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Superior Feline Cat Gear diagrams are the third upgrade for basic Cat school gear. In order to apply them, you’ll first need the Enhanced Cat Gear.
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This set is suited for players level 29 or above. Superior Feline diagrams are scattered around Velen (No Man’s Land). There are powerful enemies (level 18-27) guarding some of these diagrams.
We have also prepared for you the following guides:
UPDATE: In a recent update, CD Projekt RED have changed the level requirements of many suits of armor, Feline included. We’ve updated this guide with the new info, so if you’re seeing different numbers on the screen, your version of the game might be a bit out of date.
Superior Feline Cat School Gear Statistics
A 5% attack power increase compared to the previous versions of the set is something that you are used to so far. Building up a percentage of other stats may seems small, but it is needed.
Superior Feline Steel Sword
Just northeast of Novigrad, inside a small cave, near a fast travel point called Cavern. This diagram is guarded by a level 19 Golem. As you may know, Golems hit hard and have high armor. This golem guards a loot heaven, as beside the chest with the diagram there are lots of other lootable chests.
Enter this cave.
Loot haven with the diagram chest.
Map location of the diagram’s chest.
Superior Feline Silver Sword
Another diagram, another cave. This one is located south of Novigrad, east from the Ursten fast travel point and southwest of the Drahim Castle fast travel point. There is a large group of level 18 Nekkers outside and inside the cave, as well as one level 16 Rabid rock troll next to the diagram chest. Once you enter the cave keep to your right. Climb the small platform edge and destroy the rock formations with the Aard sign. The diagram chest is just behind them.
Find and enter this cave.
Map location of the cave entrance.
Once inside, keep to your right and climb here.
There is only one, albeit valuable item found here.
Superior Feline Armor, Gauntlets, Trousers and Boots
Head west from Downwarren or The Orphans of Crookback Bog fast travel point. Close to the lake, within small, stone wall ruins is the chest with four Superior Feline diagrams. This chest is guarded by a level 27 Earth Elemental. It has a powerful AoE attack that stuns upon hitting. The elemental is usually next to the chest and it is hard, if not impossible, to loot the chest without killing him.
Just next to the Earth Elemental, in the corner.
Close to the lake.
Crafting Materials
Some of the materials are the same as the ones needed for crafting the weaker version of Feline – Cat Gear, while the rest – especially for armor – are new ones.
Many thanks for posting this. I only use light armor so I can put it into great use. I was going crazy trying to find it, but these locations are simply brutal.
Thank you so much for this tutorial and the other ones. They’re so simple and up to the point! Just one thing,
Superior Feline upgrades are not 3rd upgrades. They’re 2nd.
You get the basic gear, then upgrade it to the enhanced (that’s 1st upgrade) then superior (that’s 2nd upgrade), then Master (that’s 3rd upgrade). The Grandmaster upgrade in Blood and Wine will be the the 4th upgrade resulting in fact in the 5th version of the basic Feline Gear. Cheers!
How come I can only find the chest and the swords? Where are the boots, bum and arms I’ve only got enhanced arms boots and bum. Even when going back to the chest it’s empty.
For those of you pulling your hair out because not all of the superior diagrams were I the chest.. let me just say that according to the official strategy guide. The boots, gauntlets, and trousers stop at enhanced. The guide only mentions both swords and the chest armor being superior and Mastercrafted.
I have looted the chest containing the superior feline armor blueprint. But the blueprint for the gauntlets and boots and trousers was not in there like this says. Is that a glitch or are they actually somehwere else?
You need the normal and then the enchanced versions to craft them. Theyre really easy to find the diagrams and then make them, nothing expensive (thiknk the most expensive is a bit of ruby dust).
I only get chest armor, where is the Boots trousers and gauntlets?
Many thanks for posting this. I only use light armor so I can put it into great use. I was going crazy trying to find it, but these locations are simply brutal.
You are welcome, hope you are having a lot of fun with the game 😀
I found chest of armors. But there was just one diagram. Boots trousers and gauntlets lost
Is it bug?
Thank you so much for this tutorial and the other ones. They’re so simple and up to the point! Just one thing,
Superior Feline upgrades are not 3rd upgrades. They’re 2nd.
You get the basic gear, then upgrade it to the enhanced (that’s 1st upgrade) then superior (that’s 2nd upgrade), then Master (that’s 3rd upgrade). The Grandmaster upgrade in Blood and Wine will be the the 4th upgrade resulting in fact in the 5th version of the basic Feline Gear. Cheers!
Where can i find the superior boots,trousers and gloves?for my game they aint in the ruins.??????
Good found the answer
the answer?
How come I can only find the chest and the swords? Where are the boots, bum and arms I’ve only got enhanced arms boots and bum. Even when going back to the chest it’s empty.
For those of you pulling your hair out because not all of the superior diagrams were I the chest.. let me just say that according to the official strategy guide. The boots, gauntlets, and trousers stop at enhanced. The guide only mentions both swords and the chest armor being superior and Mastercrafted.
I have looted the chest containing the superior feline armor blueprint. But the blueprint for the gauntlets and boots and trousers was not in there like this says. Is that a glitch or are they actually somehwere else?
Having the me issues 🙁
Here’s the total damage for anyone looking for it like me. I’m assuming the Leather Straps is a typo and they meant leather scraps.
Cured Draconid Leather 2
Dark Steel Ingot 6
Dimeritium Ingot 1
Dimeritium Plate 2
Hardened Leather 4
Hardened Timber 2
Leather scraps 9
Monster Bone 2
Monster Claw 4
Monster Hair 4
Monster Heart 2
Monster Tooth 1
Quicksilver Solution 3
Ruby 2
Silk 2
anyone know where to get the cured draconid leather?
Armourers usually sell it IIRC. It’s also a semi-rare loot item.
Where is part 2 for the feline gear??
is there a 4th teir mastercraft for the cat gear?
Yes, you can find detailed guide here http://www.gosunoob.com/witcher-3/mastercrafted-cat-feline-gear/
can i get this armor set without having to get the armor set previous to this one? i am on level 27 so i’m strong enough.
No u dont
You need the normal and then the enchanced versions to craft them. Theyre really easy to find the diagrams and then make them, nothing expensive (thiknk the most expensive is a bit of ruby dust).