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Blood and Wine Paintings & Shields are decorative items in The Witcher 3. They can be hanged on the walls of Corvo Bianco, the vineyard Geralt gets in the new expansion.
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You can either get them as quest rewards, or buy them from art dealers. This guide will show you where to find paintings & shields in Blood and Wine, what they look like.
Update: An art dealer has been added into the game in patch 1.22. We’ve update the guide to show his location and the paintings he sells.
Blood and Wine Paintings
The first one you can get is The White Wolf, by Count Beledal. It is tied to the quest Big Game Hunter. Count Beledal will give it to you after you complete your task. The notice can appear on several notice boards – we picked it up in front of the Cockatrice Inn. After you’ve finished the quest, accept the Count’s invitation and visit his exhibition in Francollarts a day later. This is when he’ll gift you the photo.
Another painting you can obtain is Geralt’s Portrait, from the painter in the quest The Portrait of The Witcher As an Old Man. You can start the quest by talking to him near the marketplace in Beauclair. He only appears once you’ve finished The Warble of a Smitten Knight. He’ll let you choose between three poses, each with or without a griffin.
On horseback, with griffin
On horseback, no griffin
Heroic pose, with griffin
Heroic pose, no griffin
Reclining, with griffin
Reclining, no griffin
If you’ve gotten to the ending where Geralt’s in jail, you can get the Prison Poster. Look for a stash left from the gate, and you’ll find a note, which will start the quest The Perks of Being a Jailbird. Bring a chisel and hammer from the cart across the yard and hide them there. Wait for 7 days, and when you check the stash again, the poster will be inside.
Blood and Wine Decorative Shields
You can also hang shields like they were paintings. You can get the Ancient Elven Shield from a quest called Extreme Cosplay. It’s an item you’ll have to use in order to complete this side mission, but you’ll get to keep it afterwards. It’s a wooden kite shield with a tree symbol on it.
You can get either Sir Geralt of Rivia’s Shield or Ravix of Fourhorn’s Shield during the chivalric tournament in the quest The Warble of The Smitten Knight. When you get the objective to go to the inscription tent and enlist for the tourney, this is where you’ll make the choice. If you choose to enter under your own name, you’ll get the former. If you enter as Ravix, you’ll get the latter.
Witcher 3 Painting Merchant
There’s an art dealer in Beauclair who sells more than a dozen paintings. You can find him next to the grandmaster armorer, south of the Gran’place.
Here are all the paintings you can buy in his shop (they’re all pretty cheap, so you can snatch the whole lot and choose later):
Arezuta’s Tower at Sundown
Auburn Maiden on a Field of Black
Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Queen of Cintra
Emhyr var Emreis, Emperor of Nilfgaard
Et in Kovir, Ego n Boussin
Garibaldi Hagan, 1224
Harvest Time in White Orchard
Herbalist’s Hut
Knight Returning From His Quest
Matilda’s First Steps
Ruins of an Old Fort
Ship Leaving Harbor, 1220
Spice Merchant, 1212
Still Life, J De Varvari, 1222
The Battle of Anghiari, 1206
The Beauclair Palace
The Coming of Ludovic
The Conception of Eduard
Van Rough Self Portrait
Old Witcher 3 Paintings
You can also use the old paintings from the base game and the previous expansion, if you haven’t sold them already. Here are some of the old paintings you can place in your manor:
Hierarch Hemmelfart – You can get this one from the halflings in the Isolated Hut, during the A Poet Under Pressure quest (the one where you rescue Dandelion in the base game).
Starry Night Over the Pontar – You can buy this painting for a measly 20 crowns in the auction during the Open Sesame! quest (in Hearts of Stone).
Portrait of Iris and Olgierd – You can snatch this from the bedrom in Olgierd manor, while doing the Scenes From a Marriage quest in the first expansion.
This guide is a work in progress. We’ll update it with new paintings as soon as we find them.
The art dealer next to the grandmaster has no paintings at all…he has other stuff like food and all but no paintings as mentioned above. What might be the issue??
Had the same problem, after I checked the GoG for some reason “Blood and Wine” DLC wasn’t installed and I’ve been playing it for weeks. Be sure to check if the DLC is properly installed.
The merchant next to the Grandmaster armourer sells paintings, if he doesn’t have them meditate for a bit and try again (he didn’t have them the first time I spoke to him).
hmm i keep trying to talk to him and meditate but he still wont sell any paintings. another advice on the matter? like is there some quest or a certain time of day he sells them?
Can you still retrieve Heirarch’s painting after you gave it to Dandelion?
Also, the starry night over the pontar, can you buy it back from the book seller in Novigrad once you already sold it to him in the quest? Thanks
1) Hierarch Hemmelfart //Base Game
// (You can get this one from the halflings in the Isolated Hut, during the A Poet Under Pressure quest (the one where you rescue Dandelion in the base game).
2) Starry Night Over the Pontar //HoS expansion
// (You can buy this painting for a measly 20 crowns in the auction during the Open Sesame! quest (in Hearts of Stone).
3) Portrait of Iris and Olgierd //HoS expansion
// (You can snatch this from the bedrom in Olgierd manor, while doing the Scenes From a Marriage quest in the first expansion.)
4) Geralt and possible griffin nearly naked //B&W expansion
// (Painter quest)
5) The White Wolf, by Count Beledal //B&W expansion
// (It is tied to the quest Big Game Hunter.)
6) Geralt of Rivia banner shield //B&W expansion
// (Tournament trophy)
7) Old Elven Shield //B&W expansion
The Portrait of Iris and Olgierd cannot be hung as long as the painting is a quest item (ie available in the quest tab of the inventory). It can only be hung when it’s in Other tab.
