Zelda Breath of The Wild How to Sail Raft & Create Wind
Rafts are a great way to travel across water in Zelda Breath of The Wild. Swimming is dangerous, because it drains stamina and you can drown when you’re out if it. With rafts, there’s no danger. There are no oars though, so you’ll need to put some wind behind the sails in order to move the raft. This can be tricky if you approach it from the wrong direction. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to move raft without wind in Zelda Breath of The Wild, how to create wind using a common item.

How to move raft without wind
The log rafts you find across Hyrule depend on the wind. Since there is none around naturally, you’ll have to create some. The first thing that comes to mind is a special power or rune, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Instead, you only need a Korok leaf. You can sometimes get them when felling the deciduous Korok trees, but the game actually has your back – there’s always a leaf near the raft’s starting position, either on the ground or in a chest.
When you have the leaf, it will be placed in the weapons tab of your inventory. Equip it. When you press attack, Link will swing the leaf and create a gust of wind. It’s as simple as that! You should use single swings in quick succession – that way you conserve stamina and the raft maintains momentum. Double swings give stronger boosts, but there’s a pause between them, which makes the boat lose momentum, and they drain more stamina.
Happy sailing! The game’s lakes and seas hide many secrets – just keep on your toes. The water critters don’t appreciate trespassers.