Witcher 3 Nintendo Switch Port Will Run at 720p Docked
One of a slew of Switch ports announced at Nintendo’s E3 2019 presentation was The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition. Now, given the size of the Witcher 3, one can reasonably expect some downgrades to happen. How big of a downgrade? Well, the game is gonna run at 720p in docked mode, aka the most “powerful” mode.

It’s fairly common knowledge that the Nintendo Switch is not exactly a powerhouse when it comes to hardware. This has never been a selling point, after all. So, now that we know that the Witcher 3 is getting a Switch port, a downgrade in visuals and/or performance is inevitable. But, how “bad” will it get, exactly? Well, according to the official Witcher Twitter account (via Eurogamer), we’re looking at 540p in handheld mode and 720p with dynamic resolution enabled in docked mode. So, yeah, it’s not exactly ideal, but that can’t be helped.
There are a few more, shall we say, limitations, too. For one, the Switch version is not going to support cross saves. In short, if you have a save file on any other platform, it won’t come in handy on the Switch. Also, the game is gonna be 32 GB, roughly. Given the strained relationship the Switch has with storage space, you’re gonna have to work around this fact somehow. But, hey, it’s the price you have to pay for the ability to slaughter Nekkers and other creepy-crawlies on the go.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is coming out on the Switch some time during 2019. We don’t have a release date just yet, but I’m gonna speculate and say that it’s gonna be some time in mid- to late-fall. Now, back in the day, the Gosunoob team wrote a whole bunch of guides on The Witcher 3. So, if you’re gonna play it on the Switch for the first time, you might wanna browse, and maybe bookmark, our list of Witcher 3 articles for future reference.