Arenaria | The Witcher 3 By: Pavle DjordjevicUpdated: Oct 28, 2015, 15:17 2 CommentsHome » Witcher 3 » Arenaria | The Witcher 3 Arenaria is a flower in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is used as an ingredient in alchemy – you can make potions, bombs, oils and decoctions with it.▼Article Continues Below▼ In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find Arenaria, what it looks like and where you can buy it.Where To Find ArenariaThe white, daisy-looking flower can be found in fields across the land. One of them is west of the White Orchard Inn. Where To Buy ArenariaAny decent herbalist should have Arenaria in stock, for about 5 crowns a piece. Here are the ones we’ve checked:Tomira – White Orchard, east of the sawmillHerbalist – Velen, east of Lindenvale (after you liberate the camp) Tomira HerbalistArenaria is used in recipes such as:Specter OilWhite GullHanged Man’s VenomPetri’s Philter
Stock up on this, White Gull is used in many recipes and Arenaria as well. I’m guessing you will need somewhere around 30-50 of these to make all the alchemical items. Enhanced Petri’s Philter alone takes 6 (which is why I ended up at this page.)
Hey! Thanks so much for this information. Found one where you said to and was able to find many more after seeing how they look.