Zelda Breath of the Wild

Zelda Producer Explains Motivation Behind Breath of The Wild Sequel
During E3, Nintendo announced they’re working on a sequel to Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. The announcement took most people by surprise, as the series has established a reputation for not really doing direct sequels. It’s going to be set in the same version of Hyrule, and will feature the same art style….
LATEST Zelda Breath of Wild GUIDES & NEWS

Zelda Breath of the Wild Sequel Is in Development
Nintendo has revealed that they’re working on a sequel to Zelda: Breath of the Wild; dark and mysterious teaser trailer included. It features what might…

Zelda BoTW Final Trial – Monk Maz Koshia Boss Fight
The Final Trial is the last challenge you’ll undertake in Champions’ Ballad, the newly released DLC for Zelda Breath of The Wild. It will see…

Zelda Botw Champion Daruk’s Song – How to solve
Champion Daruk’s Song is one of the four new quests in Zelda Breath of The Wild. This quest is part of the Champions’ Ballad DLC,…

Zelda BoTW Champion Revali’s Song – How to Solve
Champion Revali’s Song is a new quest in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s part of the Champions’ Ballad DLC. You’ll begin the quest by…
Zelda Breath of the Wild ARCHIVE
Zelda Botw Champion Urbosa’s Song – How to solve
Champion Urbosa’s Song is a new trial in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s a part of the second DLC named The Champions’ Ballad. All…
Zelda BoTW Champion Mipha’s Song Riddle Solutions
Champion Mipha’s Song is a new riddle that is part of the quest that was introduced with Zelda: Breath of the Wild Champion’s Ballad DLC….
Zelda BoTW Master Cycle Zero – How to Get Motorcycle
Master Cycle Zero is a special mount in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s actually a motorcycle, a piece of ancient technology Link can use…
Zelda BoTW Island Lobster Shirt Location – Garb of Winds Quest
Island Lobster Shirt is a costume in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s part of the newly released Champions’ Ballad DLC, and also a throwback…
Zelda BoTW Royal Guard’s Armor Set Location
Royal Guard Uniform is an armor set in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It is an ornate armor worn by the guards of Castle Hyrule,…
Zelda BoTW Phantom Ganon Armor Location – Dark Armor Quest
Phantom Ganon armor is an outfit in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s based on the costume of a recurring villain from several previous games,…
Zelda BoTW Zant’s Helmet Location – Usurper King Quest
Zant’s Helmet is a new item in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s a helmet worn by the Usurper King, one of the main villains…
Zelda BoTW Ravio’s Hood Location – Merchant Hood Quest
Ravio’s Hood is a piece of armor in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s a purple rabbit helmet, which will be familiar to series’ veterans….
Zelda BoTW Ancient Horse Armor – Saddle & Bridle Locations
Ancient Horse armor is a new mount costume in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It was added to the game in the Champions’ Ballad DLC….
Zelda BOTW Wins Best Game of 2017, Champions’ Ballad DLC Now Live
Game Awards 2017 have announced the best game of this year. As many have predicted, the best game of 2017 is Legend of Zelda: Breath…
Zelda BoTW Rex Costume Is a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Promo Item
Owners of Zelda Breath of The Wild will be getting a new outfit as part of a Xenoblace Chronicles 2 cross promotion. It’s called Rex’s…
Zelda BotW Shrine Locations Map – Find & Complete all 120
Shrines are places of trial located throughout Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild’s map. They’re like small dungeons. Once inside, you’ll have to complete…
Zelda BOTW: Defeat Guardians with Stasis+ Glitch Exploit
Zelda BOTW: defeat Guardians with Stasis+ glitch exploit is a method of killing Guardians easily. You have to trigger a bug under set circumstances, which…
Hestu Locations – Inventory Upgrade Vendor
Hestu is a secret vendor in Zelda Breath of the Wild. He’s a giant Korok, who can help you increase your inventory. In exchange, he…
Zelda Map of Shrine Locations
Map of all shrine locations in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is something that we realized was missing from our All 120 Shrine Locations guide….
Zelda BoTW Unlimited Gems Glitch Makes Dreams Come True
The latest exploit in Zelda Breath of The Wild will make you filthy rich. It allows you to farm unlimited amounts of gems – rubies,…
Zelda BoTW Star Fragment Farming Glitch Found
Star fragments are crafting items in Zelda Breath of the Wild. You can use them to upgrade fancy armor sets, including the ones you get…
Zelda BoTW Infinite Korok Seeds Glitch Discovered
Korok seeds are collectible items in Zelda Breath of the Wild. They’re obtained by finding forest spirits scattered around the world. There are 900 of…
Zelda BoTW Stealthfin Trout Locations – Where to farm stealth fish
Stealthfin Trout is a type of fish in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It has a blue body with white spots and red fins. It’s…
Zelda BoTW Infinite Master Sword Exploit Discovered
The main drawback of using the Master Sword in Zelda BoTW is that is runs on energy. Once it’s out of energy, you need to…