Witcher 3 Patch Notes 1.05
Yesterday, Marcin Momot, Community Lead & Website Coordinator at CD Project Red, posted on the official forum list of the most requested changes available with the upcoming patch. The list below is a part of the change log for the Patch 1.04 / 1.05.
There will be a lot more fixes on the way, and the XP fix is coming as well.

- Geralt will not longer interact with candles near chests and other interactive elements.
- General stability and performance improvements
- Significantly Enlarged GUI and HUD elements (including fonts) on consoles and slightly on PC.
- Improved camera smoothness
- Performance improvements during some cutscenes.
- Fixed case where game was crashing on loading a save in certain situations
- Various bug fixes and user experience improvements in GUI panels.
- Fixed issue where some players were unable to run after Wandering in the Dark quest
- Fixed issue where players were unable to talk to Eight after the Lord of Undvik quest
- Too many wild hunt minions were spawned during Ciri’s Story: Fleeing the Bog quest.
- Fixed issue where Keira could sometimes fall under terrain during Wandering in the Dark quest
- Fixed issue where Player was unable to move freely during Blindingly Obvious quest
- Fixed issue where Player was unable to activate portal during Wandering in the Dark quest
- Fixed issue where Player could get trapped in Turseach castle ruins
- Fixed issue where Roche was not present at Hanged Man’s tree during Eye for an Eye quest
- Fixed issue where Player was unable to talk or interact with certain NPCs
- Fixed issue where Sirens in quest Lord of Undvik could be invulnerable.
- Fixed issue where player was unable to use certain actions after Carnal Sins quest
- Fixed issue where Geralt was sometimes unable to mount Roach
- Fixed issue where some players where experiencing infinite loading screen during King’s Gambit quest.
- Fixed issue where Simun was not properly spawned in An Unpaid Debt quest
- Fixed issue where player might have had a progression break after choosing certain dialogue option when talking to Dijkstra in Count Reuven’s Treasure quest

The task is to be confined to a certain time limit
if late to quest meet triss and yenn in the kingfisher , the quest is failed
the issue i cant do any mission STORY stop
I can’t create any Red Mutagens after updating to 1.05!!! It fixed the Eye for an Eye quest that was stopping me. But now I can’t create any Red mutagens. I went and farmed a bunch of lesser red mutagens. so I could make red and greater reds, but now it just says “You already have this item”.
It’s acting like it’s a potion I’ve already learned and made.
Anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?
Can you post some info about the free-DLCs (PS4) ?