A Greedy God


A Greedy God is a secondary quest which revolves around a false deity and its naive followers.

Key Facts

Category:Side Quest

Quest Text

In the backwoods of Velen Geralt came across an altar, and next to it – two troubled villagers.
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When asked the source of their worries, the peasants told Geralt the deity they worshiped – the awe-inspiring Allgod – had rejected the offerings they had brought him. The witcher was not a particularly gods-fearing individual, yet nevertheless promised that he’d intercede for the peasants with their deity.

Starting NPC

Additional Info

Go to Wastrel Manor after dark, and speak to the peasants praying at a makeshift altar in one of the southern buildings.

Video Walkthrough


Following contains quest spoilers. You’ve been warned

Address the Allgod using the altar.

By talking to the Allgod, you’ll realize his voice is coming from below.

Find the Allgod.

Using your Witcher senses and the Eye of Nehaleni, you’ll find a set of stairs leading into the basement.

The Allgod turns out to be a greedy sylvan who lives off offerings.
Choice 1

Got an idea. I’m gonna kill you.

Kill the sylvan and tell the peasants of his scam. They will actually be quite upset, but you know better.

You get 75XP total.
Choice 2

Settle for humble offerings – or die.

Convince the sylvan to only accept small offerings, telling the peasants you’ve appeased their god. This choice also lets you tell the peasants of the hidden chamber bellow, so you will be letting them deal with their Allgod in the way they find the most appropriate.
Choice 3

Fine. I’ll tell them

You decide not to confront the sylvan and tell the peasants they have to provide better offerings to the Allgod. You will have a choice to tell the peasants there is a basement underneath the altar and let them resolve things for themselves, but you can ignore to do so as well.

You get 25XP for this choice + 50XP for quest completion
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