Blood and Wine Gwent Cards | Witcher 3
Blood and Wine has added a bunch of new gwent cards to The Witcher 3. There’s even a completely new faction, the Skellige deck.
Gwent lovers will have a great time collecting them all, playing against the new characters and even taking part in a tournament. This guide will show you all Blood and Wine Gwent Cards, their stats and how to get them.
If you’re stuck with any other aspect of the DLC, take a look at our Witcher 3 Blood and Wine Walkthrough & Guides.Note: This guide is a work in progress. We’ll update it with fresh info once the DLC is out.

New Gwent Cards – Blood and Wine
There might be new cards for various old factions, including neutral ones. We still don’t know if merchants from the main game are going to be selling them, but there’s no doubt you’ll be able to buy them in Toussaint. There will be a tournament in the city, so expect a lot of buzz around that.Skellige Deck
The biggest treat is, of course, the new deck. A brand new faction to play around with, the Skellige deck consists of images of burly men and women, viking boats and bears. Crach an Craite will be the faction leader, and there will be several card abilities we haven’t seen before. Hjalmar will be one of the heroes, a ranged card with 10 strength. Here are the cards we know of so far:- Berserker – Turns into a bear if there’s a Madroeme in the same row.
- Tight Bond – Place next to a card with the same name to double the strength of both cards.
- Medic – Choose one card from your discard pile and play it instantly (no heroes or special cards).
- Muster – Summon all other units of the same name from the deck.

Thank goodness only the original deck is required for quest completion. There isn’t a proper guide for obtaining cards.
* Possible Spoilers!
This list is waaaaaay off. To anyone who is curious or needs a checklist, I compiled this one. The locations of merchants who play Gwent and award cards are marked for a quest received after playing your first game in the expansion, I believe. I assume the card awarded is random, but I haven’t tested that assumption. Verified by my having the trophy and having beaten the Blood and Wine tournament.
Crach en Craite: obtained either at beginning of expansion or at Gwent quest (didn’t notice)
Basic deck (Count Monnier):
Clan Brokvar Archer (1 of 3)
Clan Brokvar Archer (2 of 3)
War Longship (1 of 3)
War Longship (2 of 3)
Donar an Hindar
Light Longship (1 of 3)
Light Longship (2 of 3)
Clan Heymaey Skald
Holger Blackhand
Birna Bran
Young Berserker (1 of 3)
Mardroeme (1 of 3)
Clan en Craite Warrior (1 of 3)
Clan en Craite Warrior (2 of 3)
Clan en Craite Warrior (3 of 3)
Clan Drummond Shield Maiden (1 of 3)
Madman Lugos
Blueboy Lugos
Clan Tordarroch Armorsmith
Win from NPC:
Mardroeme (2 of 3)
Mardroeme (3 of 3)
Clan Drummond Shield Maiden (2 of 3)
Clan Drummond Shield Maiden (3 of 3)
Draig Bon-Dhu
Skellige Storm (1 of 3)
Skellige Storm (2 of 3)
Skellige Storm (3 of 3)
Light Longship (3 of 3)
King Bran (Leader)
Young Berserker (2 of 3)
Young Berserker (3 of 3)
Clan Dimun Pirate
War Longship (3 of 3)
Clan Brokvar Archer (3 of 3)
this is a great list but were do you get the cow ?
You get the cow from HOS expansion in the marriage quest on a second floor of a house on the left from the entrance.
New weather card – Skellige Storm – Affects melee and ranged rows
Missing Clan an Craite Warriors. You play a blacksmith to win the Young Berserker card.
Kambi – won off a round of gwent with innkeeper
Also missing Drag Bon Dou – acquired by winning a round of Gwent with an innkeeper.
You are missing Clan Drummond Shield Maiden – 4 Points, Melee, Tight Bond. Gotten by winning Gwent match with the Innkeeper upon arriving in Toussaint. The Leader Card, Crach an Craite, ability is to shuffle the opponents Gwent deck returning all discarded cards to the main deck thus preventing the use of medics to recall discarded cards.