Valheim Console Commands F5 Not Working After Patch – How to Enable Commands
The F5 console commands in Valheim are not working after the latest patch, and players are wondering how to enable commands. Turns out, the developers have disabled the console commands by default, so you need to go through an extra step to use them again. Plus, the cheat command has been changed, so that’s another problem. In our Valheim Console Commands F5 Not Working After Patch – How to Enable Commands guide, we’ll show you what to do.

How to Enable Valheim F5 Console Command After Patch – Valheim Console Commands Not Working
To enable the f5 console command in Valheim after the latest patch, you have to go through a couple of steps. It’s not that the Valheim console commands are not working; the developers have just changed how the system works. They’ve detailed everything in the latest patch notes. Basically, they’ve disabled the console by default, so you have to enable it again. On top of that, they’ve changed the “cheat” command. If you’ve missed the memo, let’s get you up to speed. real quick.
The first step is to right-click on Valheim in your Steam library. Click on Properties and look at the General tab. You’re looking for a text box under Launch Options. In that box, you have to type “-console” (without the quotes). With all that out of the way, the next time you launch the game, you’ll be able to hit F5 to bring up the console commands again. However, as we’ve already mentioned, enabling cheats requires a different command now. It used to be “imacheater,” which kinda fun. Now, the command is “devcommands” (without the quotes).

On top of that, the developers have added a warning message for cheaters. Not that they’ll penalize you for cheating; it’s just that your experience will suffer. If you’re adamant on cheating, though, check out our Valheim Console Commands guide. But, yeah, that’s how you enable F5 console commands in Valheim if they aren’t working after the patch.
it doesn’t work for me and i don’t know how to fix it .
i cant open the console
I’ve done everything right, from putting in -console to adding the right steamid64 to the adminlist, we’re still not able to use it on my buddys server.
Only reason why is, the game crashed on me and i lost absolutly everything except enough for a raft that i had on.
No death symbol, no gravestone, no nothing =/
Hi I can bring up the console by pressing f5 but it doesn’t accept anything I input it just highlights the text
You took like 500 words to say what could have been said in 20. You’re the worst.
Do you get royalties off scrolling?
Why is every “guide” full of ####.
There’s been an update so you need to put
in to the launch settings found in steam library properties for valheim. Oh and imacheater has been changed to devcommand
End of story… Go write a novel and stop wasting everyone’s time.
ur sight of 500 words is atrocious lol stop being a bitch and causing issues lol
Honestly the cheat have been a bug compensation for me, so I appreciate them… once i put all my ingots in a chest and suddenly couldn’t open it so i discconect/reconnected and the chest wasn’t there anymore… so instead of accepting that I lost 10 hours of gameplay, i opened commands I spawned ingots to compensate my loss… 🙂
Exactly! I lost so many things due to crashes/bugs it was either spawning in lost items, or stop playing.