Storage room key is an item you can find in The Evil Within 2. It is used to unlock the door of a storage shed in the business district. If you spent time listening to the residual memories along the way, you’ve heard about the shed, and probably want to see what’s inside. Finding the key can be a problem – the district is fairly large, and there are a bunch of items to grab in it. Don’t worry – we’re here to help. We’ve written this guide to show you the Evil Within 2 storage room key location, as well as the location of the shed.
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Evil Within 2 Storage Room Key Location – Business District
Where to find storage key?
You can find the storage key in the business district. It’s in one of the alleys in the southern part of the area. You’ll find it on a body propped up against the corrugated metal fence. There’s a giant monster with a circular saw patrolling the area, so be careful.
Where to find storage room in business district?
The storage room is in the northeastern corner of the business district, near the safehouse. It’s in the park, and the door is on the southern wall. Once you unlock it, you’ll be able to grab teh full-barelled shotgun and some supplies, like ammo and weapon parts.