There are glowing barrels you can feed Trico in The Last Guardian. Each one heals him slightly, restoring his horns or wings a little. The more barrels you feed him, the better he’ll feel. We don’t really know what kind of effect they have on gameplay, but it’s nice to be nice. Apart from that, if you let him eat all the barrels in the game, you’ll unlock the Lock, Stock and Barrel trophy. In this guide, we’re going to show you all The Last Guardian barrel locations, and help you get that trophy.
for his great contribution.
No. | Barrel Location Guide | Map Screenshot |
1-3 | There are three barrels in the cave you start the game in. Look at the ruined building Trico is turned towards. There are barrels on top of it both to the left and right. There’s also a locked door on the left, which is opened using the lever. Another barrel is behind it. |  |
4-5 | In the second room, there are two barrels on the lower ledge (the one on the right), and one on the higher ledge (6). You’ll have to climb Trico in order to reach both places. |  |
7-9 | Once you reach the lake (with the bright waterfall), you’ll have to use Trico’s lightning to break down the barricade on the wall on the left. Go inside and climb up, and you’ll find a crate with three barrels. Push it off the ledge to break it. |  |
9b | In the same room as the previous ones, behind the bright glowing waterfall. You have to call Trico to come there and use him to climb the moss. Follow the moss path to the small cave. |  |
10 | You’ll have to use Trico’s lightning ability to destroy the large door. Once it’s destroyed, a large stone pillar will fall down. Go inside the next room. Trico won’t follow you, so you’ll have to make your way to the second floor and call him from there. At the end of this hallway there is a barrel below some wooden bars. |  |
11 | Within the next room with the tall ceiling there are several parts of the wall that you can climb. Use them to get to the next barrel. | Climb to reach it. |
12 | You’ll need to destroy another wooden door a little further inside. This part of the cave looks like a mine shaft. There is also a “hidden” mine shaft. It leads to another food source for Trico. |  |
13 | Soon enough, you’ll have to destroy a colorful mirror. Find a small entrance to a narrow, long hallway near this mirror. Collect what you find inside. |  |
14 | The next one, is found as soon as you let Trico go through the locked gate. It is at the end of the next hallway. It is really hard to miss it, as it’s very bright. |  |
15-16 | After a long sequence, where you’ll watch one longer cutscene, you’ll fight the first enemies and once more end up in the open. This is where you’ll find another room with a tall ceiling. Use Trico’s tail to reach its upper levels. There are two collectibles. |  |
17 | Inside the room with many large stone pillars, on the ground to your left, you’ll find another one. |  |
18 | Within the next part, Trico’s tail will get stuck in a gate. You’ll have to set him free. This is where many enemies also show up. Set Trico free. Once you leave this hallway and go up to the open, go to your right. At the end of this path there is a barrel. |  |
19-22 | Opposite from the previous one, you’ll find a small passage that leads to a small room. This is where you learn about Issuing commands to Trico. Order him to destroy the wooden cage that holds four barrels. |  |
23 | Just like the previous two locations, this one is also found in the same place. Just before Trico goes through the small passage, look up. There is a small, dark place with the collectible. |  |
23b | After you make Trico jump over the broken bridge, make him prop up. Use him as a ladder and climb on top of the structure to your right. |  |
24 | You’ll make Trico open the gate by putting a cup with glowing blue stuff on a long chain. Inside the next area, behind metal bars, is the next one. |  |
25 | After the long jumping railway sequence, you’ll have to fight off several enemies. In this zone, use the chain (takes you to the mirror) and climb on it. On the platform you’ll find what you seek. |  |
26-27 | We are now outside. Make Trico prop up on the nearby pillars. On one of the balconies up here, there are two barrels. |  |
28 | You can’t miss this one. It is part of the main story. Since Trico is hungry and weak, you’ll have to find him food. Go under the half-closed door. It leads into the room with railway tracks. Inside, in the dark, there is a barrel you’ll have to carry to Trico. |  |
29 | A bit further into the game, you and Trico will fall down through a rooftop. Trico will once more need food. This one is right in front of him, but inside the other room. You’ll have to toss it around to make it to the second floor, and then to Trico. |  |
30 | We are now inside the room where you fought off several enemies. Two of them had to be pushed since they carried mirrors and prevented Trico from moving forward. Take a look at the nearby “prison” bars door. There is a slight hole you can go through. It leads to the next Trico treat. |  |
30b | Don’t leave the previous area yet. Take one of the defeated enemies’ helmets. Carry it to the other side of the room, where the three inactive soldiers are. Use the helmet to activate the farthest one. The hidden room with the barrel is behind him. |  |
