World of Warcraft Classic

WoW Crown Chemical Co Loot & Rewards
Looking for the Crown Chemical Co dungeon loot list? The Love is in the Air Valentine’s Event is now live across World of Warcraft Dragonflight and Wrath of the Lich King Classic. And while there is much content to explore, the thing you will absolutely want to complete is the Crown Chemical Company holiday event…
LATEST World of Warcraft Classic GUIDES & NEWS

WoW Crown Chemical Co Dungeon Disabled
Why is queueing disabled for the Crown Chemical Co Dungeon in WoW Wrath Classic? The Love is in the Air event has just kicked off…

Comprehension Charm WoW SoD
Season of Discovery is live in World of Warcraft Classic. As usual, this new season has brought a lot of new content into the game….

WoW WotLK Classic Down? Check Server Status & Maintenance
Is WotLK Classic down currently? Is there a Wrath Classic server outage? One of the most beloved World of Warcraft expansions has returned. The icy…

WotLK Headless Horseman Location
Not sure where to find the Headless Horseman in the WotLK Classic Halloween event? The Hallow’s End event is here and it brings plenty of…
World of Warcraft Classic ARCHIVE
Wrath of the Lich King Classic Release Time
Looking for WOW Wrath of the Lich King Classic launch times? The next big World of Warcraft Classic expansion launches this September, to the delight…
WoW WotLK Classic Pre-Patch Release Date & Time
When will World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic pre-patch go live? The original Wrath of the Lich King expansion is considered one…
WoW Shadowlands Season 4 Release Date and Time
A new season of World of Warcraft Shadowlands is on the horizon. As usual, this latest season is going to add a whole bunch of…
Early Skinning, Mining and Other Profession Trainer Locations
You created a fresh new character in World of Warcraft Classic and want to get on that crafting leveling ASAP, but can’t remember where the…
WoW Classic How to Get Mounts From Other Races
There are several dozen mounts in WoW Classic. Every race has their own, but if you get bored of those, you can use mounts from…
WoW Classic Unlearn Profession – How to Change Profession
Unlearning a profession is a big move in WoW Classic and should not be taken lightly. It’s a very different experience than in retail, and…
WoW Classic Angry Scytheclaws – Sunscale Raptor Nest Locations
Angry Scytheclaws is a quest in World of Warcraft Classic. It’s a horde quest, available in the Barrens. It involves hunting a rare species of…
WoW How to Transfer Key Bindings & Macros from Retail to Classic
WoW key bindings and macros are an important part of the game. If you’ve been playing for a while, you’ve probably finely tuned them to…
WoW Classic Weapon Master & Trainer Locations
Weapon trainers and masters are special NPCs in World of Warcraft Classic. They can teach your characters to use different kinds of weapons. Since every…
WoW Classic How To Download & Install Add-Ons
WoW Classic add-ons are used to customize your interface and add helpful features to the game. There’s a whole bunch of them, and they can…
Refugee’s Quandary – Felix’s Box, Chest & Bucket of Bolts Location
Refugee’s Quandary is a quest in WoW Classic. You can start it by talking to Felix Whindlebolt in Anvilmar. He’ll tell you a sad story…
Lost in Battle – Mankrik’s Wife Location
There are many memorable moments in classic World of Warcraft, but one stands out for Horde players, and that is finding Mankrik’s Wife for Lost…
WoW Classic Ammo for Rumbleshot – Ammo Crate Location
Ammo for Rumbleshot is a quest in World of Warcraft Classic. It takes place in Dun Morogh, and in order to complete it, you’ll have…
WoW Classic Server Transfer – Transferring to Full Server Later
Server transfer would allow you to move your character from one realm to another in WoW Classic. This was a feature that was available in…