Hearts of Stone Romance with Shani | The Witcher 3
There is a new romance in The Witcher 3, added in the Hearts of Stone expansion. Geralt’s new potential partner is Shani, a young field medic with whom he shares a past.
If you choose to pursue the Shani romance, you’ll be rewarded with some nice bits of story and a new sex scene. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to experience the Hearts of Stone romance.

The second scene, with a twist, is unlocked by offering her booze (mead or brandy) instead.

Hearts of Stone romance
While doing the Dead Man’s Party quest, you’ll get to attend a wedding. During the ceremony, you’ll receive a side quest called A Midnight Clear, which will require you to help improve Shani’s mood. Using your Witcher senses and your knowledge of her preferences (her journal entry says a lot about her), you’ll have to find an appropriate present to cheer her up, then use the power of conversation to lift her spirits even further.Shani sex scene
There are two slightly different sex scenes with Shani. Which one you’ll get to see depends on what you’ve given her as a present. If you give her the rowan flower, you’ll get the first scene.The second scene, with a twist, is unlocked by offering her booze (mead or brandy) instead.

Please screenshot where the rowan plants are or don’t make a guide
i dont use game mini map?! how not seeing them?!!
u dont use game mini map?! how not seeing them?!!