Zelda Breath of The Wild Grante Secret Vendor - Armor & Weapon Buy Back Merchant in Tarrey Town
Grante is a secret vendor in Zelda Breath of The Wild. He can be found in Tarrey Town, and he allows you to buy back the armor and weapons you’ve sold or lost. He’s extremely expensive (you’ll need 4000 rupees per armor piece), and you need to do a bunch of stuff to unlock his services. In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find Zelda Breath of the Wild Grante secret vendor, how to buy back armor & weapons.

Tarrey Town Secret Vendor Location
If you’ve already built up Tarrey Town, travel there (it’s in the northeast, near the giant volcano). Go to the house on the northeast side of the town and climb up to the first floor terrace. You will find Grante there.
Kilton Secret Vendor – Monster Shop
In order to get to Grante, you’ll first have to build Tarrey Town from the ground up. In order to do so, you’ll first need to complete Hylian Homeowner quest, then the From the Ground Up quest.
In short, to complete Hylian Homeowner, you have to go south of Hateno Village & find foreman Bolson. He’ll offer to build you a house, and if you accept, he’ll tell you that you need to bring him 3000 rupees and 30 wood bundles. Needless to say, this will take quite a while. You can also check out the rupee farming guide – you’re gonna need it.
Next is the From the Ground Up quest, where you get to basically build a whole new town called Tarrey Town. It’s a long quest, but very rewarding. You’ll have to collect a bunch of wood and travel all around the map to find different residents to play key roles in the new settlement. When you complete it, Grante will appear in his spot.
How to buy back armor & weapons
Grante’s invetory will gradually increase as you discover new outfits and weapons. He only stocks stuff you’ve discovered elsewhere, allowing you to buy them if you sold them or they ran out of durability. He’s a lifesaver for those who accidentaly sold a cool costume, or those who wore out their Hylian Shield. Mind you, he’s really expensive.

I completed the town but isn’t showing up
Does he sell the amiibo clothing or weapons?
3000 rupees
What do I have to do to get him to sell the hyrule shield
You need to get the hylian sheild, and he will sell you it once it breaks
How much does it cost once you break it and he has it in stock?
You have to break it!!?
Hey, I know this is late but if I break the hylian shield that I bought from the dude in tarrey town can I buy another one from him or does he only sells the shield once and for loosing or breaking the one on the castle, I’m concerned to know if I can buy it many times or keep it.
Okay, I’m new to this site, but if you need help, just use revalue gale to fly up and scout around. If that doesn’t work, I’m pretty sure he’s not on his porch in the rain or at night. So go on a nice sunny afternoon. Hope I helped!!!!!!
so i have a ton of gear(full zora, full dark, full ancient, full radiant, ect.) but he wont sell me any of it. i did the full from the ground up quest. am i doing something wrong? also what other things will he sell me other than armour? Thanks!
The fact that we’re still looking to this site three years later is proof the either we’re dumb, or botw is best game ever.
Well it’s been 3 years since this post and here I am so I’ll go with the latter. ? Best game ever!
He can sell you the Hylian sheild, but only after you get it, and then break it. There isn’t a limit to the number of times you can re-buy it. Just that you can only have one at a time.
i know where grante is and why is tarry town so close to the akkala great fairy fountain and next time tell everyone what he sells because the stuff he is selling me sucks balls don’ sue me and oh ya can you mod botw on nintendo switch
grante isn’t there for me and i finished the quest and everything. whyyy
I haven’t done the wedding or anything but Grante was still on his porch of the northeast house.
i know and litteraly he sold horrible stuff at that time
Where do I find the gerudo that hold on needs?
Her name is Rhondson. She is sitting underneath a canopy at Kara Kara Bazaar
I sold my DLC-Outfits ’cause I didn’t need/want them. what if I buy them back and sell them again? Will he resell them again too? I tested it with the switch-shirt, saving before the try, but he didn’t sell the switch-shirt after that. would I have to wait till next the bloodmoon or he never sell the pieces again after buying them once?
Why would you sell them though? If you need rupees sell meals instead, it’s the fastest way to make rupees. I do mostly 5 of the same ingredient, as mixing can sometimes lower the value. Do it with the more common ingredients, like apples or peppers. You’ll get 50 rupees for each of those if you cooked with 5. Go to Tarrey Town & use the pot & sell to the rito right next to it & repeat.
Depends. 5 apples make several hearts but 4 apples and a hearty radish will make full recovery and 3 extra hearts
Well the full recovery is from the radish alone. Any food that overfills your hearts max them as well, so 4 apples and 1 radish is the same as 1 radish.
Or just mark on your map the locations of a bunch of Stone Talus and each blood moon go and kill them all, can easily get 4-5k in 30 minutes.
Will he resell DLC/Amiibo armor?
He was reselling me the Switch Shirt from the season pass and the Xenoblade 2 constume.
He is atop the red house
I cant find gante i cant see him he isnt there help
Ok, don’t fret it’s alright, just listen carefully. Did you finish the From the Ground Up quest? If not, your not going to see him, so try to finish that quest. You can do it! I believe in you!
I’m sure they’re still in a state of pure panic almost 3 years later
Grante only sells the old shirt and pants to me why is that?
Most likely you have not sold or broken anything unique for him to replace except those two items.
because you’ve no Ability Armour and/or special weapons/sheilds.
(Abi.ity armour is stuff like the zora armor/greaves)
because you’ve no Ability Armour and/or special weapons/sheilds.
(Abi.ity armour is stuff like the zora armor/greaves)
( plus how do you not have any special armour?”?)
i have the zora greaves and shirt thing but it’s not being sold to me
The only stuff that gets sold back to you is the shrine armor (barbarian, climber, rubber, etc.) and the DLC armor. You have to find at least 1 piece of the shrine armor to buy the stuff I think.
what do I do if I already grabbed the shield from the dungeon and built the town but the shield doesn’t show up in Grante’s inventory?
I think it will only show up after you have broken it, do you can only have one at a time
If you have it in your inventory, he won’t give you another one.
Me as well man I look all the way down and I don’t see the hylian shield
You wrote that grante was in the southeast house terrace. He is in the NORTHEAST house terrace
Thanks for your comment, Dan. We’ve now fixed the mistake.