Home » Witcher 3 » Nilfgaardian Armor Set DLC | The Witcher 3
Nilfgaardian Armor Set is a part of the fifth Witcher 3 free DLC, which was released on June 1st, 2015, in a patch 31 MB in size. You can use the DLC once you integrate it into the game.
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The Nilfgaardian Armor Set doesn’t only bring a new protective outfit for Geralt, but new horse equipment for Roach as well. Below in the text, you’ll find the location of the merchant that sells the Nilfgaardian Armor Set along with the stats, looks and cost.
Where to find Nilfgaardian Armor Set?
The Nilfgaardian Armor Set is sold by the Quartermaster in the Baron’s garrison. You can find this garrison north of the Crow’s Perch fast travel point, in western Velen (No Man’s Land).
Geralt Nilfgaardian Armor Set Looks
The pictures below show Geralt dressed in Nilfgaardian Armor at day (when he is dry and soaked from rain) and at night.
Nilfgaardian Horse Equipment
Nilfgaardian Saddle
50 Stamina
Nilfgaardian Saddlebags
70 Maximum inventory weight
Nilfgaardian Horse Blinders
40 Horse’s Fear Level
Nilfgaardian Set Statistics
This set is Relic medium armor. It acts like an upgraded version of the Temerian Armor Set from the first DLC. Their effects are the same, just the numbers are different. We were able to buy and use it at levels 10 and 35 (37 for gauntlets). Its price and stats are also variable, depending on what level of armor you buy. This makes the Nilfgaardian armor set perfect for low level players. The numbers below set piece names represent possible prices at levels 10 and 35.
NOTE to all. NEW AREA TO DISCOVER with this armor.
Just wanted to mention, I had no use of this armor until lvl 35, which I then promptly purchased from the Baron’s Quartermaster. Then I set off for the Nilfgaardian officers club. There is a guarded area by the main Nilfgaard encampment in southeast Velen, which you cannot enter unless you have (as the nearby sign says) the “full regimental dress mandatory” armor on. So, take off your witcher gear, and put on the Nilfgaard gear to see what’s in the club. The guards will stand to and step aside for you to enter the gates when you do.
Have fun! So love it when a clever thing like this reveals itself in the game!
NOTE to all. NEW AREA TO DISCOVER with this armor.
Just wanted to mention, I had no use of this armor until lvl 35, which I then promptly purchased from the Baron’s Quartermaster. Then I set off for the Nilfgaardian officers club. There is a guarded area by the main Nilfgaard encampment in southeast Velen, which you cannot enter unless you have (as the nearby sign says) the “full regimental dress mandatory” armor on. So, take off your witcher gear, and put on the Nilfgaard gear to see what’s in the club. The guards will stand to and step aside for you to enter the gates when you do.
Have fun! So love it when a clever thing like this reveals itself in the game!
I cant seem to find the level 35 version, i only see the level 10 version or will it show up when i get to level 35 cause im still at level 34
that is all 🙁
Why i cant find this in ps store ?? And the crossbow sets too …
U will find it in the game additional content ( last choice when mark a game icon in base menu)