Home » Witcher 3 » Gwent Players & Merchants | The Witcher 3
Gwent is an ancient dwarven card game you can play with many characters in The Witcher 3. If you’ve collected a bunch of Gwent cards and developed a winning Gwent strategy, you’re probably looking to play with some folks and gather the remaining cards.
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In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find Gwent players and card sellers across the world.
White Orchard Card Traders
Click to enlargeThere are three people you’ll want to visit regarding Gwent in White Orchard:
The first player is at one of the tables at the Inn.
Elsa the innkeeper sells cards.
The merchant you saved from the griffin sells cards.
Gwent Players In Velen
Click to enlargeThe area around Crow’s Perch has thirteen players you can cross paths with:
The blacksmith in Blackbough
The merchant in Blackbough
The Bloody Baron in Crow’s Perch
Yoanna, the blacksmith’s apprentice in Crow’s Perch
Fergus Graem, the blacksmith in Crow’s Perch
The quartermaster in Crow’s Perch
The trader in lower Crow’s Perch
The blacksmith in Lindenvale
The merchant in Lindenvale
The armorer in Midcopse
The merchant in Midcopse
The craftsman in Claywich
The trader in Oreton
Click to enlargeThere’s six more near and in the fair city of Oxenfurt:
The armorer in Mulbrydale
The blacksmith in south-eastern Oxenfurt
Stjepan the innkeeper at the Alchemy Inn in Oxenfurt
The armorer in northern Oxenfurt
The merchant at the market in northern Oxenfurt
The dwarven herbalist in the hut north-east of Oxenfurt
The quartermaster at the Nilfgaardian Army Group Center Camp in the far south-east of Velen will be happy to play with you as well.
Novigrad Gwent Players
Novigrad is the biggest city in the game, so it’s only natural that the biggest number of Gwent players and card sellers can be found here. There’s 24 of them in total, in and around Novigrad: Click to enlarge
The priest of Eternal Fire near Elector’s Square on the northern island
Marquise Serenity in the Passiflora brothel
The alchemist at the crematory north of Oxenfurt Gate
The merchant in the building behind the notice board
The innkeep at the Nowhere Inn
The loanshark south-west of Oxenfurt Gate
The merchant across the street from the loanshark
The innkeep at the Seven Cats Inn, east of Tretogor Gate
The innkeep at Cunny of The Goose, south of the city
Elihal, the tailor south of Tretogor gate
The merchant at the market north-west of Tretogor Gate
Olivier, the innkeep at Kingfisher inn sells a few cards
Marcus T.K. Hodgson at the bookstore on Hierarch Square
The blacksmith in Silverton, north-west of Hierarch Square
The merchant across the road from the blacksmith
The fish seller in the small market west of Hierarch Square
Vimme Vivaldi, the owner of the bank
The blacksmith on the fish market, south of the bank
The innkeep at The Golden Sturgeon, west of Hierarch Square
The dwarven herbalist south of the fish market, across the canal
Zoltan at Rosemary & Thyme, near the Gate of The Hierarch (during quest)
The merchant north of Glory Gate
The madame at Crippled Kate’s brothel
The merchant at the Scoiat’ael camp south-west of the city
Skellige Isles Gwent Players
An Skellig, the north-eastern island, is home to three Gwent players:Click to enlarge
The blacksmith in Urialla Harbor
The innkeep in Urialla Harbor, who also has some cards for sale
The armorer in Urialla Harbor
Hidjarsfall is the island in the eastern part of the archipelago. There are four players to be found there:Click to enlarge
The armorer in Larvik
The merchant by the inn in Larvik
The innkeep at the House of Warriors inn in Larvik
The blacksmith in Larvik
Faroe is the elongated island in the south-east. There are only two people interested in Gwent on the whole island.Click to enlarge
The innkeep at the inn in Harviken
The blacksmith in Harviken
The island in the north-west is called Spikeroog. There’s a couple of people you’ll want to talk to there, too:Click to enlarge
The innkeep at the inn in Svorlag will sell you cards and play against you
The merchant by the sea in Svorlag
The blacksmith in the north of Svorlag
Ard Skellig is the large, central island. The northern part of the island is home to four people of interest:Click to enlarge
The blacksmith at Kaer Trolde
The armorer at Kaer Trolde
Jonas the innkeep at the New Port Inn in Kaer Trolde both plays and sells
The merchant in Blandare
The southern half of the island is more crowded, with almost a dozen players:Click to enlarge
The blacksmith in Arinbjorn
The innkeep at the in in Arinbjorn sells and plays
The blacksmith in Fayrlund
The merchant in Fayrlund
The herbalist in distress on the road north of Palisade
Amazing list, super helpful, was missing 3 cards, lvl 24, did a ton of quests, going back to each place would be a chose.
