Tag Archives: zelda botw guides

Zelda BotW Kaya Wan Shrine – Shields from Water Challenge
Kaya Wan is one of the most interesting shrines in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It is not hidden at all, and there are only…

Rota Ooh Shrine – Passing of the Gates Challenge
Rota Ooh is one of the most challenging shrines in Zelda Breath of the Wild. The challenge you find here is called “Passing of the…

Zelda BotW Ya Naga Shrine – Shatter the Heavens Challenge
Ya Naga shrine is one of the many puzzle dungeons in Zelda Breath of The Wild. In order to clear it, you’ll have to beat…

Mezza Lo Shrine – Ancient Trifecta Challenge
Mezza Lo shrine is an interesting two-part adventure in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It will require you to finish the Ancient Trifecta challenge. To…

Saas Ko’sah Shrine Location & Walkthrough
Saas Ko’sah shrine is one of the best hidden ones in Zelda Breath of The Wild, partly thanks to the Hyrule Castle map. Coming in…

Zelda BotW Ke’nai Shakah Shrine – Major Test of Strength
Ke’nai Shakah shrine presents you with a Major Test of Strength in Zelda BoTW. This means you have to defeat a special Guardian inside. The…

Shada Naw Shrine – Red Giveaway Challenge
Shada Naw Shrine is home to the Red Giveaway challenge in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It has a weapon that is more than valuable…

Zelda BotW Tahno O’ah Shrine Walkthrough
Tahno O’ah Shrine is one of the blessing shrines in Zelda Breath of the Wild. This means it doesn’t offer any challenges, and the treasure…

Zelda BotW Ree Dahee Shrine – Timing is Critical Challenge
Ree Dahee Shrine can be found near the beginning of Zelda Breath of The Wild. This is definitely a shrine you don’t want to miss…

Dunba Taag Shrine – Build & Release Challenge
Dunba Taag Shrine is one of the many miniature dungeons in Zelda Breath of the Wild. The main issue that is present here is the…

Keo Ruug Shrine – How to complete constellation puzzle
Keo Ruug shrine in Zelda Breath of the Wild is located in Korok Forest. It is one of the most interesting challenges in the area….

Mogg Latan Shrine Guide
Mogg Latan shrine is one of the many puzzle dungeons in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It might be considered one of the easier shrines,…

Dako Tah Shrine Puzzle Solutions
Dako Tah shrine is one of the many shrines in Zelda Breath of the Wild. The goal here is to overcome obstacles by using the…

Zelda BotW Jee Noh Shrine Walkthrough
Jee Noh shrine is one of the 120 mini dungeons in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s located northeast of Gerudo, just past the mountain…

Zelda BotW Shrine Rewards & Challenges
Zelda BoTW Shrine rewards are treasures you’ll find while exploring the many dungeons in Breath of The Wild. Some shrines are more difficult than others,…

Royal Recipe Side Quest
Royal Recipe is a side quest in Zelda Breath of The Wild. In it, a man will ask you to look around Hyrule Castle in…

Secret Club Secret Side Quest
Secret Club Secret is a side quest in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It takes place in Gerudo Town – there’s a secret store you…

Horse Armor – How to Customize Your Mount
Horse armor is gear you can equip your horse with in Zelda Breath of the Wild. It doesn’t affect the mount’s stats, but it does…

Weapon Connoisseur Quest
The Weapon Connoisseur is a quest you can take in Hateno Village. A little boy called Nebb will set you on a task of finding…

Spring of Wisdom, Courage, Power Locations
Spring of Power, Courage and Wisdom are special places in Zelda Breath of The Wild. When visiting them, you can talk to a statue of…