If you head to the marketplace in Beauclair you’ll find a painter.
You can have a portrait painted.
So far, apart from the crest from the tourney and the portrait by Count Beledal thats all I have found.
So basically, there’s just enough places to put all the tropies and paintings available in the game. If you have missed one, you’ll never be able to fill a spot.
At least that’s what it looks like.
I have the Portrait of Iris and Olgierd in my inventory, and I have completed Heart of Stone, but I still can’t hang the painting in the house. Is there something I am missing?
I’ve seen people hanging the Starry Night or the Hierarch portrait, but nobody seems to be able to confirm that they were able to hang the portrait of Iris and Olgierd. Have you managed to do it yourself?
I can’t hang the portrait of Iris and Olgierd.
As far as I can tell everyone might be missing one painting/shield. I got 2 shields, 2 paintings, the Hierarch and Starry Night I sold. 1 is missing.
The Portrait of Iris and Olgierd cannot be hung as long as the painting is a quest item (ie available in the quest tab of the inventory). It can only be hung when it’s in Other tab.
Yes, I have successfully placed it in my home. The one of the hierarch, however, does not allow me to place it; if it is the only picture in my inventory and I attempt to hang it, I get a message saying I have nothing that I hang. Seems to be a glitch.
Anyone know what armor that is the he’s wearing in the merchant video?
Mastercrafted Griffin with a blue dye.
The art dealer next to the grandmaster has no paintings at all…he has other stuff like food and all but no paintings as mentioned above. What might be the issue??
Had the same problem, after I checked the GoG for some reason “Blood and Wine” DLC wasn’t installed and I’ve been playing it for weeks. Be sure to check if the DLC is properly installed.
Yeah, I’m at the merchant right now, and he doesn’t sell any of those paintings, or any painting for that matter. NONE.
You need the latest patch for him to sell the paintings.
there is a guy that sells paintings in the store beside the armorer that makes the grandmaster gear in beauclaire
The merchant next to the Grandmaster armourer sells paintings, if he doesn’t have them meditate for a bit and try again (he didn’t have them the first time I spoke to him).
hmm i keep trying to talk to him and meditate but he still wont sell any paintings. another advice on the matter? like is there some quest or a certain time of day he sells them?
I have the starry night painting but I cant hang it , why ?? 🙁 Its’s under quest items , if I have to move it to other tab, how should I do it? Thanks
Can you still retrieve Heirarch’s painting after you gave it to Dandelion?
Also, the starry night over the pontar, can you buy it back from the book seller in Novigrad once you already sold it to him in the quest? Thanks
Nope , you cant , tried it 😐
You can get a prison drawing in the prison via a sidequest if you have a certain ending.
1) Hierarch Hemmelfart //Base Game
// (You can get this one from the halflings in the Isolated Hut, during the A Poet Under Pressure quest (the one where you rescue Dandelion in the base game).
2) Starry Night Over the Pontar //HoS expansion
// (You can buy this painting for a measly 20 crowns in the auction during the Open Sesame! quest (in Hearts of Stone).
3) Portrait of Iris and Olgierd //HoS expansion
// (You can snatch this from the bedrom in Olgierd manor, while doing the Scenes From a Marriage quest in the first expansion.)
4) Geralt and possible griffin nearly naked //B&W expansion
// (Painter quest)
5) The White Wolf, by Count Beledal //B&W expansion
// (It is tied to the quest Big Game Hunter.)
6) Geralt of Rivia banner shield //B&W expansion
// (Tournament trophy)
7) Old Elven Shield //B&W expansion
There is also dandelion’s painting. You can get it if he visits you at corvo bianco
The Portrait of Iris and Olgierd cannot be hung as long as the painting is a quest item (ie available in the quest tab of the inventory). It can only be hung when it’s in Other tab.
If you head to the marketplace in Beauclair you’ll find a painter.
You can have a portrait painted.
So far, apart from the crest from the tourney and the portrait by Count Beledal thats all I have found.
There is also a portrait of Geralt you can get through a sidequest for a painter in Beuclair.
I am unable to hang the paintings not acquired in Blood and Wine.
So basically, there’s just enough places to put all the tropies and paintings available in the game. If you have missed one, you’ll never be able to fill a spot.
At least that’s what it looks like.
For the time being i’ve been able to hang 4 items: two shields (gained during quests of B&W) and two paintings (same).
I tried to search for paintings in console commands but i found nothing.They add the option for hanging paintings but theres none i game WTF
I used the witchcraft command there is actually like 15 paintings.
I have the Portrait of Iris and Olgierd in my inventory, and I have completed Heart of Stone, but I still can’t hang the painting in the house. Is there something I am missing?
I’ve seen people hanging the Starry Night or the Hierarch portrait, but nobody seems to be able to confirm that they were able to hang the portrait of Iris and Olgierd. Have you managed to do it yourself?
I can’t hang the portrait of Iris and Olgierd.
As far as I can tell everyone might be missing one painting/shield. I got 2 shields, 2 paintings, the Hierarch and Starry Night I sold. 1 is missing.
The Portrait of Iris and Olgierd cannot be hung as long as the painting is a quest item (ie available in the quest tab of the inventory). It can only be hung when it’s in Other tab.
It shows in the other tab for me but I still can’t use it.
how to move it to other tab?
Late reply but i hanged their portrait with no issue.
Yes, I have successfully placed it in my home. The one of the hierarch, however, does not allow me to place it; if it is the only picture in my inventory and I attempt to hang it, I get a message saying I have nothing that I hang. Seems to be a glitch.