Tarrey Town - finding Goron, Gerudo, Rito and Zora - From the Ground Up Side Quest
From the Ground Up side quest in Zelda Breath of the Wild is one of the longer chains in the game and sends you across the world to look for Goron, Zora, Rita and Gerudo, but in the end you get to build Tarrey Town and receive a hefty reward. To complete this side quest you will have to have traveled across all major regions in the game, but if you attempt to do it before you do the main questline, with the divine beasts, you might find yourself stumped like I was. This guide is here to help you complete all steps of the From the Ground Up side quest and find all the residents. Also, if you were wondering how to unlock special vendors in Tarrey Town this will help. One of the merchants is weapons and armors buy-back vendor Grante.

How to start the Tarrey Town quest
You get this quest once you buy your house in Hateno Village and talk to Hudson – Bolson’s second in command. Hudson is sent off to Akkala region and invites you to find him there. You will find him on an island in a middle of the lake, southeast of Death Mountain. When you find him he asks you bring him 10x wood and then begins asking for you to find various people needed to make the place an actual town. First off you need to find someone with enough brute physical strength to clear out rocks and their name needs to end with “son”.
Location of Goron whose name ends in “son”
Goron are native to Goron city, which resides on Death mountain. If you never went there you will need heat resistance elixirs or Flamebreaker gear. We have a guide explaining how to get those easy. Make way towards Death mountain, in the Eldin region of the map (north-northeast portion of the world map – a big volcano – you’ll recognize it). There is a path going up the volcano and you should take it. There are tough enemies along the way, so your best bet is to scale Eldin Tower and glide down from it towards the northwest heading path. Your goal is Southern Mine settlement that is along the path to Goron city. I came there at night and found a large Goron named Greyson sitting at the fire (if he is not there you can look for him digging up rocks close by or wait for night to find him in the Mine). You can probably talk to his smaller brother Pelison to complete this step as well. Now go back to Tarrey Town and you will find Pelison opened up a Jewelry shop (selling Diamonds, Topaz, Sapphire and Ruby). Hudson asks for more wood and another person for you to locate.
Finding Gerudo for Tarrey Town
You need someone with a gift for tailoring to expand Tarrey Town even more and it is someone of Gerudo origin that will fit perfectly. Oh yeah – Gerudo you are looking for has to have her name ending in “son” as well – in accordance with the official Bolson Construction policy. If you zoom out the map far enough you will see that Gerudo region lies in the soutwest corner of the map. There is only one entrance into it and just follow that path. If you have unlocked the Wasteland Tower there travel to it. You need to get to Kara Kara Bazaar oasis. You can see it from the top of the tower and should glide down to it for the easiest access. Garudo you are looking for is sitting under a small tent on the southwestern shore of the oasis and her name is Rhondson. I found her there around 20:40 game time. She will open up an Armor shop selling Desert Voe Outfit – armor set that provides Heat Resistance.
Where to find Rito with the name ending in “son”
For further expansion you need someone knowledgable in the ways of distribution and that can run a general store. Flying Rito race can easily retrieve and deliver supplies so you need to find one willing to relocate to Tarrey. Rito are located in the northwestern part of the world map, in the Hebra region. You need to get to their main settlement, Rito Village, located in the southern part of Hebra. If you unlocked the Tabantha Tower, Rito Village is a short glide away north of it. Find the inn inside Rito Village and Fyson should be at an outlook just a few steps east of it. I found him/her there during daytime. He agrees to open up shop at Tarrey Town and you are one step closer to building a brand new town in Hyrule.