So used this list to find new spots which I didn’t visit yet and voila, got the missing cards, Wyvern was last for me as well.
Thanks for a job well done, I rarely leave comments but this list deserves it 🙂
I can’t tell you how grateful I am for this. I was annoyed with Gwent being shoved down my throat the whole game until after I finished Heart and Stone DLC. Felt like it was interfering with the action and story – not interesting at all. Now, even with your list, it’s taken me hours and hours to get most of these cards. Over 24 hours for sure. I’ve found every Heart and Stone card when it was too late too. Shani left hers on a table (her home’s the medical clinic facing the water on the west side of Oxenfurt), Olgrierd’s card was sitting in the pub, etc. The auction house one might be hard, but somehow I already had it – don’t remember how. Brunwich is where the wedding was. If anyone is looking for the Cow card… it’s in the loft of the barn there.
Some of the other missable cards are available as well. Like the Baron’s at Crow’s Perch. Someone else mentioned the Royal Palace noble that’s an important one – play him. If you’re looking for random cards from this list and any merchant isn’t there keep mediating and check different times of the day. There are bugs too, so try various ways to talk to them… like walking around a building and coming back (for real).
Anyways, thanks so much man! This is the best list online for finding the Gwent cards and I actually like playing Gwent now! It was much more fun – for me – building a deck and playing the games all in row. Took time out of my busy Gwent playing life to appreciate my gratitude – cheers.
So I collected every card except the 3 from the masquerade. Witcher 3’s a few years old, but it’s had patches so most of the cards can be collected now. I found a statement from the developers saying these cards will not be patch/available. The game’s so good people will play it for years so I just wanted to let other late converts to Gwent in the game know most can be found, as many comments online from a few years ago about availability of cards are no longer correct.
My book Guide to Gwent (it’s in quest items and keeps track of the number of cards still needed – so book #’s update) says I’m only missing 2 cards from Velen, not 3? Somehow, I have two extra random cards though – an extra Fire Elemental and Poor F’n Infantry.
When I played through I took the three cards from Zoltan as payment but never played Gwent with him. I now went back and played him, which activated the playing friends quest. Like I said, I’d already completed the main quest and Heart and Stone so this should have been impossible. I also played the banker in Novigrad, which allowed me to play other players there. I made the saves during the High Stakes game but by this time my deck was strong enough so it wouldn’t let me play without a strong deck anyways.
In a couple of forums, one of the random cards missing for someone else was the Vrihedd Cadet. I spent so long playing everyone again and again – because I thought I had missed this random card too. It’s actually “recruit” not “cadet.” I already had it haha
Without a spoiler, the one person I’m not sure about and would play early on is Sigismund Dijkstra. Depending on your choices, he might not be available later. Maybe his card could still be found left somewhere like others? One playable character I noticed missing from this list is Innkeeper at Rosemary and Thyme. I just played him before realizing the cadet thing and that I could stop looking. Destroyed by the Blood and Wine cards 😀
Sorry for the long comments, but I know how frustrating this card search can be and how much information is online that is outdated or incorrect. Your list was so helpful it seemed like the right place for me to share. Thanks again!
You should mention the importance of the quest following the thread i miss the goddamn neeker card and had to start over……………. man i love this game but that trophy is BS
Damn right ! if only we could ng+ From a ng+ ! I wouldn’t,t lose all my cards ! Maybe this is only because a start the dlc mission after finishing the main story on ng+ and find out I misss this damn necker cards from following the threads I cannot restart a game plus for now so i will have to finish the dlcs to find out if I need to go after all the cards again to get my 1 missing cards! Any ideas if I only have to get true the dlcs to start a ng+ from my ng+ save?
