Home » Witcher 3 » Hidden Treasure in Velen | The Witcher 3
Hidden treasures are places of interest in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, scattered about the land and locked in concealed chests. There are 10 of them in Velen, the largest area in the game.
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Note that the treasures found in the chests are randomized, so the items you get may be different from ours.
Lost Goods
This treasure is found across the water from the southern island of Oxenfurt. If you go straight north from the Ferry Station signpost, you will come across the body of a Nilfgaardian soldier in the grass, with the buildings of Oxenfurt visible in the distance. Loot his corpse to find his notes and start the quest. Head east to the shore, you will come across a small jetty and some level 4 drowners. Kill them, then look for a chest in the grass, behind the boat and next to the water. In the chest are:
20 Florens
Pure Silver
Silver Ore
Search the body of the Nilfgaardian soldier
The location of the chest
Hidden From the World
Southeast and across the water from the Ferry Station signpost there is a camp of deserters overlooking a road. There are three deserters, all level 9. Kill them, then search the corpse lying between a box and two barrels. You’ll get:
Novigrad longsword
Read the letter, then head south to the objective area. The chest is hidden among some bushes and a tree. In it you’ll find:
Wolf’s liver
Diagram: Disglair
Trapper’s boots
Ducal Water
2 Crowns
Kill the deserters
Search the corpse
The chest is in the bushes
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
Head north from Reardon Manor until you come across a cluster of burned huts on the right side of the road. Next to the huts is a wooden entrance to an underground cellar, protected by a door. There is a level 9 ghoul lurking in the shadows, so be on your toes. Once you’ve killed the ghoul, break open the cellar door and go down. There will be a corpse lying on the right, on some kind of wooden platform. Search it to find:
Key to treasure chest
Crumpled notes
Smoking pipe
Read the crumpled notes to start the quest. You’ll find the treasure in a chest hidden at the base of a haystack, on the other side of the huts. The chest contains:
Mag Deira cuirass
2x Dwarven spirit
Rivian kriek
3x Lesser Chernobog Runestone
The door to the cellar
The corpse is on the right
Look at the bottom of the haystack
An Unfortunate Turn of Events
To start this quest, go north from the village of Lurch until you reach the river, then swim across it to a small dock. On the right side of the dock, next to the remains of a boat, you’ll find a corpse lying in the water. Take the Unsent Letter from it and read it to start the quest. Head east to the objective area, then dive down. You will be attacked by drowners on the way there. Kill them and get to the chest. Inside you’ll find:
Novigrad longsword
Pure silver
Harvall (Relic)
2x Dwarven spirit
Viziman champion
Search the body
The chest is at the bottom of the river
Tough Luck
To the east and slightly south of the Devil’s Pit there is a broken cart by the side of the road, with three corpses near it. Approach the cart and search the corpse of a man sitting on the ground with his back against the cart. You’ll find a Letter and Flowers. Read the letter to start the quest. Approach the other two corpses nearby and loot the corpse of the woman. You’ll find a small key and two Florens on it. Go back to the cart and use the key to unlock the chest that has nearly fallen out of the cart. You’ll get:
Diagram: Precision bolt
25 Crowns
4x Linen
Greater Morana runestone
Viziman champion
5x Fried fruit
Lesser Glyph of Quen
Axeman’s gauntlets
Search the corpse
Loot the woman’s corpse
Use the key to unlock the chest
Blood Gold
This quest is available in the middle island of a small island cluster to the northwest of Oxenfurt. To start it, head to the location marked on the map below and loot the corpse of the soldier lying against a wooden table. You’ll get:
Bloodstained key
Bloodstained document
Dried fish
Now turn around and head northwest, across the water. The chest is beneath a derelict wooden lookout post or scaffolding of some kind – consult the picture below. It contains:
Diagram: Assassin’s boots
Headhunter (Relic sword)
Ard Skellig aketon
Lunar Shards
Axeman’s gauntlets
Loot the corpse
Cross the water, the chest is hidden behind the barrels
Battlefield loot
This hidden treasure can be found on the northernmost island of the small archipelago to the northwest of Oxenfurt. Next to the remains of a wooden pallisade, you’ll find the corpses of a man and a dog, lying near each other. Check the first image below. Loot the corpse of the man to get:
Key attached to a crumpled note
Crumpled notes
Pick them up to start the quest, then look for a wooden watchtower behind a disused ballista. Go there and destroy the barrels to uncover the treasure chest. Unlock it with the key you’ve found on the man’s body. You’ll get:
Wolf hide
Dark steel plate
Iron ore
Cured draconid leather
Skellige gambeson
Loot the corpse, then walk to the barrels up ahead
Open the chest
The Things Men Do For Coin…
To get to this treasure, sail west from Border Post and disembark on the eastern shore of the nearest island. You’re looking for a corpse beneath a wooden lookout post, see the first image below. Loot the corpse to get:
Treasure key
Smoking pipe
The the left of the corpse, slightly in the distance, you’ll see a huge pile of corpses (the red arrow in the first picture). The chest is hidden beneath a heap of wooden boards next to the corpse pile, see the second image below. Use the key you got from the corpse to unlock the chest and get:
Temerian poniard
Diagram: Scoia’tael sword
Tracker’s trousers
Swordsman’s boots
Loot the corpse, then follow the red arrow to the corpse pile
The chest is hidden beneath the boards
