Tag Archives: zelda botw side quests

Zelda BoTW Travel Medallion Location – Teleportation Rumors Quest
Travel Medallion is a new item in Zelda Breath of The Wild, added in the Master Trials DLC. It’s an amulet that lets you teleport…

Misko The Great Bandit Side Quest – Treasure Location
Misko the Great Bandit is a side quest in Zelda Breath of the Wild. This quest sets you on a short adventure of finding a…

Missing In Action – Where to find Oliff, Flaxel, Canolo, Palme
Missing in Action is one of the side quests in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It requires you to find four friends ambushed by monsters…

Leviathan Bones Side Quest – Where to find great skeletons
Leviathan Bones is a side quest in Zelda Breath of The Wild. When you accept it, you’ll have to take pictures of three great skeletons…

Royal Recipe Side Quest
Royal Recipe is a side quest in Zelda Breath of The Wild. In it, a man will ask you to look around Hyrule Castle in…

Secret Club Secret Side Quest
Secret Club Secret is a side quest in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It takes place in Gerudo Town – there’s a secret store you…

Weapon Connoisseur Quest
The Weapon Connoisseur is a quest you can take in Hateno Village. A little boy called Nebb will set you on a task of finding…

How to Get Blue Flame to Tech Lab
There are two tech labs in Zelda Breath of The Wild – one in Hateno Village, the other near Akkala. In order to access them,…

A Wife Washed Away Side Quest
A Wife Washed Away is a side quest in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It involves finding a missing Zora woman as a favor to…

Eighth Heroine & Forgotten Sword Side Quests
The Eighth Heroine is a sidequest that you can do in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. You pick it up in Gerudo Town by talking…

How to Make Cake – A Parent’s Love Side Quest
A Parent’s Love side quest in Zelda Breath of the Wild requires you to find a recipe for making cake and it is one thing…

Zelda BotW Secret Shrine Quest Locations – riddle and puzzle solutions
Shrine quests are special side quests in Zelda: Breath of the wild that usually have a secret or puzzle for you to solve and are…

Restless Cricket Locations
Restless crickets are a type of insect in Zelda Breath of The Wild. They’re tiny, energetic and live mostly in grassy areas. A certain side…

Tarrey Town – finding Goron, Gerudo, Rito and Zora – From the Ground Up Zelda Quest
From the Ground Up side quest in Zelda Breath of the Wild is one of the longer chains in the game and sends you across…