Nice maps. They help a lot, but I’m noticing some differences. I’ve had players sell me cards that are not showing up as card sellers on these lists. And also, there are some players that are supposed to sell a card or two according to this list that do not sell me any cards. I’m on my 3rd play thru so I’m paying more attention now. For example, the armorer at Oxenfurt (number 4) sold me 3 Scoiat’ael cards, but according to the list there isn’t any sellers in Oxenfurt. And there is a Scoiat’ael merchant on the Novigrad map (number 24) that is supposed to sell a card, but he doesn’t have any to sell and isn’t even a player.
I think that thru the updates they’ve changed some of the players/card sellers. Has anyone else noticed some differences like this?
Oh just realized the Scoiat’ael merchant (No. 24) does play but only as part of the Novigrad gwent players quest. But he still does not sell any cards for me. At least not on this play thru. Could it be that the location of some cards just pick random NPCs with latest updates? It seems most info available about this game was posted many updates ago. Currently on 1.31. I’ve seen a lot of confusion regarding mods and such in regards to updates and compatibility so it seems there was a lot of updates that changed a lot of things over the course of the last couple years. Well, best of luck to us all now…
missed out Thaler at the Seven Cats (only available if you play Zoltan AFTER helping Sigi Reuven find Thaler for the assassination plot against Radovid) if you miss this then you cannot get the Geralt of Rivia hero card (playable in any deck)
Can anyone help me understand the Gwent guide (in game)?
I had 3 in velen that I didn’t get, ran across a rando and played and got a card. All of a sudden velen is at zero.
I’ve followed this guide and played everyone in novigrad including those I’d already played but the. Gwent book says I still have 4 people to play in novigrad!
It is probably the people you need to play in the Gwent tournament. This is a special quest that shows up later and you should really have a strong GWENT deck befor you attempt it.
I suspected as much. I’m having a similar issue though I’ve gone through the entire list methodically for skellige, and I’m on the last two in the list; however the guide says I still have 7 people left. The past 8 PLAYERS haven’t given me a card (and only one gave me a material).
Further I should add I haven’t done the Gwent: Skellige Style quest but it only shows ermion?
There is also a merchant in Downwarren – Velen that will gwent with you (downwarren does not have a fast travel location – it is directly south of Reardon Manor)
You must be too far in the game. After all the mages left Novigrad, the Witch Hunters started going after book sellers, I’m guessing he was burned at the stake.
OK, I’ve either got a new one, or a bug. In Crookback Bog, the village of Donnerville (Swamp Thing contract), I had just gotten the 5 of 6 Griffin gear (Dragonslayer Grotto), and went SE to the nearest village. Lo and behold, there’s a merchant, playing a pretty mediocre Monsters deck. He gives a random card ( I got the Hero card Imlerith).
I loaded a previous save (about 3 levels worth), and he’s still there.(and he gave me a different card that time)
Go get him guys!
I have found no one to play in Harviken. Though different guides have 2 or 4 listed. I have stopped getting random cards as stated above, but I have only 2 clear weather, 2 torrential rain, and only one ballista, missing one of each according to some guides. I have celeno Harpy, but don’t have any other harpy as one guide listed. 2 nekkers, not 3, 2 gouhls not 3, and no vampire Fleder. several of these are supposed to be in harviken, but no merchants or blacksmiths or amourers their. As you can see I’m in a world of hurt. Help…
Can someone help me?The only 2 remaining cards that I need to get are from the alchemyst in the Crematory (number 3 in the Novigrad photo) and from the merchant behind the notice board. But after I beat them I get no card nor a crafting material…The dialogue option with “Let’s play gwent” or something like that is gold on both,meaning I never talked to them or played gwent with them…I should get a card,but I don’t…can someone help?
Zoltan card isnt a random card. you’ll get this from the first player of gwent in white orchard inn. It was a missable card but after 1.07 patch, it’ll be available under the Hanged Man’s Tree anytime.
He only sells the cards that the Innkeeper offered in White Orchard. As you leave White Orchard she becomes unavailable so you can then get the cards from him…provided you didn’t already buy them. This wasn’t originally in the game, but was added with the 1.04 patch. You should also be able to find the Zoltan card from the tutorial guy near Hanged Man’s Tree (or from his body, I suppose.) The Baron will leave his card in his office when you complete his quest line. No word on if they’ve replaced the Dandelion card that you can miss if you don’t participate at the mini tournament on the Vegelbud estate during a quest(the one with a party).
