Patch 1.22 Changelog | Witcher 3
CD Projekt Red have released another patch for The Witcher 3. Update 1.22 fixes a lot of the errors & problems people have been having since Blood and Wine came out.
It’s only on PC at this moment, but console versions will be updated as soon as possible.

There are three pages of notes – a lot has been fixed and improved upon. If you want to view the full list, check the changelog. Here are some of the more important fixes:

There are three pages of notes – a lot has been fixed and improved upon. If you want to view the full list, check the changelog. Here are some of the more important fixes:
- A diagram for Dark Iron Plates has been added to the crafting list
- Corvo Bianco upgrades will no longer stall indefinitely if you leave Toussaint while they’re in progress
- Roach’s tail won’t disappear anymore
- Wolf School diagrams will appear in their usual places
- You won’t be getting trapped in Beauclair anymore
- An art dealer has been added to the game, and he sells a bunch of paintings
- The infinite money glitch with the beehive and the blacksmith has been fixed

I am looking for legendary manticore diagrams. They are not where they are supposed to be. I have done the quest in this location thinking I might have picked them up, but I cannot craft them. Any ideas?
I cnt open the chest for the school of wolf witcher gear
Wolf School Gear chest is bugged cant access it I assume since its a free DLC their not in a rush to fix it…
The patch fixed a lot of problems but created a few new ones. It took forever to put things in my stash before but now it takes 5 times longer
parts of my map are gone im trying to do a mission and theres just a whole in the ground everytime
not happy mate not happy just got the expansions
Any idea if this patch fixes the insanely high level requirements for diagrams in NG+? The ones that are level 100+?
Isn’t the max level 100? How can you have level 100+ requirement then?
Does it fix that lock on enemie function not working?