How to Buy / Get New Horse in Witcher 3
Horses in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are more than just pretty animals; they play a vital role as beasts of burden and a means of transportation. Traversing the Northern Realms is easier and faster on horseback, and you can put saddlebags on your trusty steed to increase the size of your inventory and carry more items.
You’ll start the game with your brown mare, but if you dislike or simply grow tired of it, you can get a new one in two ways:

- One of them is to tame wild horses with your Axii sign, but they will leave once you dismount and will not respond to your summons.
- If you desire a more permanent replacement, you will have to wait until the final part of the “Blood on the Battlefield” main quest, when Ciri’s father will reward you with a black Nilfgaardian mare if you refuse to take money from him for bringing Ciri home.
- The latest free DLC brings only horse upgrades available from the Merchant that was being attacked by the Royal Griffin. They are Temerian Horse Blinders gives +20 Horse’s Fear Level and costs 421 Gold. Temerian Saddle gives +25 Staminaand costs 421 Gold.

Is there a way to get the white horse in the pic ?
So much hate and backlash for what? Do you guys work for this blog? Dude had a right to be at least a little upset about the spoiler. We’ve all googled tips about games early on in them, ya know, when you’re most likely to need tips? Most of the time when you do research something the article at least warns you, it’s a pretty easy thing to do.
Even if OP somehow doesn’t have a leg to stand on (they do), why the f*ck are you all so bent about it? Why are gamers so toxic?
Very helpful thank you
Thankyou very much this post was very helpful ?
The title of this article clearly pops up when searching keywords on Google like ” witcher 3 new horsearch etc” honestly you would have to be a fucking horse yourself to not know there would be spoilers in this article..On to my actual point if anyone could please answer is when I get the new Roach from returning Ciri will I be able to move roaches equipment to the new horse or will I have to get new Saddles, blinders etc. Thanks in advance if anyone can answer.
Oh my gosh! It’s a game! Who cares if something was “spoiled” or not? Get a life, people. Walk outside and breathe that stuff called oxygen. Get on that contraption called a bike and go exercise. Get out of your parents basement and stop crying. Get over it! It’s a horse! A HORSE!
You’re telling people to get a life as you’re commenting on a post that was 2 years old how much of a life do you have in PS before you say that I’m doing the same thing I never claimed to have one
Thank you so much for the spoilers…
Then why the f are you reading this in the first place
Because I’m at the beginning of the game and just encountered wild horses. Think you’re smart or something?
Look dumbass you can’t expect to look at stuff like this without seeing information about the game that main contain spoilers. Your just a fucking idiot for expecting there not to be any
To be fair, this is about getting another horse for crying out loud! If you’re searching main story/quest related strategies/tips etc. I could understand (its happened to me plenty of times) Doesn’t this site have a spoiler/blur function? If not, at the very least the author could of written a spoiler warning, it’s common courtesy as far as I’m concerned.
I can understand where the guy/girl complaining is coming from, this didn’t spoil me because I finished the game a longtime ago. However, if I was still early on in the game and I read this I’d be furious as well. This is late but to the person “spoiled” it’s not really a major spoiler at all and you probably already know this now because I imagine you have finished the game at this point.
Bro, it’s really minor. I wouldn’t look at this as being a spoiler necessarily although I get it. I don’t know if you’re still playing the game or not, finished or not? You have a lot to look forward if you are still playing and then there’s the fantastic expansions, in ways even better than the main game. BTW, the horse is a different color, that’s it, nothing special. Matter of fact, I’m now trying to find a mod to change Roach’s skin since I’ve gotten tired of the Nilfgaardian black stallion horse.
My advice, stay away from sites and forums pertaining to this game (any game while you’re playing it) I’ve had to learn my lessons the hard way ~Spoiling a few games, some minor ones and some truly major,’I don’t feel like playing the game anymore’ kinds of spoilers. Just a heads up, be careful, these days you cannot avoid spoilers online, its ridiculous. Have fun and don’t let this ruin your enjoyment of the game.
He is alot smarter than you, what f***ing moron would visit guides about a game and not exspect to find spoilers?.. You sir are a wa*ker.
lol chillax man, I went here too cause I just encountered horses, they shoulda put up a spoiler warning easy as that
You chose to look, bitch. You spoiled it yourself.
Love it.