Home » Witcher 3 » Venom Extract Farming Locations | The Witcher 3
Venom Extract is an alchemy ingredient used for crafting various important items in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You can get Venom Extract by defeating ghouls, and the best locations for farming it are the ghoul Monster Nests scattered throughout the world.
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This guide will show you the locations of all the ghoul nests in the game.
White Orchard
East of the Crossroads signpost
East of the Cackler Bridge signpost
North of the Cemetery
Velen(No Man’s Land)
At the Ferry Station, south of Oxenfurt
At the Abandoned Site at the end of the road leading east from the Ferry Station
Northwest of the Ferry station, across the water from Oxenfurt. Two nests.
Directly south of the Stonecutters’ Settlement.
At the Boatmakers’ Hut, southeast of Crow’s Perch.
On the road from Crow’s Perch to Troll Bridge. The ghouls are level 9.
Northeast of Crow’s Perch, past the Burned Ruins and across the road.