I reckon most people know this already from experimenting but some merchants actually show at different times, for example the fish market merchant in novigrad shows up a little later in the afternoon so you have to be careful not to miss him by meditating or getting bored like i did. Also Merch in Downwarren disappears depending on whether you release or kill the spirit in the Whispering Hillock quest. Scoiat’ael camp merchant only becomes a gwent player after you defeat the other novigrad players in the side quest “Big City Players”. Similarly, Stjepan only becomes a gwent opponent after visiting the noticeboard in oxenfurt and picking up the relevant notice.
Also CDProjekt Red are aware that some rescuable NPC’s whom sell cards, such as the one in claywych are bugged and often do not make it back after being rescued. Expect a fix sometime in the near future.
One last little extra note, the official Prima Game Guide notes the blacksmith in the center of novigrad between vimmi vivaldi and the bookseller as being a gwent player, but i have been unable to access this option despite multiple attempts and returning etc… This may be an error with the guide, or may be another bug to watch out for.
You just might have collected all the cards you could from random players. That happened to me too, I’m kind of a Gwent addict, and whenever I find a new player, I always challenge him (her). All of a sudden, I stopped winning cards when I was exploring Skellige, so I checked the gwent card guide, and realized there are more random gwent players than random cards to be earned… and since I already had all the random winnable cards of the list, the game stopped rewarding me with them.
Almost true.. i say almost because i’ve not ALL random cards (reading several guides i discovered that just 1 random card i need, KAYRAN).
Now i’m playing gwent with every lifeform i encounter but nothing. I receive only crowns. No materials, no cards.
1) It’s the first time i play gwent with them;
2) This strange behavior of the game is happening from almost 10 traders / armorers / blacksmiths and so on;
3) I’m in Skellige, i’ve played with ALL merchants and so on in Velen / Novigrad / White Orchard
4) This happen approximately from patch 1.08 (but i’m not sure 100%).
Anyone knows if is this a bug or if exists a way to resolve this? Maybe KAYRAN is not a RANDOM card… but…
i have the same problem with the arachas behemoth.but i belive u must find players with monster decks that contain your missing card.for me it is the only logical explanation
I believe you have to play madman lugos for the kayran csrd and do it before crowning one of the An Craite siblings. Read somewhere possibilty of an Emhyr card. I did not get the Emhyr card.
You have to get the quest before you can play him. He’s the first one you play in the inkeep quest. Go look on some notice boards and stuff and you should get the quest.
That was the first one I encountered after the first 3… He kicked my butt so hard, so many times..
When I eventually came back (out of pure f*ckin’ spite.) i kicked his ass ALL OVER the place… after several tries.
I hate that f*ckin’ noble so much. goddamnit. xD
If you buy 3 decoy cards from the innkeeper in White Orchard (sells one at a time, meditate for 4 days, will sell another), you can take his spy cards off the board, into your hand, and play them back against him. I was able to beat him doing this the first time I met him, 2nd attempt.
Still missing 8 random cards….
Missing 1 card in Novigrad…noooooo :-(((( any suggestion? Thx!
Amazing list, super helpful, was missing 3 cards, lvl 24, did a ton of quests, going back to each place would be a chose.
So used this list to find new spots which I didn’t visit yet and voila, got the missing cards, Wyvern was last for me as well.
Thanks for a job well done, I rarely leave comments but this list deserves it 🙂
fix: chore (not chose)
I can’t tell you how grateful I am for this. I was annoyed with Gwent being shoved down my throat the whole game until after I finished Heart and Stone DLC. Felt like it was interfering with the action and story – not interesting at all. Now, even with your list, it’s taken me hours and hours to get most of these cards. Over 24 hours for sure. I’ve found every Heart and Stone card when it was too late too. Shani left hers on a table (her home’s the medical clinic facing the water on the west side of Oxenfurt), Olgrierd’s card was sitting in the pub, etc. The auction house one might be hard, but somehow I already had it – don’t remember how. Brunwich is where the wedding was. If anyone is looking for the Cow card… it’s in the loft of the barn there.
