Tomb Raider Red Cap Roundup Challenge objective: Collect ten mushrooms in the Summit Forest area.
This is a pretty easy challenge which does not require a lot of jumps.
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It can be even easier if you first defeat enemies in the Summit Forest.
Red Cap Roundup no.1
The first mushroom is at the start of the map, next to the gate near the heli crash site.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.2
The crashed chopper’s cockpit end points to a tree. Behind the tree you can find the next mushroom.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.3
The third mushroom is in the middle of the narrow part of the map, after the starting area.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.4
The next mushroom is to the north, right before a small bridge.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.5
Once you enter the middle part of the map, follow the river bank and you will spot the mushroom no. 5.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.6
The next mushroom is on a small protruding rock.
Jump on the protruding rock.
The view from the rock where the mushroom is.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.7
The mushroom no. 7 can be collected near two deer stands connected with zipline.
Deer stands.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.8
Just South-East from the fast travel camp, under the crashed plane, you can find the next mushroom between rocks.
Passage between rocks.
Map location of the mushroom.
Red Cap Roundup no.9
Just east from the fast travel camp, when you go up the stairs, you will spot the mushroom next to a pillar.
Thanks for the guide I was missing one of these darn things
GOOD LOOKING OUT I SPENT 2 hours looking for the one on the rock