This hidden treasure is in the marshes south of the Kimbolt Way signpost and west of the House of Respite. It is protected by a high-level fiend, so it is best to sneak your way to it. Check the first image below for its exact location. The chest is a locked basement of sorts (second image), so you’ll need to find the key for the door. Close to the door, in the direction of the fiend, is a small pond an a few corpses. Loot the corpse nearest to the door and you’ll get a Bandit’s key and Bandit’s notes. Use the key to open the door, then go in and loot the two chests inside. You’ll get:
Right chest:
Silver ingor
Elemental essence
Hardened leather
Flawless diamond
4x Timber
Pig hide
Left chest:
Pure silver
Meteorite silver plate
Optima matter
White bear hide
Princess Xenthia’s sword
Cidarian gambeson
Red arrow points to the door
The door to the chests
Take the key and go back to the door, follow the red arrow
Loot the two chests
Bird island
To get to this hidden treasure, you’ll have to get to Bird Island, off the eastern coast of Velen (see the first image below). Disembark near a broken boat surrounded by some packages. Look out for drowners. Use your Witcher Senses to track red footsteps leading from the corpse and through the mist. You will have to fight level 4 foglets on your way. The tracks end near a corpse lying against the skull of what appears to have been an elephant. Loot the corpse to get the Scratched key. The chest you’re looking for is on the southeastern tip of the island, concealed in the mist. Consult the second image below for its exact location. When you open it, you’ll get:
White wolf hide
Elemental essence
Follow the tracks
Loot the corpse
Red arrow points to the chest, note the position the chest on the map
Can anybody help me refind a chest of loot? I 1st found it on the slopes up to Benek, on the west side of the town, just above the devastated rib leaf fields where there are 4 Nekker nests. I can’t remember know whether I’ve found it just once, or just a few times, but every time I’ve looked since has been in vain. It’s not a great haul of loot or anything, but I like to be thorough!
Any help, especially screen grabs, would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the info on “Hidden From The World” – I’ve never found that chest before, despite playing through the whole game several times. I mean s**t, it’s so far away from the bandit camp that there are pairs of question mark Undiscovered Locations closer together, you know, like for instance that pair of ghoul nests set on either side of the base of a massive siege engine. What I mean is: 2 question marks for 2 of the same thing, in the same location, but that chest is on a different hilltop, on the other side of a flipping road, for Melitelle’s sake!
found another one. cant find the key though….205 (meters?) southwest of Arnskrone Castle ruins, Velen. an archgriffin has laid waste to a house. in that house’s basement is a locked chest. in the archgrffin’s nest is a body of a man who was going after this chest. no key though.
Bit late to the party but if it helps… The chest you mention above is linked to the side quest A Suprise Inheritance located in the Abandoned Site just north of the village Heddle. You’ll have to clear our about 6 or 7 ghouls.
Bit late to the party but if it helps… The chest you mention above is linked to the side quest A Suprise Inheritance located in the Abandoned Site just north of the village Heddle. You’ll have to clear our about 6 or 7 ghouls.
I do believe it is an elephant. Why it would be I have no clue. But this same skeleton is also in the middle of the bog in a clearing where you find another hidden treasure. There is a water hag guarding this one and there are the same bones there.
Can anybody help me refind a chest of loot? I 1st found it on the slopes up to Benek, on the west side of the town, just above the devastated rib leaf fields where there are 4 Nekker nests. I can’t remember know whether I’ve found it just once, or just a few times, but every time I’ve looked since has been in vain. It’s not a great haul of loot or anything, but I like to be thorough!
Any help, especially screen grabs, would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the info on “Hidden From The World” – I’ve never found that chest before, despite playing through the whole game several times. I mean s**t, it’s so far away from the bandit camp that there are pairs of question mark Undiscovered Locations closer together, you know, like for instance that pair of ghoul nests set on either side of the base of a massive siege engine. What I mean is: 2 question marks for 2 of the same thing, in the same location, but that chest is on a different hilltop, on the other side of a flipping road, for Melitelle’s sake!
found another one. cant find the key though….205 (meters?) southwest of Arnskrone Castle ruins, Velen. an archgriffin has laid waste to a house. in that house’s basement is a locked chest. in the archgrffin’s nest is a body of a man who was going after this chest. no key though.
Bit late to the party but if it helps… The chest you mention above is linked to the side quest A Suprise Inheritance located in the Abandoned Site just north of the village Heddle. You’ll have to clear our about 6 or 7 ghouls.
Bit late to the party but if it helps… The chest you mention above is linked to the side quest A Suprise Inheritance located in the Abandoned Site just north of the village Heddle. You’ll have to clear our about 6 or 7 ghouls.
That’s not even nearly all of them where are the rest?
The *hidden to the world* site has no body lying between the box and crates? What must I do?
On bird island it is a whale not an elephant skeleton.
I do believe it is an elephant. Why it would be I have no clue. But this same skeleton is also in the middle of the bog in a clearing where you find another hidden treasure. There is a water hag guarding this one and there are the same bones there.