the prize of a diamond five wood and a zora spear
You get the Trident after finishing the Divine Water Beast.
It does break however, and you have to get it repaired in Zora’s domain.
How do you solve the veiled falls quest when obtaining the trident?
The veiled falls quest is Finished by swimming up the waterfall then with the glider float down above the orange platform and use the trident to air attack into it