In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find the Mastercrafted Ursine Gear diagrams, the stats of the pieces and which materials you’ll need for upgrading.
UPDATE: The game was updated recently, and the update (patch 1.07) raised the level requirements for many items. Pieces of the Ursine set are some of them. We’ve added the new info to the guide, so if the numbers in the game don’t match ours, you’re probably still on the previous version.
Mastercrafted Bear Gear Stats
This is the best version of the Bear Gear set – it provides amazing amounts of armor, much improved adrenaline point generation, while crippling your stamina regeneration. In order to use it, you’ll need to be at least level 34.
Mastercrafted Bear Steel Sword
The first diagram is located in an unmarked cave north-west of Blackbough. The cave entrance is in the side of a cliff. Keep to your right once you enter, and go all the way to the end. The chest is behind the stone pillar.
Mastercrafted Bear Silver Sword
The silver sword diagram can be found on a small island north-west of the Road To Bald Mountain. Go to the peninsula between Bald Mountain and Olena’s Grove, then head north. There’s a couple of low-level drowners on the isle, and the chest is hidden behind the large rock.
Mastercrafted Bear Armor, Gauntlets, Boots and Trousers
The rest of the set diagrams are in a ruined tower at the Destroyed Bastion signpost, south-west of Crossroads. There’s a level 19 Cyclops patrolling the area. If you’re careful enough, you can avoid him. There’s a bunch of chests inside, and the diagrams are in one of them.
Necessary Crafting Materials
You’ll need the usual – leather, ingots, pieces of monsters. What you can’t get from dismantling other items, you can buy from traders. You’ll also need access to a Master Blacksmith and a Master Armorer.
it doesn’t really matter…almost all the master crafted sets unlock at lvl 34 and have similar stats e.g all the steel swords from different master crafted sets have same damage, only some stats are different such as elemental damage etc…so it doesn’t matter what set u use and what skill u lvl up until you get to grand master lvl
If you play gwent theres a druid in skellige that you do a side quest for then have to beat him for a card, he sells an alchemist formula for that and sells pretty much every ingrediant you will need to make it too
Hides from Draconids, such as Basilisks, Forktails, Wyverns, etc, can be broken down into Carapaces. There’s a Forktail by the castle to get the armor pieces. Try looking there.
My favourite armor of all time..
You can get Optima Mater and Erogot seeds (to make Rebis yourself) from the Peller. He sells 8 Optima Mater and 7 Erogot Seeds.
I only found the armor in the chest. No gauntlets, boots or trousers :/
I can craft the master crafted swords but not the armor and I’ve found all the diagrams so I don’t know what to do
Make sure you are trying to make it at Fergus’ forge in Crow’s Perch, not at the elf’s smithy in Novigrad
I’ll leave this here so nobody else wastes their time but on xbox one you have to be level 34 NOT level 31 to wear the armor…
As of Patch 1.07, item level requirements across the board were increased.
What would you skill when wearing this armor?
Are there any good guides?
it doesn’t really matter…almost all the master crafted sets unlock at lvl 34 and have similar stats e.g all the steel swords from different master crafted sets have same damage, only some stats are different such as elemental damage etc…so it doesn’t matter what set u use and what skill u lvl up until you get to grand master lvl
Where can I find rebis ? tell me if you know please.
Where can i find, make or buy Optima Matter? literaly the last thing i need now
Herbalists sell it. You can find one at Kaer Trolde. He is located just next to Kaer Trolde Harbor fast travel point.
thank you so much spent at least 4 hours now trying to find out how to make it or where to find it
where can i get rebis to get the master crafted ursine sword
If you play gwent theres a druid in skellige that you do a side quest for then have to beat him for a card, he sells an alchemist formula for that and sells pretty much every ingrediant you will need to make it too
Where I can find monster carpace for this armor ?
Wyvren Hides
Hides from Draconids, such as Basilisks, Forktails, Wyverns, etc, can be broken down into Carapaces. There’s a Forktail by the castle to get the armor pieces. Try looking there.