How to Fight Mesmald Secret Boss - Tales of Arise
A lot of players want to know how to fight the Tales of Arise Mesmald secret boss. I understand why; the hidden boss was actually available as an encounter in the testing stages, for those that were lucky enough to participate. So, of course, those of you that are just coming in want to have the same experience. Well, be careful what you wish for, because the fight is really tough. If you’re still up for the challenge, we’ll show you how to spawn and fight the Mesmald secret boss in Tales of Arise in this guide.

Tales of Arise How to Spawn & Fight Mesmald Secret Boss
To spawn and fight the Mesmald secret boss in Tales of Arise, you need to defeat the Mantis boss in under five minutes. That’s all there is to it. You don’t need to fight the other optional boss, the Relentless Charger, nor do you need to collect the character weapons along the Traslida Highway. As long as you manage to beat Mantis in less than five minutes, Mesmald will appear. Of course, bringing the Mantis down in such a short amount of time is kinda tricky, but you can definitely pull it off with a bit of practice.
The issue is that Mesmald spawns pretty much immediately after you kick Mantis’s butt. It barely lets you make a couple of steps before it rears its ugly head. This is a problem, because the Mantis fight is going to exhaust your characters and resources somewhat. So, how do you fight the Mesmald secret boss in Tales of Arise? Well, we can give you a few pointers. Let’s get into it.
First off, set your party’s strategy to “Focus on Healing.” You’re gonna need it. While we’re on the subject, stock up on CP and HP recovery items, all for the purpose of sustained healing. Cast buffs to attacks as soon as possible, ideally at the very beginning. In the fight itself, focus on the monster’s weak points, especially the tail. Also, don’t be shy with using Boost Attacks to competent your Artes and regular attacks. Lastly, make sure to know when and how to use Mystic Artes.