Tower of Fantasy Parental Consent Fix and Credit Card Requirement
The long-awaited MMORPG Gacha game Tower of Fantasy is finally out. While the game has been in beta for some time, its full release has given players around the world the chance to fully explore its big open world. Of course, since it is a newly-released online game, the usual set of issues that plague almost every such title are to be expected. Currently, one of the most problematic errors that you can get is the Parental Consent and Credit Card Requirement. If you are getting this Parental Consent and Credit Card Requirement error in Tower of Fantasy and want to know how to fix it, we are here to help you do exactly that.

How to Fix the Parental Consent and Credit Card Requirement in Tower of Fantasy?
Many players are getting the following message when they try to log into the game: “Parental consent. Minors are required to obtain parental consent before entering the game. Click CONTINUE to go to the verification page. If you need help, please contact customer service. Your verification method: Credit Card.” The problems here are obvious. First off, this is a free game, so it shouldn’t prevent you from playing it without entering a credit card first. And second, it asks for parental consent no matter what your age is.

This is a problem with the game’s authentication system, so they will most likely fix this on their end very soon. But in the meantime, is there anything you can do to resolve it? Luckily, there are a couple of things you can try. The solution that has helped the most players is to log out and then log back in. Some report that they needed to do this over ten times, so be patient. And if that doesn’t help, several players have said that uninstalling and reinstalling the game helped them not get this error anymore.