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  1. A

    There are actualy 2 good solutions but ony one is working. I think that the 3 lines one should be on the left edge, It would change the whole solution but it is also correct.

  2. P

    I think the last one of this photo is wrong. The answer is right, but not the way of thinking it. The yellow tetris must be in the directions that they are drawn and the tetris that is four cubes separeted, mean that two columns of two cubes have to be separated by two blank spaces. So, the answer is, the tree column tetris is in the right position, but the big tetris is in the positions 11, 12, 13, 32, 33, and the last tetris being in the positions 21, 31, 24, 34, being 11 the upper left corner. Hope you guys could understant!

    1. J
      James Perry

      @Pau Confirmed; their explanation is really fucked up for some reason. Where did that blue 2×2 block even come from?


      1. J

        I think this last puzzle is totally messed up and wrong. It is misleading and in general making me question the integrity of this game. You cant set up clear rules, have a solution that perfectly follow it, then doesnt work in favor of a solution that breaks the rules it already set up. It really created a mistrust with me on this one. I get that it was introducing a new organization and bending of the rules, but one is clearly not bending rules already set up at all. I dont like it. I hope there are not any more puzzles like this where a better answer is a fail.