In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find diagrams that let you craft the Mastercrafted Griffin Gear, the stats they have and which ingredients you’ll need to craft them.
We have also prepared for you the following guides:
UPDATE: The recent 1.07 update brought with it changes to level requirements of many items. One of them was the Griffin set. We’ve changed the data in the guide accordingly, so if the game shows you different numbers, you’re probably playing an older version.
Mastercrafted Griffin Gear Stats
If you already have any of the earlier Griffin Gear Sets, you know what to expect – the Mastercrafted version is many times better. It will give you an amazing increase in elemental damage resistance and sign intensity. Since it’s so good, you’ll need a level 34 character to use it.
Mastercrafted Griffin Steel Sword
The first diagram is located on Ard Skellig, in the eastern part of the ruins of Boxholm. Go all the way to the east, then look to your left. The chest is next to a pile of rubble.
Mastercrafted Griffin Silver Sword
Also on Ard Skellig, this diagram is in a run-down tower across the lake from Fornhala. There’s a level 20 cockatrice nearby, so you’d best be careful. There is a chest in the tower, and the diagram is inside it.
Mastercrafted Griffin Armor, Trousers, Gauntlets and Boots
The diagrams for the armor pieces are in an abandoned fort on the eastern coast of Ard Skellig, north-east of Redgill. There is a level 30 Cyclops by the road here, but you don’t have to fight him – he’s too big to fit through the door. Enter the fort, go left and climb to the second floor. The diagrams are in one of the chests there. Don’t forget to draw from the Place of Power there!
Materials Required For The Upgrade
The materials you’ll need to acquire aren’t too exotic – you’ll be able to get them either by going to a decent merchant or by dismantling your old stuff. You’ll also need to pay the Master Armorer and Master Blacksmith a visit.
Thanks man these helped me out big time filling in missing pieces of gear sets. Kudos. It was well done and is much appreciated.