Tower of Fantasy Error 2618 Already Logged Into the Game With This Account Solution
Tower of Fantasy is a game that many players around the world have anticipated for a while now. Similar in style and gameplay to Genshin Impact, it isn’t hard to see why that would be the case. And now that ToF is finally out, some players have been getting a very irritating Error 2618, that states that they are “Already logged into the game with this account.” – even when that obviously isn’t true. Is there anything you can do to fix this on your end? Luckily, there are several methods you can try out as a solution to the Tower of Fantasy Already Logged Into the Game With This Account Error 2618, and we will go over all of them in this guide.

How to Fix the Error 2618 Already Logged Into the Game With This Account Tower of Fantasy
First off, let’s see what the Error 2618 even is. This error occurs when the server you are trying to play Tower of Fantasy on is too full to allow new players to access it. So what can you do to fix this? Well, the first thing that you should always do in cases such as these is to – restart the game. In the vast majority of cases, simply doing this is enough to fix the issue. But if that hasn’t solved the problem, the next step is to restart your router. This will allow your internet connection to reset. Thus, it may help you get into the game.
After that, try changing your server. After all, if the server you are currently trying to access is full, another one may not be. And if you cannot find a free server in your own region, then the last step here is to switch to another region. Finally, if you are still getting the Error 2618, then the only thing left to do is to wait until a server frees up so that you can log in. The game has only just been released, so server problems are to be expected. It’s something that is almost certainly going to be fixed soon.