Zelda BoTW Horse Armor - How to Customize Your Mount
Horse armor is gear you can equip your horse with in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It doesn’t affect the mount’s stats, but it does let you customize its appearance. There are several pieces of horse gear you can obtain during your time in Hyrule, and they’re all well hidden. In this guide, we’re going to show you what Zelda Breath of the Wild horse armor looks like, where to find it and how to customize your mount.

Ancient Horse Gear
Ancient Horse Gear is available with the latest Zelda Breth of the Wild DLC Pack: The Champion’s Ballad. You can find Ancient Saddle just east of Horse God Bridge, while the Ancient Bridle can be found in Satori Mountain.Horse customization in Zelda BoTW
You can only customize your mount at stables that have someone out front feeding the horses. We know for sure you can use Highland and Foothill stables. You also have to build up your bond with the mount you want to customize. When it’s at its maximum, talk to the one feeding the animals. They’ll give you the option to change the mane (both style and color), saddle and bridle.
Monster horse armor

If you have access to Kilton, the secret vendor, you can buy a couple of pieces from him. If you don’t, check out our Kilton location guide to learn where to find him. You’ll need to finish a quest first, and he’ll move around a lot after that. You’ll have to exchange monster parts for a special currency called Mon before you can buy his wares. He can sell you a Monster Saddle for 300 Mon and a Monster Briddle for 400 Mon.
Extravagant saddle & bridle
There’s a horse obstacle course you can compete in at the Highland Stable. Talk to the man next to the crock pot. He’ll let you run the course, and if you beat it in less than 1:30, you’ll get the Extravagant Bridle. If you manage to beat his record time (1:15), you’ll get the Extravagant Saddle. You’ll have to do the course twice if you want both – beating the quest giver’s record on the first try will only give you the saddle. If you need more detailed info on the task, check out our mini games guide.
Knight’s bridle & saddle

There’s another mini game related to horses – the horseback shooting course. You can start it by talking to a guy in Faron Grasslands. He’ll ask you to shoot ballons while riding a horse. If you manage to pop 20 withing the time limit, he’ll reward you with the Knight’s Bridle. If you get 23, you’ll be rewarded with the Knight’s Saddle. Don’t worry if you don’t bring enough arrows – the quest giver sells them.
Royal horse armor set
You can get this for free, but you need to have a specific horse. Travel to the Outskirts Stable, northwest of the Great Plateau. Talk to Toffa. He’ll send you on a quest to capture the Royal Stallion. Once you tame and register the horse, talk to Toffa again. He’ll be thrilled, and he’ll give you both the Royal Saddle and Royal Bridle.
is the book called Rumor Mill
where do you get the giant horses horse armor
So getting the ancient gear armor, I can’t find that book on the table in outskirt stable. Anyone know how to make it appear or something?
You need the Champions Ballad/Master Trials DLC. It costs 20USD and includes new armor, horse gear, side quests, shrines, and other things to help expand lore and add a new experience. It’s well worth it.
Idk but where is the royal stalion
The smile that has been soaked in tears is the most brilliant, and the soul that comes out of the confusion is the most sober.
How do u get a nintendo account cus my email won’t register 🙁
It is hoped that you will have to work hard
What was rhe armor that cuold teleport the horse
To teleport the horse to you, you need the ancient horse armor. Specifically, the saddle.
Yea there isn’t one at Foothill stables. Don’t go there. Really stupid of them to write that so surely, get corrected numerous times, and still have it written there.
Yes I found it at s. akala stable
Wish I would have read this before destroying the time record. No way to get the extravagant bridle now? BS
You just have to run the race again and beat 1:30! So basically do the same thing again and you’ll get the bridle as well
It’s 1:15
The giant horse has his own horse armor so there is a total of four sets.
I wish there was a way to put the other armor on him tho
Actually the amiibo of link the rider can give you another set
It gives u travelers saddle and bridle which are shown in the memories
The knights armor is REALLY HARD to get
SO hard I can not even get 20
I recommend using a 3 speed horse, and the Great Eagle Bow. Do the quest when it’s not raining so you can use bomb arrows. Make sure you save before the quest, so if you don’t get it, you can reload so you don’t lose any arrows.
If you take it slow, (light trot worked for me) and use either the Phrenic, Falcon, or Swallow bow, while aiming as far ahead as you can, you can hit the twenty you need without even going very far, to get an extra five, use a bomb arrow on the knees at the very end.
you know I have every piece but for knight use the savvege lynel bow
Actually, you should use the Great Eagle bow, as it has the same 3 arrow spread for less required accuracy, but it also has a farther range, giving you more time to hit it than with the shorter range Savage Lynel now.
I hate this stupid challenge!!! }:-(
I really want to customize my horse :0
there is one at outskirt. she tends the horses on the right side of the stable
Yes, once you talk to her at OutSkirt Stable she will appear at more stables, it’s kind of an activation thing
We didn’t find the Specialist at Foothill stable, so are you sure there is a person there?
No, you can’t find the horse specialist at Foothill Stable. I know FOR SURE you can find one at Outskirts Stable. I’m sorry if this is a late reply, but I just discovered this site.
I went to both the places it said and got the stuff.