Uncharted 4 Chapter 3 Treasure Locations - Malaysia Job
Chapter 3: The Malaysia Job is the third level of Uncharted 4. It’s a mission that takes place mainly underwater, so you’ll do quite a bit of diving.
There are four treasures to be found in it, most of them in the water. In this guide, we’re going to show you all Uncharted 4 Chapter 3 treasure locations.
If you’re looking for one of the other chapters, you should check out our Treasure Locations Guide.
Chapter 3 TreasuresAs soon as you start the chapter, swim to the right. Look for a tree trunk positioned on top of two rocks. The treasure will be beneath it – an Antique Padlock with a strange symbol.
If you’re looking for one of the other chapters, you should check out our Treasure Locations Guide.
In the Malaysia job how did you open the tanker door. Must be doing something wrong
Don’t you just have to spam the appropriate button?