Titanfall 2 is finally out. As the early adopters are queueing for exciting multiplayer matches with giant robots, the first problems are starting to surface.
Not all of them are serious – some are just annoying, without actually being too much of an issue. While there are workaround and tweaks that will allow you to circumvent some of them, others will require you to wait for a patch. In this guide, we’re going to show you all
errors & problems in Titanfall 2, how to fix or avoid them.

Titanfall 2 matchmaking not working on Xbox
Some players are reporting having trouble playing with their friends on the Xbox One. They’d either get sent to separate servers, or put in opposing teams. The only thing you can do if this happens to you, is to keep trying.
Titanfall 2 PC performance issues
The PC version of the game can easily be tweaked to avoid performance issues. If you’re having input lag, FPS drops, stuttering, crashes or anything similar, here’s what you could do:
- Update your graphics card drivers.
- If you’re playing in a borderless window, switch to fullscreen.
- Disable Vsync.
- Lower the graphical settings (antialiasing, postprocessing options, bloom, etc).
No fullscreen in Titanfall 2 PC
Some people are having problems with running the game fullscreen on PC. Whenever they choose the option, the game boots them back to windowed after a short while. Choosing resolutions below the native resolution of the monitor fixed it for some. Playing in a borderless window definitely solves it, but it’s more taxing on the computer – you’ll need a better rig to run it as smoothly.
Kicked to menu after match in Titanfall 2
A few people having been experiencing an issue where the game kicks them back into main menu after they finish a match, making them reconnect in order to continue playing. If you’re having this problem, you could try restarting the game. Other than that, you’ll have to wait for a hotfix.
Titanfall 2 contacting Respawn servers
If you’re playing on PC, you might be getting an error message that says Contacting Respawn servers, you won’t be able to play multiplayer. Luckily, there’s an easy fix for this. The problem occcurs when you have multiple network adapters (LAN, WLAN, tunneling software, etc). Simply disable all except the one you get your internet from, and it will work.
Titanfall 2 Error Code 408
Same as the above. Simply disable all the network adapters apart from the one you’re using to connect to the intenet, and the problem will go away.
Wrong resolution in Titanfall 2 PC
Several PC people have complained that the game won’t let them select their native resolution. It just offers them a setting a few steps lower than their preferred one. One thing that helped some of them was switching to windowed mode, then back to fullscreen. Another was restarting the game.
Titanfall 2 Lag
Players across all three platforms are complaining of severe lag. There’s no helping it – the servers are underpowered, there’s too many people trying to play. You’ll just have to wait it out, hoping the devs will work on improving their network infrasatructure.
Titanfall 2 won’t start on PC
A couple of users have complained about not even being able to start the game on PC. They’d double-click the icon, only to have nothing happen. The game would appear in Task Manager, but it wouldn’t actually run. There’s no known solution for this problem. If you’re experiencing this, you could try contacting support.
Oon my ps4 it is saying that im not permitid to play online
Disabling the network connections fixed my infinite Data Center problem, buy now I get the 408 error.
the last one is what i have but i dont know how to Contact support
In regards to the game not starting on PC. Go to Nvidia GeForce Experience and optimize the settings and try running the game. After messing around with TF2 for about 2 hours (verified game cache about 6 times, re-installed entire program, tried command line changes in the pre-game settings) i decided to take a shot in the dark and allow Nvidia to launch the game for me. SUCCESS!! I simply allowed Nvidia Experience to optimize the game setting, then launched straight from Geforce Experience and the game opened immediately. I believe it was an issue with the games default setting being full-screen, once i optimizd the settings it opened in windowed and there was no issue… Now i need to try some of the suggestions above for removing the window while i play, it seriously hurts the immersion of gameplay!
What if you’re playing on PS4 and it says contacting Respawn servers? What then?
Disabling all other networks has failed to get rid of my 408 error. Any other ideas as far as how to fix this? This is my only problem with this game. everything else works fine
Many thanks for posting so early. My issue was the severe lag. I’m talking about the “randomly teleport around the map” lag. Usually my wifi allows me to play online flawlessly, so I don’t think thats the problem.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!! I am at work but this is my problem: All else works flawlessly so I think this will fix it.
Titanfall 2 contacting Respawn servers
If you’re playing on PC, you might be getting an error message that says Contacting Respawn servers, you won’t be able to play multiplayer. Luckily, there’s an easy fix for this. The problem occcurs when you have multiple network adapters (LAN, WLAN, tunneling software, etc). Simply disable all except the one you get your internet from, and it will work.