Bear School Gear is a set of armor in The Witcher 3. It provides amazing protection at the expense of stamina regeneration.
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The set is located in Skellige, and the suggested level for going on this adventure is 20. When you get all the pieces, you’ll unlock the Armed and Dangerous achievement. In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find the diagrams for Witcher 3 Bear armor, the stats of the pieces and the ingredients needed to craft them.
We have also prepared for you the following guides:
UPDATE: The required level for using this set was raised in update 1.07. We’ve changed the data in the guide to match it. If you’re using an older version of the game, you might see different numbers.
Ursine Armor, Boots, Trousers and Gauntlets
The armor pieces from the set are located on An Skellig, the nort-eastern island. They are in a fortress north of Urialla Harbor. The road to the fort has collapsed, so you’ll need to do a bit of climbing and jumping. Go to Yngvar’s Fang, ignore the level 16 rabid rock troll, and follow the trail. You’ll have to deal with some level 13 sirens, which are easy prey if you ground them with your crossbow.
The trail will lead you into the fort. Once you enter, go left and down the stairs, into the dungeon. The level 7 wraiths waiting inside shouldn’t pose a threat. Go to the far side of the room and pull the lever on your right. Jump down the hole in the cell next to you. Turn right at the crossroad – two level 20 wraiths will chase you, but you can safely ignore them. Climb the stairs and jump over the rocks.
You’ll find yourself in the throne room – the diagrams are in the chest next to the throne. Once you grab them, pull the lever next to the door to open it, and you’re free to go.
Note: Some people are having problems with a bug that doesn’t let them leave this place. There’s a glitch that lets you overcome this by going through a wall. Here’s how to do it:
Ursine Crossbow
Travel to Spikeroog, the north-western island. There is a road on the south side of the island that meets the coast just south of the Old Watchtower signpost. There’s a coastal cave by the road. Go inside – you’ll have to fight level 15 drowners, at least three of them. You can easily separate them and murder them one by one. At the first fork, go right.
Climb the rocks, then jump across the gap to a platform with a skeleton. The diagram is on the corpse.
Ursine Steel Sword
The steel sword diagram is on Ard Skellig, the central, largest island. It is located in the far south, at the Ruined Inn. There is a Monster Nest with level 13 sirens nearby, but you can ignore them. Go into the charred inn, and use Aard to open the passage into the basement. The diagram is in a chest down there, but you’re going to have to deal with 2 level 20 wraiths to access it.
Ursine Silver Sword
The silver sword diagram is on Ard Skellig as well. You’ll find it at the ruins of Fort Etnir, north of Rogne. It’s the toughest one to get – it’s on a corpse in the only accessible room, guarded by two level 15 gargoyles and an even stronger ice elemental. You could try to sneak by them, but it’s hard – you’ll probably have to kill them in order to get it.
Witcher Bear Set Stats
The Bear School set consists of heavy armor, which provides great protection at the expense of stamina regeneration. It also provides a boost to the adrenaline point generation. The swords and armor pieces require you to be at level 20, and the crossbow level 29.
Materials needed for crafting the gear
Many of these can be obtained by dismantling gear you won’t use. Others can be bought at shops. You’ll need access to a journeyman blacksmith and a journeyman armorer.
When I entered the castle to get usain armor and done all the necessary steps… I can’t get out!!! The door from which I initially entered is locked and the gate at the end with the lever next to it is not activiting when I pull it… so confused please help
This is a bug. You can get out by going to the room that looks like a prison cell that collapsed, jump up to the bars and walk straight to through the wall. A bug is the only way to get out. You can search it on YouTube as well.
The Ursine Silver Sword can, in fact, be gained without fighting the 2 gargoyles and the Ice Elemental. If you walk part way up the mountain beside the ruins you can jump over and into the room without alerting the nearest gargoyle. Then once you’ve grabbed the Ursine Silver Sword, just turn around, walk up to the wall and haul yourself up and over and away you go…
I’ve visited both the locations of the Steel Sword, and the Armor. The chests contained documentation about the witcher that wore them, but the schematics are not there. I’ve even tried getting the maps from the blacksmith, and the schematics still don’t show up in the chest. After getting the enhanced gloves schematic, the basic schematics still do not show up.
I dont understand, I upgraded this armor set to Master crafted and it doesn’t look like the same set that’s in the screen shot of the video. Am I missing something?
The image shown above is a concept image for the armor that was released before the game was released. A comparison image is available if you search ‘bear armor witcher 3’ on google images.
The Silver Sword diagram is actually on the corpse in the ruin just to the right of the chest, can’t miss it. The best is part of a side-quest but still lots of good stuff in there.
Thank you!!!! Was stuck in that fort for hours!
Does anyone know who can craft the weapons other than Hattori?
Awesome man! Worked like a charm on 1.11.
I have the same problem,there’s no way out!!!!
Anybody knows the solution?
Wtf! I have the same problem. Im stuck in the same room, the lever next to the door do nothing. Is this some sort of bug?
Has anyone solved this problem yet? I can’t get out either
The method I used, fell until it said I had reachd the edge of the map.
^ I’m having the exact same problem.
The door out won’t open when I pull the lever
When I entered the castle to get usain armor and done all the necessary steps… I can’t get out!!! The door from which I initially entered is locked and the gate at the end with the lever next to it is not activiting when I pull it… so confused please help
This is a bug. You can get out by going to the room that looks like a prison cell that collapsed, jump up to the bars and walk straight to through the wall. A bug is the only way to get out. You can search it on YouTube as well.
Any idea where i could find monster bones? i’m lost here, and can’t find any monster that drops them.
Drowners… pretty much anything besides wolves and Wild Dogs
The Ursine Silver Sword can, in fact, be gained without fighting the 2 gargoyles and the Ice Elemental. If you walk part way up the mountain beside the ruins you can jump over and into the room without alerting the nearest gargoyle. Then once you’ve grabbed the Ursine Silver Sword, just turn around, walk up to the wall and haul yourself up and over and away you go…
I’ve visited both the locations of the Steel Sword, and the Armor. The chests contained documentation about the witcher that wore them, but the schematics are not there. I’ve even tried getting the maps from the blacksmith, and the schematics still don’t show up in the chest. After getting the enhanced gloves schematic, the basic schematics still do not show up.
Something bugged on my end?
in the treasure hunt: equipment of ‘bear
I was stuck in the ‘area of 4 cells.
I can not reopen them and even step over the broken stairs to go back up ….
how can I go on ???
kazuma – if it’s where I think you are, one of those cells has a giant gaping hole in it…you need to go down that hole.
Anyone know where to find a monster tongue and the monster that drops it?
I think you can take a drowner tongue and dismantle it at a blacksmith.
I dont understand, I upgraded this armor set to Master crafted and it doesn’t look like the same set that’s in the screen shot of the video. Am I missing something?
The image shown above is a concept image for the armor that was released before the game was released. A comparison image is available if you search ‘bear armor witcher 3’ on google images.
Aha! Thank you for the reply. i’m sad now, the armor looks way cooler in the concept pics 🙁
The Silver Sword diagram is actually on the corpse in the ruin just to the right of the chest, can’t miss it. The best is part of a side-quest but still lots of good stuff in there.