Some of the other missable cards are available as well. Like the Baron’s at Crow’s Perch. Someone else mentioned the Royal Palace noble that’s an important one – play him. If you’re looking for random cards from this list and any merchant isn’t there keep mediating and check different times of the day. There are bugs too, so try various ways to talk to them… like walking around a building and coming back (for real).
Anyways, thanks so much man! This is the best list online for finding the Gwent cards and I actually like playing Gwent now! It was much more fun – for me – building a deck and playing the games all in row. Took time out of my busy Gwent playing life to appreciate my gratitude – cheers.
So I collected every card except the 3 from the masquerade. Witcher 3’s a few years old, but it’s had patches so most of the cards can be collected now. I found a statement from the developers saying these cards will not be patch/available. The game’s so good people will play it for years so I just wanted to let other late converts to Gwent in the game know most can be found, as many comments online from a few years ago about availability of cards are no longer correct.
My book Guide to Gwent (it’s in quest items and keeps track of the number of cards still needed – so book #’s update) says I’m only missing 2 cards from Velen, not 3? Somehow, I have two extra random cards though – an extra Fire Elemental and Poor F’n Infantry.
When I played through I took the three cards from Zoltan as payment but never played Gwent with him. I now went back and played him, which activated the playing friends quest. Like I said, I’d already completed the main quest and Heart and Stone so this should have been impossible. I also played the banker in Novigrad, which allowed me to play other players there. I made the saves during the High Stakes game but by this time my deck was strong enough so it wouldn’t let me play without a strong deck anyways.
In a couple of forums, one of the random cards missing for someone else was the Vrihedd Cadet. I spent so long playing everyone again and again – because I thought I had missed this random card too. It’s actually “recruit” not “cadet.” I already had it haha
Without a spoiler, the one person I’m not sure about and would play early on is Sigismund Dijkstra. Depending on your choices, he might not be available later. Maybe his card could still be found left somewhere like others? One playable character I noticed missing from this list is Innkeeper at Rosemary and Thyme. I just played him before realizing the cadet thing and that I could stop looking. Destroyed by the Blood and Wine cards 😀
Sorry for the long comments, but I know how frustrating this card search can be and how much information is online that is outdated or incorrect. Your list was so helpful it seemed like the right place for me to share. Thanks again!
Hello sir, you missed one player,
The Herbalist in Kaer Trolde, Skellige also plays Gwent.
Thank you very much !!! 🙂
Innkeep at Harviken also sells cards
You should mention the importance of the quest following the thread i miss the goddamn neeker card and had to start over……………. man i love this game but that trophy is BS
Damn right ! if only we could ng+ From a ng+ ! I wouldn’t,t lose all my cards ! Maybe this is only because a start the dlc mission after finishing the main story on ng+ and find out I misss this damn necker cards from following the threads I cannot restart a game plus for now so i will have to finish the dlcs to find out if I need to go after all the cards again to get my 1 missing cards! Any ideas if I only have to get true the dlcs to start a ng+ from my ng+ save?
Nice maps. They help a lot, but I’m noticing some differences. I’ve had players sell me cards that are not showing up as card sellers on these lists. And also, there are some players that are supposed to sell a card or two according to this list that do not sell me any cards. I’m on my 3rd play thru so I’m paying more attention now. For example, the armorer at Oxenfurt (number 4) sold me 3 Scoiat’ael cards, but according to the list there isn’t any sellers in Oxenfurt. And there is a Scoiat’ael merchant on the Novigrad map (number 24) that is supposed to sell a card, but he doesn’t have any to sell and isn’t even a player.
I think that thru the updates they’ve changed some of the players/card sellers. Has anyone else noticed some differences like this?
Oh just realized the Scoiat’ael merchant (No. 24) does play but only as part of the Novigrad gwent players quest. But he still does not sell any cards for me. At least not on this play thru. Could it be that the location of some cards just pick random NPCs with latest updates? It seems most info available about this game was posted many updates ago. Currently on 1.31. I’ve seen a lot of confusion regarding mods and such in regards to updates and compatibility so it seems there was a lot of updates that changed a lot of things over the course of the last couple years. Well, best of luck to us all now…
So to be clear, there aren’t any Gwent players in Kaer Morhen, Vizima, or Toussaint?
