How to Get Chaser Tower of Fantasy Mount
If you’re having trouble figuring out how to get the Tower of Fantasy Chaser mount, you’ve come to the right place. The trick is that unlocking the Chaser mount requires you to find two different materials, neither of which are very easy to find. So, in this guide, we are going to show you how to get a Maglev Stalker and a Magnetic Rod in order to make the Chaser Mount.

How to Get the Tower of Fantasy Chaser Mount
To get the Chaser mount in Tower of Fantasy, you need to gather two components, a Maglev Stalker and a Magnetic Rod. So, let’s begin with the first one. The Maglev Stalker drops from world bosses called The Vermin Brothers. There are four of them scattered across the map. One of them is in the southeast of Astra, and the other three are in the south and southwest of Banges. One thing that you need to know is that the Stalker is actually a fairly rare drop. So, don’t be surprised if you end up doing a ton of farming before finally getting what you need.

The second component, the Magnetic Rod, is much less aggravating. Go to the north of Astra, to the Northern Ring Ranges (coordinates -847.3, 536.8). There, you’ll find what looks like a giant, dilapidated, red clown head. It wouldn’t be out of place in Arkham City. To get the Tower of Fantasy Chaser mount, you need to climb and fly to a platform on the left side of the head. There, you’ll find a Type II supply pod. You’ll find the Magnetic Rod in there, along with a bunch of Gold, XP, Dark Crystals, and even a Gold Nucleus. There’s one more in the center of the head, by the way.

Once you have both components, you can now get the Tower of Fantasy Chaser mount. Go into the Vehicles menu, select the Chaser, and then click or tap the “Unlock” button. Boom, you’re good to go. The Chaser is adorable, by the way; it looks like an oversized vacuum cleaner. The game even acknowledges it, saying it was modeled after “flying brooms in various fantasy novels.”