31 | After the room with green gas and a bit of swimming and jumping, Trico will need more food. You can’t miss this barrel as it is part of the story. It is found inside a room close by. What is tricky about this one is that you’ll need to use the boxes found near it. Toss the barrel onto the boxes and through the gate gap. |  |
32 | Climb on the edge of the large arena where the seats are. Walk around it until you spot the collectible, next to one of the stone pillars. |  |
32b | Before you leave the arena, you need to jump on the cart and make Trico propel you. Before you do it, have a soldier’s helmet next to you. Once Trico propels you to the upper floor, the helmet will be there as well. Take it to the inactive soldier on the same floor. The small hidden room with the barrel is behind him. |  |
33 | We’ve left the grand arena, and found ourselves on the rooftops. From here, with a little help from Trico, you’ll jump on top of the waterfall. At the other side of it, in the corner, there is something hidden. |  |
33b | t one point, you’ll make Trico dive into a long, underwater cave tunnel. In the next flooded room, use Trico as a bridge to the hidden area from where the light is coming. Several flooded stone pillars are in front of it. |  |
34 | Trico lays down once more (you have to get this collectible). This is the part where we use the metal cage elevator. Grab the head armor piece from one metal-bar cage and take it to the second one. Once you are on the lower level, take the metal head piece to the inactive enemy. The metal head piece will activate it and reveal the location of the barrel behind him. |  |
35 | Further into the game, you and Trico jump through a hole in the ceiling. Before you continue further, take a look to the side. There is a passage that leads to our treasure! |  |
35b | Later in the game you’ll make an attempt to reach the white tower. Trico does his first mini flight here. This attempt ends with both of you inside the other tower. To leave it, you’ll have to go to the top of the long stairs and beyond from there. This is where you should stop, and look for a small entrance in the wall. It leads to another set of stairs, and eventually the barrel. |  |
36-37 | There is a really long sequence before the next one. Once more, the next several barrels are part of the main story. To reach the first one, you’ll have to destroy the debris above Trico. Use the chain to get there and toss them down. |  |
38-39 | The next two are inside the same room as the previous two. Aim for the two mine carts next to Trico. This action will reveal two hidden barrels. |  |
40 | The next locations are all reachable once we get to the White Tower. For this one, you’ll have to ask Trico to prop up. Do it near the four balconies from where enemies were attacking you. Inside one of the balconies is the barrel. |  |
41 | The next one is a bit tricky. Find the gate that takes you inside the White Tower. Right from it, go to the edge of the tower. Call for Trico. Once Trico sits, grab its tail and make it drop down the edge. Use it as ladders to go down. There is a barrel on the platform bellow. Be sure to jump towards it, or close to it. |  |
42 | The last one we found is not that hard to miss. Once you go up riding a cage elevator, you’ll spot a room with many broken barrels. One of them is not, so grab it. |  |
Here’s a list of missing ones from what I can see:
– After number 9, behind the waterfall (jump fom Trico to the green moss).
– After 23, make him jump the gap and lean up against the wall. It’s up there on the right-hand side at the very front part (facing back towards where you jumped across from).
-After 30, take one of the helmets of the dead enemies and use it to bring the others to life. Behind the last one there’s a secret room.
-After 32, this one’s a bit tricky but you have to get one of the enemies’ helmets upstairs by using the cart. Might take a few tries but it does work. Bring this suit of armour to life and the barrel is behind where he was.
-After 33, second swimming area where Trico jumps in to raise you up to the switch. There’s a passage over the far side that you can get to using Trico.
-After 35, when you almost get to the White Tower and Trico does his first mini-fly. After you get safely into the tower you can use the stairs to go all the way to the top and find a barrel.
Can’t think of any others off the top of my head and I do have the Trophy so I hope this helps 🙂
Do you have to get it all in a single run or u can also do a second run just taking the missing ones and get the trophy any way?
I just missed 2 in my dedicated barrel run 🙁
you are missing alot of barrels, how could you possibly get the achievement by getting only these?
Does anyone have a full list ?
There are 64 Barrels in total. So you’re missing quite a few
There are 48 in total in the game! U can get the 64 barrel costume after 1 complete run and a half, the painter one require 2 perfect run 48+48=96!
You missed #10 behind the waterfall in the Lake room.
A bit further into the game, apparently you have to attach the helmet to one of those statues to get another barrel
Think you missed one between #32 and 33, above the arena, hidden behind a statue. I don’t know how to get it though
I just figured out how to this barrel.
You need to defeat the soldiers at the bottom of the coliseum. then, take the catapult/seesaw to the middle of the light the mesh thing is making. Put one of the heads on the end of the seesaw, and make sure it doesnt fall off. make sure you stand with the barrel, but dont have it in your hands. This DOES work, but might take some time.