I know for sure that is one in Vizima, and you can end up playing Lambert in Kaer Morhen
missed out Thaler at the Seven Cats (only available if you play Zoltan AFTER helping Sigi Reuven find Thaler for the assassination plot against Radovid) if you miss this then you cannot get the Geralt of Rivia hero card (playable in any deck)
Can anyone help me understand the Gwent guide (in game)?
I had 3 in velen that I didn’t get, ran across a rando and played and got a card. All of a sudden velen is at zero.
I’ve followed this guide and played everyone in novigrad including those I’d already played but the. Gwent book says I still have 4 people to play in novigrad!
It is probably the people you need to play in the Gwent tournament. This is a special quest that shows up later and you should really have a strong GWENT deck befor you attempt it.
I suspected as much. I’m having a similar issue though I’ve gone through the entire list methodically for skellige, and I’m on the last two in the list; however the guide says I still have 7 people left. The past 8 PLAYERS haven’t given me a card (and only one gave me a material).
Further I should add I haven’t done the Gwent: Skellige Style quest but it only shows ermion?
Any more help is appreciated!
Epic guide helped me alot to find all playng bastards:)+Platinum hehehe.
The herbalist at Kaer Trolde also plays.
Shopkeeper in a Circus due east of the Eternal Fire Chapel, a marker to the west of the Cunny of the Goose Inn.
There is also a merchant in Downwarren – Velen that will gwent with you (downwarren does not have a fast travel location – it is directly south of Reardon Manor)
Otherwise awesome guide!
Actually there is a fast travel post lol my bad
What quest is the guide talking about in novigrad 21
i cannot find mr Marcus T.K. Hodgson
no one is in that book store
just a bunch of books but no npc there
You must be too far in the game. After all the mages left Novigrad, the Witch Hunters started going after book sellers, I’m guessing he was burned at the stake.
Does Priscillia drop a card when you play against her???
Not for me.
OK, I’ve either got a new one, or a bug. In Crookback Bog, the village of Donnerville (Swamp Thing contract), I had just gotten the 5 of 6 Griffin gear (Dragonslayer Grotto), and went SE to the nearest village. Lo and behold, there’s a merchant, playing a pretty mediocre Monsters deck. He gives a random card ( I got the Hero card Imlerith).
I loaded a previous save (about 3 levels worth), and he’s still there.(and he gave me a different card that time)
Go get him guys!
I have found no one to play in Harviken. Though different guides have 2 or 4 listed. I have stopped getting random cards as stated above, but I have only 2 clear weather, 2 torrential rain, and only one ballista, missing one of each according to some guides. I have celeno Harpy, but don’t have any other harpy as one guide listed. 2 nekkers, not 3, 2 gouhls not 3, and no vampire Fleder. several of these are supposed to be in harviken, but no merchants or blacksmiths or amourers their. As you can see I’m in a world of hurt. Help…
Make sure you’re going during the day. I went at 9AM and got a Ghoul, Nekker, Harpy, & Fleder from buying it from the innkeeper.
Can someone help me?The only 2 remaining cards that I need to get are from the alchemyst in the Crematory (number 3 in the Novigrad photo) and from the merchant behind the notice board. But after I beat them I get no card nor a crafting material…The dialogue option with “Let’s play gwent” or something like that is gold on both,meaning I never talked to them or played gwent with them…I should get a card,but I don’t…can someone help?
I don’t win any more random cards. As written above i should’ve got all of them. But i’m missing the Zoltán card. Anybody else?
Zoltan card isnt a random card. you’ll get this from the first player of gwent in white orchard inn. It was a missable card but after 1.07 patch, it’ll be available under the Hanged Man’s Tree anytime.
You also missed the Herbalist in Kaer Trolde. Definitely a Gwent player, he awarded me a monster hero card, though I believe it’s random.
You mised 1 Player
– Downwarren Merchant – rewards you Philipa Eilhart
I just played him and received Havekar Smuggler. Must be random?
I actually got the Philipa Eilhart card from him.
Is it just my game but the person you save from the Griffin isn’t selling any card. Or do they appear later in the game………………………..
He sells no cards on mine either.
He sells no card to me neither..
