Tower of Fantasy Disconnected from Server Fix
In our Tower of Fantasy Disconnected from Server Fix guide, we are going to explain what causes this error and give you a workaround you can use to circumvent it. The issue is something that a lot of you might encounter while trying to get into the game, and even in the middle of playing. Fortunately, it seems like it’s something that will solve itself over time, but until such a time, you still need to know how to “fix” it.

How to Fix Disconnected from Server Error in Tower of Fantasy
To fix the Tower of Fantasy Disconnected from Server error, you basically have to try and jump onto a different server. Basically, if you’re trying to get into the game and get this message, that means the server you’re trying to join is overcrowded already. So, just select a different one. Ideally, you want to use one of the servers the game recommends to you, since they’re based on location. If you’re attempting to hop on a server that’s too far from where you are, you might encounter the same problem. When you select a server, you’ll see your position in the queue and an estimation of how long you’ll have to wait (the actual time might be shorter). If you feel like the wait is too long, try a different server.
So, that’s basically the only way to fix the Disconnected from Server Error in Tower of Fantasy. Keep in mind that everyone and their grandmother is trying to play the game at the moment, so getting in is going to be a chore no matter which server you select. Also, you might get disconnected from your server in the middle of playing the game. If that happens, then you’ve actually encountered a bug. Fortunately, as you can see in the screenshot up top, the developers are aware of it and are working on a fix. In the meantime, you’ll just have to attempt to rejoin the server you were on (or a different one, if you prefer). Either way, these are just growing pains, and they should go away on their own.
Happens 5-10 times a day for me and my 6 friends that play. Kicks you out of an instance when you reconnect. If you are in a story instance, it resets the instance and you start all over. For me, it reset me about an hour worth of gameplay. Then it did it 3 more times in a row.