Zelda BoTW How to Get Blue Flame to Tech Lab - Hateno & Akkala
There are two tech labs in Zelda Breath of The Wild – one in Hateno Village, the other near Akkala. In order to access them, you’ll have to carry a blue flame from its point of origin to the furnace in front of the lab. This might sound easy, but many things can go wrong. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get blue flame to Hateno & Akkala tech labs in Zelda Breath of the Wild.

Hateno Ancient Tech Lab Blue Flame Quest
You’ll have to solve this problem as part of main story, during the Locked Mementos quest. You’ll need to bring the blue flame to the Hateno Tech Lab entrance in order to start it up. Here are some things you should keep in mind before you start carrying the torch:
- You don’t have to do the whole trip at once. There are lanterns along the way – approach them to set them alight. If your torch goes out, you can return to the last lantern and fire it up again.
- You don’t have to use torches – any wooden weapon will work. For example, a Bokoblin club. The sturdier the weapon, the longer it will last.
- You won’t be able to sprint, since you can’t run with your weapon out.
- The flame will eat away at your weapon – when it runs out of durability, you’ll lose the fire.
Get blue flame to Akkala Ancient Tech Lab
Once Hateno Lab is up and running, Purah will ask you to go to Akkala Ancient Tech Lab and help out the same way you did here. This will start a side quest. Same rules apply as before. There are a couple of key differences, though:
- It rains a lot in this region. Our advice would be to sleep at the inn until you wake up on a sunny day. The flame won’t stand a chance in the rain.
- There are several groups of enemies on the way to the furnace. Since you can neither outrun nor fight them while holding the torch, you’ll have to rely on the lanterns a lot.
Horseback riding is such a joke. This is the most annoying game I’ve ever played in my entire life. I’ve been playing The Legend of Zelda for 40 years now, and THIS GAME IS TRASH! I can’t believe they made a part 2 for this POS game. Never in my life have I ever hated a game more than I hate this game. And I heard that Skyward Sword was even more terrible than this. There’s absolutely NO WAY that Tears of the Kingdom will be any better than this or Skyward. The last great Zelda game was Twilight Princess. This game SUCKS! Nintendo SUCKS! The Switch SUCKS! I’m definitely getting a refund on this POS switch and all these *** *** games. ??
I have to agree with you that this game has to be one of the worst if not the hardest I’ve ever played. I have played 90% of the Assassin Creed games and none of them were this hard. I have had to work so hard to get where I am now in the game and what irks me the most is how a quest is running smoothly then it stops you dead in your tracks with no seemingly way to complete it. I have had to constantly stop and search for answers on YouTube how to do specific ways to get through a problem that I’ve run into and half the time what they suggest doesn’t work for me. I enjoy some of the game and absolutely hate other parts of it. It seems the only solution is to give up and give it to someone who will enjoy it along with the aggravations it constantly brings. I am glad to know though, that there are other gamers out there that have the same sentiments I have about the game and it is sad because it is a cute game, but the creators went way out in left field for me.
Horseback works great.
Get on horse then whip out your torch. Strafe horse near blue flame and you can be on your way.
No matter where I look I can NOT find the blue flame.
Was there a rain?
go to your quests and set the marker on the Lost Mementos quest
And the fact that theres a GUARDIAN next to akkala doesnt help.
to make things even easier you can also light a torch while on horseback, but you have to light it after getting on a horse. Makes it much faster that way. you can even go at full speed and the light wont go out.
or you can just use a torch and do it in one shot with out the stone lanterns along the way (i actually didn’t light them till later but did so cause they are useful fire sources around the village) torches don’t degrade when lit