He only sells the cards that the Innkeeper offered in White Orchard. As you leave White Orchard she becomes unavailable so you can then get the cards from him…provided you didn’t already buy them. This wasn’t originally in the game, but was added with the 1.04 patch. You should also be able to find the Zoltan card from the tutorial guy near Hanged Man’s Tree (or from his body, I suppose.) The Baron will leave his card in his office when you complete his quest line. No word on if they’ve replaced the Dandelion card that you can miss if you don’t participate at the mini tournament on the Vegelbud estate during a quest(the one with a party).
I reckon most people know this already from experimenting but some merchants actually show at different times, for example the fish market merchant in novigrad shows up a little later in the afternoon so you have to be careful not to miss him by meditating or getting bored like i did. Also Merch in Downwarren disappears depending on whether you release or kill the spirit in the Whispering Hillock quest. Scoiat’ael camp merchant only becomes a gwent player after you defeat the other novigrad players in the side quest “Big City Players”. Similarly, Stjepan only becomes a gwent opponent after visiting the noticeboard in oxenfurt and picking up the relevant notice.
Also CDProjekt Red are aware that some rescuable NPC’s whom sell cards, such as the one in claywych are bugged and often do not make it back after being rescued. Expect a fix sometime in the near future.
One last little extra note, the official Prima Game Guide notes the blacksmith in the center of novigrad between vimmi vivaldi and the bookseller as being a gwent player, but i have been unable to access this option despite multiple attempts and returning etc… This may be an error with the guide, or may be another bug to watch out for.
The merchant at the Scoiat’ael camp number 24 in novigrad is not a gwent player for me.
he’s part of a gwent player quest: big city players. (needs to be completely before reason of state quest)
Merchant in Downwarren.
And Quest NPCs? Happy (Midcopse), Shipwright (Oreton), Soothsayer (Benek) etc.?
I’ve had it bugged where I played 5 different people on the Islands, ones I’ve never played before, and I didn’t receive anything for winning,
You just might have collected all the cards you could from random players. That happened to me too, I’m kind of a Gwent addict, and whenever I find a new player, I always challenge him (her). All of a sudden, I stopped winning cards when I was exploring Skellige, so I checked the gwent card guide, and realized there are more random gwent players than random cards to be earned… and since I already had all the random winnable cards of the list, the game stopped rewarding me with them.
Almost true.. i say almost because i’ve not ALL random cards (reading several guides i discovered that just 1 random card i need, KAYRAN).
Now i’m playing gwent with every lifeform i encounter but nothing. I receive only crowns. No materials, no cards.
1) It’s the first time i play gwent with them;
2) This strange behavior of the game is happening from almost 10 traders / armorers / blacksmiths and so on;
3) I’m in Skellige, i’ve played with ALL merchants and so on in Velen / Novigrad / White Orchard
4) This happen approximately from patch 1.08 (but i’m not sure 100%).
Anyone knows if is this a bug or if exists a way to resolve this? Maybe KAYRAN is not a RANDOM card… but…
Hey, i just found the kayran after beating the merchant in the small hamlet of downwarren in velen
i have the same problem with the arachas behemoth.but i belive u must find players with monster decks that contain your missing card.for me it is the only logical explanation
I believe you have to play madman lugos for the kayran csrd and do it before crowning one of the An Craite siblings. Read somewhere possibilty of an Emhyr card. I did not get the Emhyr card.
Has anyone else the bug that there is no gwint Option?
For example Stjepan the innkeeper in Oxenfurt
You have to get the quest before you can play him. He’s the first one you play in the inkeep quest. Go look on some notice boards and stuff and you should get the quest.
You forgot the noble in the courtyard in the Royal Palace 🙂
That was the first one I encountered after the first 3… He kicked my butt so hard, so many times..
When I eventually came back (out of pure f*ckin’ spite.) i kicked his ass ALL OVER the place… after several tries.
I hate that f*ckin’ noble so much. goddamnit. xD
If you buy 3 decoy cards from the innkeeper in White Orchard (sells one at a time, meditate for 4 days, will sell another), you can take his spy cards off the board, into your hand, and play them back against him. I was able to beat him doing this the first time I met him, 2nd attempt.
Amazing maps, helped me a lot for the last random cards! thank you
Forgot the barkeep at the Inn at the Crossroads