Home » Witcher 3 » Novigrad Places of Power | The Witcher 3
Places of Power are magical standing stones scattered throughout the world of the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Each Place of Power grants one ability point and provides a 30-minute boost to one of your Signs.
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They can be found in every part of the Northern Realms, and this guide will show you the locations of all the Places of Power in Novigrad and its surrounding countryside. You can also check out or Places of Power guides for Velen and White Orchard.
Northern Novigrad
30-minute boost to your Igni sign.
This Place of Power is located on the northern island of Novigrad, behind the Temple of the Eternal Fire and on a small ledge overlooking a vast tract of land to the north. You won’t need to fight here, there are no monsters guarding it.
There are no guardians
Behind the Temple of Eternal Fire
Vegelbud Residence
30-minute boost to your Axii sign.
Follow the path north from Vegelbud Residence until you pass a crossroads. You will see the Place of Power up and to your left. Climb up the hill and jump across a crevice to reach it. The Place of Power is unguarded.
Need to update – 8 in velen 8 in skellige & also KM