Runeword & Glyphword Enchantments | Witcher 3: HoS
Runewords and Glyphwords are powerful new enchantments in The Witcher 3 expansion, Hearts of Stone. They give great bonuses to weapons and armor, but destroy slots.
In this guide, we’re going to show you how runewords & glyphwords work, along with a list of all runewords and glyphwords.

We’ll update the list with new info as soon as we have it.

How Runewords & Glyphwords work
Runewords and glyphwords are special enchantments that can be applied to weapons and armor with three rune slots. The slots are destroyed in the process. In order to imbue a piece of gear with one such enchantment, you’ll need the following:- A Runewright of the appropriate level
- Runes or glyphs required for the crafting
- Money to pay the enchanter
Runeword list
Runewords are used to enchant weapons. Here’s a list of the ones we’ve found:Name | Effect | Ingredients |
Preservation Level 1 | Armorer’s table and grindstone bonuses never expire | 1x Lesser Svarog runestone 1x Lesser Devana runestone 1x Lesser Morana runestone |
Dumplings Level 1 | Consumed food restores 100% more vitality | 2x Pyerog runestone 1x Tvarog runestone |
Placation Level 1 | Once Adrenaline points reach max, they slowly decline. Vitality, stamina and toxicity regenerate faster during this time. | 1x Lesser Stribog runestone 1x Lesser Devana runestone 1x Lesser Morana runestone |
Rejuvenation Level 2 | Fatal blows restore 25% stamina. | 1x Perun runestone 1x Svarog runestone 1x Stribog runestone |
Elation Level 2 | Fatal blows give 0.1 to 0.25 Adrenaline points. | 1 Dazhbog runestone 1 Veles runestone 1 Devana runestone |
Severance Level 2 | Increases Whirl and Rend range. | 1x Zoria runestone 1x Veles runestone 1x Perun runestone |
Replenishment Level 3 | When you cast a sign, you use up an adrenaline point and your next attack is charged with that sign. | 1x Greater Triglav runestone 1x Greater Morana runestone 1x Greater Dazhbog runestone |
Invigoration Level 3 | When at full health, excess Vitality regeneration turns into added damage on next hit. | 1x Greater Devana runestone 1x Greater Zoria runestone 1x Greater Perun runestone |
Prolongation Level 3 | Unblocked blows increases potion duration by 0.5s. | 1x Greater Morana runestone 1x Greater Perun runestone 1x Greater Svarog runestone |
Glyphword list
Glyphwords can be embedded into armor. Here are the ones we have seen so far:Name | Effect | Ingredients |
Deflection Level 1 | Armor deflects all arrows | 1x Lesser Glyph of Aard 1x Lesser Glyph of Warding 1x Lesser Glyph of Reinforcement |
Heft Level 1 | All equipped armor is treated as heavy. | 1x Lesser Glyph of Quen 1x Lesser Glyph of Mending 1x Lesser Glyph of Reinforcement |
Depletion Level 1 | Hitting enemies with Aard reduces their Stamina by 50%. | 1x Lesser Glyph of Aard 1x Lesser Glyph of Axii 1x Lesser Glyph of Reinforcement |
Usurpation Level 1 | When an enemy affected by Axii dies, the effect transfers to another. | 1x Lesser Glyph of Binding 1x Lesser Glyph of Axii 1x Lesser Glyph of Reinforcement |
Ignition Level 1 | Enemies set alight by Igni have 25% to set other enemies on fire within 2 yards. | 1x Lesser Glyph of Igni 1x Lesser Glyph of Yrden 1x Lesser Glyph of Warding |
Rotation Level 2 | Igni strikes in a 360 radius but doesn’t induce Burning. | 1x Glyph of Igni 1x Glyph of Binding 1x Glyph of Reinforcement |
Entanglement Level 2 | When a Yrden trap hits an enemy, a Yrden glyph is placed there. | 1x Glyph of Yrden 1x Glyph of Axii 1x Glyph of Binding |
Beguilement Level 2 | Enemies affected by Axii are affected an extra 2s for every hit they land. | 1x Glyph of Axii 1x Glyph of Igni 1x Glyph of Mending |
Protection Level 2 | When entering combat, you automatically get Quen without using stamina. | 1x Glyph of Quen 1x Glyph of Yrden 1x Glyph of Warding |
Balance Level 2 | All equipped armor is treated as Medium armor. | 1x Glyph of Axii 1x Glyph of Mending 1x Glyph of Reinforcement |
Retribution Level 3 | Gives 30% chance of returning some damage to the attacker. | 1x Greater Glyph of Quen 1x Greater Glyph of Igni 1x Greater Glyph of Reinforcement |
Levity Level 3 | All equipped armor counts as Light armor. | 1x Greater Glyph of Aard 1x Greater Glyph of Mending 1x Greater Glyph of Reinforcement |
Possession Level 3 | When an opponent under Axii dies, the effect transfers onto nearest target. Duration increases by 2s for every hit the target lands. | 1x Greater Glyph of Axii 1x Greater Glyph of Aard 1x Greater Glyph of Binding |
Eruption Level 3 | Enemies on fire from Igni explode upon death and set fire to others. | 1x Greater Glyph of Igni 1x Greater Glyph of Quen 1x Greater Glyph of Reinforcement |