The Last of Us 2 Thrift Store Safe Combination & Location - Staci's number
There’s a single safe in the Capitol Hill area of the Seattle Day 1 chapter of The Last of Us II. It’s inside a thrift store you’ll come across when you reach the tripwire mine section. It’s hidden away in a back room, and the combination and clues for it are also nearby. If you’re having trouble finding it, or figuring out how to unlock it, this guide will show you The Last of Us 2 Thrift Store Safe Combination.

Where to find The Last of Us 2 Thrift Store Safe Combo?
The Capitol Hill safe is located in the back room of the Wellwisher thrift store and donation center, which you’ll run into after crossing the valley and reaching the tripwire mine area. It’s in the room with the crawler. If you go back to the hall leading to the room with the safe, you’ll see a cork-board on the wall. Pinned to it is a letter artifact called “Thrift store reminder” that reads as follows.
“M- make sure you take the envelope to the bank before Monday am. Made the combo the last 6 digits of Staci’s phone number. Figured that’d be easy for you to remember, hehe. [206-555-0100]”
The number is written at the bottom, but the last two digits have been teared off. So, what are the last two digits of Staci’s number?
Where is Staci’s phone number for the Thrift Store Safe code?
Turns out Staci is not a respectable character and you find her number written on the bathroom wall. Next to the cork board is the entrance to the bathroom. Use your flashlight and you’ll see a message written on the tiles in red marker. It says “for a good time, call Staci”, with a number under it. Compare it to the number on the letter and you’ll see the digits match, so you can now go and enter all of them and get your goodies.
If you don’t want to tire yourself with scouring for clues and figuring out the code by yourself, the combination you need to unlock the Last of Us 2 Thrift Store Safe safe is 55 01 33. The goodies we’ve mentioned are a bit underwhelming, though – a medkit, some rifle ammo and shotgun slugs. It’s not that big of a boon, unless you’re playing on one of the less forgiving difficulty settings. In that case, you take what you can get.
If you still need help you can check out our video guide for this safe location and combo. While you’re there feel free to subscribe to our youtube channel.