Zelda BoTW How to Make Cake - A Parent's Love Side Quest
A Parent’s Love side quest in Zelda Breath of the Wild requires you to find a recipe for making cake and it is one thing that we couldn’t figure out for a while. We’re bad bakers, obviously – it turns out you need mostly the standard cake stuff for it, and one more unusual ingredient. In this quick guide, we’ll show you the cake recipe ingredients and where to find them, how to make a cake in Zelda Breath of The Wild.

A Parent’s Love Side quest
In order to start the quest, you need to have built Tarrey Town first. All you need is the big house in the south of the island. Once it’s there, go behind it. Approach the middle window and listen in on the conversation. You’ll hear two concerned parents talking about their daughter who doesn’t eat. The only thing she wants is cake. A cake you’re going to have to bake.
Zelda BoTW cake recipe
Here’s what you’ll need to combine in order to make a cake:
- Bird Eggs
- Goat Butter
- Cane Sugar
- Tabantha Wheat
- Monster extract
Where to find cake ingredients in Zelda BoTW
Getting the ingredients is just a matter of visiting the right vendors. The eggs and butter can be bought from the trader in Kakariko Village, in the Lanaryu Region, south of the Wetlands. You can buy the sugar and the wheat from the peddler at Rito Village, in the northwestern part of the map. The monster extract is sold by the secret vendor Kilton. He can be a bit tough to find, since he regularly moves. Make sure you have a bunch of monster parts before looking him up.
Every time I tried this recipe it came with fried eggs and butter. I don’t know what was wrong!
Don’t use butter
I dunno about thunderblades, but great ice and flame are in Hyrule castle. The ice is near the library, the fire is in the docks.
Enthusiasm and desire can break through all difficulties
where do you find great frost blades btw
I found one in the coliseum ruins lmao
some how my monster cake gives extra hearts
in the same village there is a old couple walking around. if you talk to the husband and ask about his wife he’ll tell you she’s a chef, and if you ask her she’ll tell you the recipe for monster cake. and it has no egg!
I think you need to have listened in on the conservation between ‘mama’ and ‘papa’ before that option becomes available though.
To make it monster cake otherwise it would be normal cake
If you talk to the vender, Lorn, at her fruit stand in the Gerudo Village, she tells you her daughter loves fruit cake and gives you the basic recipe (tabantha wheat, goat butter, cane sugar -no egg-). Spera, another Gerudo around the corner sells tabantha wheat.
You need to make it a monster cake, which takes those 3 basic ingredients plus the monster extract from Kilton.
Go to the woman rito in rito village at the general store
You can get tabantha wheat from the tabantha frontier as well. Just cut the grass and you will eventually find some.
You can get can sugar from, Goron city, eggs from hateno, Goat butter from Argus who is usallu accompanied by a Donkey, Currently tryna figure out Tabantha wheat
Tabantha wheat can be found in rito village at the shop
Tabantha wheat is in Tito villageeeee
After I did made the cake I couldn’t find the house but then I found it.Phew
This really helped me out. Thanks for posting.
The moment I read ‘monster’ I went to Fang n Bone and didn’t find a cake or dialogue for a cake. So I bought a monster extract, on a whim- maybe I needed to bake this monstrous cake. I looked online for regular cake ingredients because I didn’t want to leave any out and waste materials. But then found this guide and spoiled it a bit for myself. Oh well, I’m surprised I was on the right track! That’s why this game is amazing. You think “Maybe I have to do this? Ohh…no, that is too complex. There’s gotta be a more obvious way” but then it turns out the more complex solution is the correct solution! Hardly any games are like this, there aren’t any restrictions 😀
A perfect example of this is the crown of bone shrine. My first thought was the correct thought but I thought it was way too complex for a video game. :p so instead I searched around for 30 min when I should’ve stuck with my gut!
When they say sugar they mean sugar canes you can find them at the rito village.
Lol, who puts eggs in a cake? Um everybody, otherwise you’d bake a brick.
It’s a joke. Why is there monster extract in the cake
When you get the extract, the description says it makes things taste good. Not sure why monster extract would make things taste good, but whatever, mmmmmkay.
Where do you find sugar? I keep going to the spot you have marked, but no one’s selling it.
It’s still in the form of canes afaik.
you can buy it at rito village
You can find cane sugar at Rito Village. That is the only form of sugar there is and it works
No!U can get it in almost every village.
No only in Rito actually
At least I think
It is found in both Rito and Goron Villages. But you get more at the Ri to Village.
I haven’t gotten very far in the game so I’ve only found one place to buy sugar; korok forest. At the general store, you can buy cane sugar.
The rito village
The Slippery Falcon at Rito village has sugar, wheat and butter
Go to the Hateno shop
Try the general store at Rito Village
At Rito village they sell cane sugar
the eggs are not a requirement
Eggs are a requirement, but not sugar.
Instead off eggs, you’ll want milk.
Lel baking cake without egg as requirement? u can say that again
Now imagine one without sugar lmao