Watch Dogs 2 Ending
Watch Dogs 2 is Ubisoft’s new open world action-adventure. Like in its predecessor, the central theme in Watch Dogs 2 is surveillance and data manipulation by “the system”, and hacktivists revealing the truth to the general public.
Here, you’ll find put what happens during the Watch Dogs 2 ending, when DedSec blows the lid off the Blume/ctOS conspiracy. Be warned, spoilers ahead.
The next scene is Marcus and T-Bone returning to DedSec headquarters – Hackerspace. They celebrate their victory and release the final media blitz (in this game). In the media blitz, Marcus explains that hackers are the heroes that the system has turned into an object of fear, to keep people “controlled and ignorant.” They reveal the true purpose of ctOS – to track people and keep them in line. He thanks the people for standing by them and refusing to be lied to and to be afraid. Then we hear a news report about Dusan Nemec and Blume over some glitch art. The report gives an epilogue of sorts. It explains that Nemec is facing multiple charges of fraud and that Blume are trying to wash their hands of the whole thing. The evidence that DedSec uncovered about Nemec will land him in jail for many years to come. Roll credits.
Many people are expressing the opinion that the Watch Dogs 2 ending is anticlimactic and another instance of Ubisoft not trying hard enough. Others are defending the ending, saying that it’s appropriate to the subject matter. What is your opinion? How could have the ending been better? How the Hell does Wrench drink the beer he is holding in the final cutscene with that mask of his? Tell us what you think in the comments!
Ending of Watch Dogs 2
“Elsewhere in San Francisco”, the camera pans down to T-Bone and Marcus entering Nemec’s building. Nemec lets them into his apartment. He taunts the hacktivists, certain that they can’t touch him. He insults T-Bone and compares him to a caveman clicking two stones together. However, Dusan’s cellphone starts ringing. T-Bone insinuates that Dusan is the one in trouble, that their visit is a “f**k ’em and leave ’em situation.” Since the phone is still ringing, Marcus tells Dusan that the call might be important, but wants to tell him a story first. He then reveals that everything Dusan had done is public now, and that the phone call might be Blume, or Dusan’s lawyers, or just a telemarketer. T-Bone and Marcus then leave Dusan’s apartment, just as three police officers come to arrest Dusan.The next scene is Marcus and T-Bone returning to DedSec headquarters – Hackerspace. They celebrate their victory and release the final media blitz (in this game). In the media blitz, Marcus explains that hackers are the heroes that the system has turned into an object of fear, to keep people “controlled and ignorant.” They reveal the true purpose of ctOS – to track people and keep them in line. He thanks the people for standing by them and refusing to be lied to and to be afraid. Then we hear a news report about Dusan Nemec and Blume over some glitch art. The report gives an epilogue of sorts. It explains that Nemec is facing multiple charges of fraud and that Blume are trying to wash their hands of the whole thing. The evidence that DedSec uncovered about Nemec will land him in jail for many years to come. Roll credits.
Many people are expressing the opinion that the Watch Dogs 2 ending is anticlimactic and another instance of Ubisoft not trying hard enough. Others are defending the ending, saying that it’s appropriate to the subject matter. What is your opinion? How could have the ending been better? How the Hell does Wrench drink the beer he is holding in the final cutscene with that mask of his? Tell us what you think in the comments!