Zelda BOTW Master Trials & Champions' Ballad DLC Details Revealed
During their E3 2017 presentation, Nintendo revealed new information about the Breath of the Wild DLC. We got a definite release date for The Master Trials, and our first peek at the second large DLC, called The Champion’s Ballad. Nintendo also announced new Zelda BOTW Amiibos of the four Champions.

Breath of the Wild players that purchased the $20 Expansion Pack finally got some more information about the upcoming DLCs. We’ve written before about the Master Trials DLC and its contents, but now it also got a definite release date. It’s coming out on June 30th for both the Nintendo Switch and Wii-U. As for the contents, it will include a new trial, a map where you can track where you’ve been, the Korok Mask, new armor sets, and more.
We also got more details about the second DLC pack, called The Champions’ Ballad. By the looks of it, it will explore more of the lore behind the four Champions. Therefore, it might turn out to be a prequel to the events in Breath of the Wild. There’s no set launch date yet; we only know that it will come out during the holiday season of 2017. So, somewhere around Christmas or New Year.
For those that need a refresher, Champions are the pilots of the four Divine Beasts. These are the optional dungeons that you can complete in order to get help from them in the final battle and get the True Ending in Zelda BOTW. Nintendo will also launch for new Amiibos of the Champions: Daruk, Urbosa, Mipha and Revali.
Nintendo also revealed a trailer for both DLC packs, which you can check out below. The Champions’ Ballad section starts at about 2:10. Judging by what the video shows us, it seems that the Expansion Pass is well worth the twenty bucks.