WoW Classic Server Transfer - Transferring to Full Server Later
Server transfer would allow you to move your character from one realm to another in WoW Classic. This was a feature that was available in vanilla, and a lot of players are wondering whether it’ll make an appearance here as well. If you’re wondering whether you can move your character between realms or if it’s stuck on the server you make it on, keep reading our WoW Classic server transfer guide.
Realm transfers in WoW Classic
Vanilla WoW had paid server transfers. WoW Classic doesn’t have them, at this point, but the official word is that they’re looking into allowing it once players reach higher levels. They believe “realm identity” was a big thing in vanilla, and they’re going to look into the rules transfers had back then and the implications they would have now. So it’s pretty much a given they’re coming, it’s only a matter of time and manner.
Can you transfer to full servers?
Almost certainly not. This was one of the few restrictions realm transfers had in vanilla, and we’re pretty sure it’s going to stay. In order to allow you onto a full server, they’d have to boot someone else off it – someone who might have already paid for a transfer in order to be there. In other words – don’t hold your breath.
Can I go from PVE to PVP server?
Probably not. Vanilla allowed you to go from PvP to PvE, but not the other way around, so you’d expect that classic would follow suit. It makes no difference in the grand scheme of things, so there’s no reason to restrict movement in this way.
But that’s all guesswork based on what things were like fifteen years ago when the game first launched. We’re going to update this page with more official info as soon as there is any.
You absolutely could not move from PVE to PVP servers in vanilla. And if they want any Integrity in their game they won’t allow it now
Lol. “any integrity” – relax there cowboy.
nice trollpost. what sense does it make to mix up playserbases from PvE and PvP? the integrity he talks about comes from the viewpoint that PvE Players might get rly triggered by PvP’s world PvP. Its a decision you should make. Also it is easier to get some items on PvE and with the chance of then transferring it would be rly unfair. But yeah you had your trollpost and thought for 1 seconds again. Gj Cowboy. Gaming is dead since ppl like you joined.
Rolling to 60 on a PVE server is easier than on a PVP server and that makes it a good rule.
You could transfer from pvp to pve but not the other way around.
The last section about transfer from PvE to PvP is wrong. This kind of transfer was only allowed in 2008 which was in TBC.