Zora priest location for Tarrey Town
After collecting another 50 wood (!) to build the final buildings in town you find out that Hudson really needs someone that’s priest-like. Hudson suggests that members of the Zora race are most likely to be devout enough to have a priest-like person. Zora’s domain is the capital of their race and since they are water favoring people you will find it on a huge body of water among the mountains. Check the provided map screenshot for the exact location. It is hard to reach this destination and you need to find the road located just a bit north of Lanayru Tower and travel westwards along it. Once you reach the capital of Zora you will find priest-like Kapson behind the stairs leading up to the king and council chambers, at the top of the town. He will open up the Inn in Tarrey Town
Finishing From the Ground Up Side Quest
Now that everyone needed for a perfect little town is there you only need to go fetch Bolson in Hateno Village (remember – the dude that started this whole people hunt, by selling you a house). Go to your house and you should find him next to the campfire there. Go back to Hudson in Tarrey Town and enjoy the fruits of your labor with the final cutscene of the quest and getting three diamonds as reward. Building a new town in Hyrule is a reward in itself though.

Secret Vendor in Tarrey Town
There’s one merchant in Tarrey Town who isn’t marked on the map. This secret shopkeeper will appear as soon as the town has been completely developed. His name is Grante, and he’s the son of a researcher from Akkala Tech Lab. He can be found on the balcony of the house in the northeast, where he sells unique armor. He only sells special sets you’ve already obtained, in case you’ve lost or sold them.
Thankyou, this was very useful!
Ty!! this is going to be SOO useful!! 🙂
This was Soooo Helpful, Took me awhile to get the Goron because I needed fireproof elixirs, and my switch died when I was getting the preist.
this helped my noob friend save hours of my time! thanks.
Thank you for that information.
Hey i dont know if it happened to one of yall but the part of the quest where you need to find the gerudo guy. I found her but the png kept talking to me about love instead of of talking to me about the quest content. Can someone help me ?
Thanks for it all
Just change into voe clothes
You have to put on something other than the Gerudo outfit. She thinks she is talking to a women.
Kim you need to be dressed in any male outfit then you need to keep talking to her until the option too say Tarry town comes up
The Gerudo lady talks about love because you’re still in the women’s clothing. If you change into something else, you’ll be able to do it!
If you need wood, there is tons at Rito stable and when you fast travel it all respawns ,just to speed up the process
Where is the rito you need?
next to/in the inn of Rito Village. (his mom is the inn-keeper)
Dude super helpful I was sooooooooooo lost on the tailor thanks a ton.
Thanks for the help!!!
This was so helpful!!!!!!
I really enjoyed this quest! It was sort of a nice break from fighting bad guys and doing shrine quests. Gathering wood a kind of a pain, but it was still fun!
Why does everyone think this would take so long lol, it is soo easy,,,,I found this blog cuz it was frustrating me trying to locate the zora preist,lol,,,it is so straight forward,,,gather wood,,find a son that’s a goron, gather wood find a son that’s a this species,,gather wood lol thanks for the write up tho my man! Props to you
The goron is the hardest cuz he’s not in goron city , and god I explored for hours before this quest and new here to find them,,,I guess I can see why it could be hard
Worst part of this quest: watching a 10/10 like rhondson settle for hudson just because he was the first dude she spent a lot of time with. if hudson werent such a nice dude id be livid. thanks for the tips bro, wouldve taken me yearrrsss <3
Worst part of this comment, reading your fucking name, lol what a sperg
SUPER awesomely useful. Some people don’t realize the work people put into stuff like this but I do and I appreciate it <3
Extremely useful thx
HOLY COW! Man I would have never found that out! It must have taken you DAYS to do this, but it only took me like half an hour! Thanks so much!
Just so everyone knows.
Doing this quest before using the Hylian Shield is a good idea because of the secret vendor. So once the shield breaks you can then buy it back from that vendor.
By the way the vendor is on the balcony of the house with a donkey.
Hope this helps!
Thanks a ton, this helped me finish what is probably the biggest side quest there is in the game!!!!!!!
You got my vote
You got my vote
dude super useful, I hope you continue to do stuff like this is fantastic. Thanks!
yo an you tell me how to get to gorgun city
Start from the stable at the base of the volcano. Talk to the person there who sells you the Fireproof Elixirs and get 3. You’ll get fireproof armor at the mine half way up but need time to hunt Fireproof Lizards to earn it. If you get desperate the pools on the way up will heal you. Pop the first elixir next to the lava pit where the walking guardian is.